Expertly curated content

Click the image to see what our manufacturing customers are saying about our content and curation services.

OpenSesame Customer Research

Top reasons manufacturing organizations switched from other elearning providers

If you switched from another off-the-shelf elearning provider, what were the reasons you searched for a new solution?

Looking for more variety in formats and styles for different learners
Needed more variety of courses in multiple topics areas (for example, compliance, safety, soft skills)
Required more language options/localized content
To find a more cost-effective solution
To reduce administration of integrating elearning courses with LMS

OpenSesame Customer Review

Why EnerSys Inc. recommends OpenSesame

4.5/5 Stars

How our organization uses OpenSesame:

We use OpenSesame in two ways:

  1. We have a catalog library available to all employees for their use.
  2. We incorporate OpenSesame courses into the existing curriculum for safety, electronics, management development, and basic skills.

Would you recommend OpenSesame?

Yes. There is no other source or provider that can offer the breadth of courses and publishers that OpenSesame does.

OpenSesame Customer Testimonial

Global manufacturing organization takes advantage of multilingual course offering

With OpenSesame, we have a huge variety of courses available to us in most of the languages in use at our company.

Andrew Krajewski, Director of Global Training and Development, EnerSys

OpenSesame Customer Testimonial

Expert curation for your organization

OpenSesame curated courses by our performance review competencies. Customer Service for issues is great.

Chief HR/People Officer, Small Business Industrial Manufacturing Company

OpenSesame Customer Testimonial

Content variety is key

Amalgamation is key. The variety of sources, languages, and content types from microlearning through multi-session certification programs allows me to offer a considerable variety to our employees.

Andrew Krajewski, L&D Director, EnerSys

OpenSesame Customer Testimonial

Curating courses with OpenSesame Lists

It is easier to filter courses in OpenSesame and the difference is the “My Lists” function.

Lois Parks, L&D Director, Koenig & Bauer AG

OpenSesame Customer Testimonial

OpenSesame’s vast content variety

OpenSesame is different because they are a conduit for bringing a variety of different elearning providers together. This brings variety and choice.

Melanie Moses, L&D Manager, EnerSys

OpenSesame Customer Testimonial

Addressing the diverse needs of your workforce

OpenSesame provides us with a single source for a variety of course topics to address the various learning needs of the diverse learning audience we serve.

IT Systems Analyst, Global 500 Industrial Manufacturing Company

OpenSesame Customer Statistic

The right content for manufacturing organizations

75% of surveyed manufacturing organizations gained access to a broad spectrum of training courses their company needed since using OpenSesame.
