TechValidate Research on Calabrio ONE

These pages present data that TechValidate has sourced via direct research with verified customers and users of Calabrio ONE. TechValidate stands behind the authenticity of all published data. Learn more »

3,793 Customers Surveyed

26,969 Data Points Collected

508 Published TechFacts

32 Published Charts

67 Published Case Studies

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Selected Research Highlights

Calabrio ONE Customer Testimonial

Improve Agent Coaching While Recording 100% of Calls with Calabrio ONE

We are able to do 100% audio recording and this ability has enhanced our coaching.

Stacey Gehring, IT Specialist, New York Community Bancorp

Calabrio ONE Case Study

European Bank Leverages Calabrio ONE to Monitor Compliance


This case study of a medium enterprise banking company is based on a survey of Calabrio ONE customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“We use Calabrio ONE for compliance and training purposes.”


The business challenges that led the profiled company to evaluate and ultimately select Calabrio ONE:

  • Vendor replaced by Calabrio:
    • NICE
  • Replaced their previous WFO solution with Calabrio for the following reason:
    • They needed to lower their total cost of ownership

Use Case

The key features and functionalities of Calabrio ONE that the surveyed company uses:

  • Using the following modules of Calabrio ONE:
    • Call Recording
    • Quality Management
  • Using the following application in conjunction with their Calabrio software:
    • Cisco platform


The surveyed company achieved the following results with Calabrio ONE:

  • Uses the following feature within Calabrio ONE to engage their workforce and reduce agent turnover:
    • Compliance purposes

Calabrio ONE Case Study

Large Enterprise Professional Services Company


This case study of a large enterprise professional services company is based on an April 2021 survey of Calabrio customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“Our deployment of Calabrio One was easy and we’ve seen little issues.”


The profiled company experienced the following challenges with their previous solution prior to implementing Calabrio:

  • A lack of product features and functionality
  • Insufficient support or services
  • Not being user friendly

Used the following solution prior to switching to Calabrio:

  • Verint

Use Case

The key feature and functionalities of Calabrio ONE that the surveyed company uses:

  • Calabrio Call Recording

Their contact center uses the following metrics to measure performance:

  • Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)
  • First Contact Resolution (FCR)
  • Average Handle Time (AHT)


The surveyed company experienced the following benefits since implementing Calabrio:

  • Reduced costs
  • Improved contact center efficiency
  • Saw a return on their investment in Calabrio in 12+ months.

Experienced the following improvements since implementing Calabrio:

  • Improved customer satisfaction by 75%+
  • Improved employee engagement by 75%+
  • Decreased cost by 75%+
  • Increased insights into customer behaviors by 75%+
  • Increased contact center efficiency by 75%+

Calabrio ONE Customer Satisfaction Rating

Calabrio Saves Time and Money

A project manager at a large enterprise hospitality company would be likely to recommend Calabrio ONE for this reason:

Calabrio is a fantastic all-in-one tool that saves time and money.

Calabrio ONE Customer Research

Calabrio customers are moving to the cloud

In the next 12 months, how will you deploy your WFO solutions?

100% on-premises (no cloud): 56%
100% in the cloud: 19%
Hybrid (combination of private and public cloud): 25%

Calabrio ONE Customer Research

Software Companies Lead the Race to the Cloud for Contact Center WFO

In the next 12 months, how will you deploy your WFO solutions?

100% in the cloud: 63%
100% on-premises (no cloud): 25%
Hybrid (combination of private and public cloud): 13%

More to Explore

About Calabrio ONE

Calabrio is the customer experience intelligence company that empowers organizations to enrich human interactions. The scalability of our cloud platform allows for quick deployment of remote work models—and it gives our customers precise control over both operating costs and customer satisfaction levels. Our AI-driven analytics tools make it easy for contact centers to uncover customer sentiment and share compelling insights with other parts of the organization. Customers choose Calabrio because we understand their needs and provide a best-in-class experience, from implementation to ongoing support.

Calabrio ONE Website   Calabrio Website