TechValidate Research on OpenSesame

These pages present data that TechValidate has sourced via direct research with verified customers and users of OpenSesame. TechValidate stands behind the authenticity of all published data. Learn more »

1,255 Customers Surveyed

10,433 Data Points Collected

321 Published TechFacts

48 Published Charts

50 Published Case Studies

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Selected Research Highlights

OpenSesame Case Study

Medium Enterprise Professional Services Company adds elearning to enhance employee training


This case study of a medium enterprise professional services company is based on a June 2017 survey of OpenSesame customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“OpenSesame has been a great addition to our online course offerings as it provides a wide variety of topics that are all very applicable to an individual’s professional development.”


The business challenges that led the profiled company to evaluate and ultimately select OpenSesame:

  • Faced the following challenges when providing online training to learners at their company:
    • Deploying learning content
    • Low completion rates
    • Seeing a return on training or higher performance after training
    • Low utilization rates
  • Offered 0-100 training courses to their learners prior to using OpenSesame.


The surveyed company achieved the following results with OpenSesame:

  • Able to offer 101-500 training courses to their learners after purchasing OpenSesame.
  • Able to train 0-25% more employees after purchasing OpenSesame.

OpenSesame Case Study

Medium Enterprise Insurance Company expands elearning library with OpenSesame


This case study of a medium enterprise insurance company is based on a June 2017 survey of OpenSesame customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“Our resources are limited and can create a limited amount of content. OpenSesame instantly allows us to expand our library and audience-base to make more Department heads happier.


The business challenges that led the profiled company to evaluate and ultimately select OpenSesame:

  • Faced the following challenges when providing online training to learners at their company:
    • Low completion rates
    • Low utilization rates
    • Cost
    • Using a learning management system (LMS)
  • Offered 0-100 training courses to their learners prior to using OpenSesame.


The surveyed company achieved the following results with OpenSesame:

  • Able to offer 101-500 training courses to their learners after purchasing OpenSesame.
  • Able to train 51-75% more employees after purchasing OpenSesame.

OpenSesame Customer Testimonial

More content variety means increased utilization and learner engagement

With OpenSesame, I am able to offer a wider range of courses to our learners and they are utilizing the system more often. In addition to launching a new user experience with personalized learning recommendations this past summer, our users are more engaged.

Karla Glick, LMS Administrator, Virtuoso

OpenSesame Customer Research

Top reasons retailers choose OpenSesame

What were the major reasons you decided to purchase OpenSesame?

Breadth of catalog will satisfy the broad needs of my company
Integrated with my current LMS
Catalog had courses of high-quality
Catalog had the courses I was looking for
Courses were reviewed, evaluated, and curated
Referral from colleague or friend

OpenSesame Customer Research

Most popular course topics

What are the main categories / courses you use from OpenSesame?

Leadership and business skills
Technology (Microsoft Office, Google/G Suite Applications)
HR compliance
Health and safety

OpenSesame Customer Satisfaction Rating

Patricia Mullen, an eLearning & Technology Manager at Suncoast Hospice Institute/Empath Health, would be very likely to recommend OpenSesame for this reason:

OpenSesame has a good selection of courses that are easy for users to navigate.

More to Explore

About OpenSesame

Leading organizations depend on OpenSesame to train millions of employees. An entirely new and better way—easier, more economical, with less risk—to access the best on-­demand training. With thousands of business, safety, technology, and compliance courses, OpenSesame helps train organizations of any size.

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