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OpenSesame Customer Review

Why Blount Inernational Inc. recommends OpenSesame

5/5 Stars

How our organization uses OpenSesame:

We use OpenSesame courses to help our team members improve their job skills and leadership skills, as well as explore and learn about other topics that may or may not be related to their current position. The courses have helped us give our team members a clear path for career development.

Would you recommend OpenSesame?

Yes. Their catalog of courses is huge and they keep adding new courses and new publishers. Their topics are relevant to our business and industry. Their support and guidance have been above and beyond what we expected. Not only do they help us with the administration of our courses, but help us to solve our LMS challenges and help our learners.

OpenSesame Customer Satisfaction

Satisfaction with OpenSesame among manufacturing organizations

100% of surveyed manufacturing organizations are likely to recommend OpenSesame.

OpenSesame Customer Testimonial

How is OpenSesame different than other elearning vendors?

Continuous updates to content and course offerings while providing efficient and helpful customer support.

L&D Manager, Large Enterprise Industrial Manufacturing Company

OpenSesame Customer Testimonial

Why choose OpenSesame?

The ease of use and customer service exceeds our other vendors.

Julie Hugo, LMS Administrator, Blount International

OpenSesame Customer Satisfaction Rating

Why Blount International Inc. recommends OpenSesame

Julie Hugo, a Learning and Development Coordinator at Blount International, would be very likely to recommend OpenSesame for these reasons:

A large selection of relevant, quality videos, loading the courses into our Learning Management System is easy, and the support staff at OpenSesame is knowledgeable, efficient, and focused on serving the customer.

OpenSesame Customer Satisfaction Rating

Why Owens-Illinois recommends OpenSesame

Matt Mafrici, a Human Resources Manager at Owens-Illinois, would be very likely to recommend OpenSesame for this reason:

Everything worked exactly the way it was described.

The Customer Service was exemplary — lots of contact and check-ins to see if there was anything further that could be done.

We launched a region-wide LMS at the same time as the OpenSesame elearning, so it was risky. Happy to say it was seamless.

OpenSesame Customer Satisfaction Rating

Why Nidec Motor Corporation recommends OpenSesame

Joseph Stoff, a Sr. Human Resources Director at Nidec Motor Corporation, would be very likely to recommend OpenSesame for this reason:

OpenSesame provides exceptional account management and technical & customer support.