TechValidate Research on Innovative Interfaces

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Innovative Interfaces Customer Testimonial

Leap Creates New Opportunities for the Library

I’ll say that since deploying Leap, we’ve opened up many doors that, previously, library staff didn’t even think about.

Executive Director, Non Profit

Innovative Interfaces Customer Testimonial

Easy User Experience for All

In using other ILSs at other libraries, I can say that Polaris is staff- and patron-friendly where others are not.

Executive Director, State & Local Government

Innovative Interfaces Customer Statistic

93% of surveyed libraries said that library program & events data help them demonstrate the impact of the library on their community.


Innovative Interfaces Customer Satisfaction Rating

An Associate Director at a state & local government would be very likely to recommend Innovative Interfaces for this reason:

Support is essential, and III’s has been best for several years now.

Innovative Interfaces Customer Satisfaction Rating

A Department Manager- IT at a state & local government would be very likely to recommend Innovative Interfaces for this reason:

I think you’ve really developed Sierra well in the last few years. The releases are stable, good features are added frequently, and I feel we get good value for our maintenance. We’re extending our capabilities with SQL and DNA so I do like the “open” aspect touted a few years ago, it works.

Innovative Interfaces Customer Satisfaction Rating

An Associate Director at a library would be very likely to recommend Innovative Interfaces for this reason:

Innovative has always provided excellent products and services to our library.

Innovative Interfaces Customer Satisfaction Rating

A Department Manager- IT would be very likely to recommend Innovative Interfaces for this reason:

The support, feature set, and overall level of customizations that we’re able to implement with Sierra is outstanding.

Innovative Interfaces Customer Statistic

71% of surveyed customers said library materials search is important to have in a mobile app.


Innovative Interfaces Customer Statistic

80% of surveyed customers said checking item status is important to have in a mobile app.


Innovative Interfaces Customer Statistic

65% of surveyed Sierra users agree that product performance is better compared to the competition.


Innovative Interfaces Customer Statistic

70% of surveyed Sierra users agree that overall functionality is better compared to the competition.


Innovative Interfaces Customer Statistic

75% of surveyed customers would rate the value of Sierra as good or better.

Innovative Interfaces Customer Testimonial

How has Sierra enhanced your overall library service?

It allows more customization, and it is more user friendly. Also works better with APIs and third-party products integration.

Wendy Zhang, Line Staff- Technical Services, District of West Vancouver

Innovative Interfaces Customer Testimonial

How has Sierra enhanced your overall library service?

Sierra allows global update to bib records that was not available on our last ILS. Create Lists is a major improvement to the reports we are able to use in updating and improving records for our patrons use.

Line Staff- Technical Services, Educational Institution

Innovative Interfaces Customer Testimonial

How has Sierra enhanced your overall library service?

Significant improvement with ability to have customers use SAML/SSO.

Associate Director, Educational Institution

Innovative Interfaces Customer Testimonial

How has Sierra enhanced your overall library service?

The creation and the expansion of the API has allowed us to create internal applications that are essential to our operations, especially our Outreach program. It has also given us flexibility to design and tweak our public interfaces.

Associate Director, State & Local Government

Innovative Interfaces Customer Testimonial

How has Sierra enhanced your overall library service?

The level of integration that we are able to provide our customers within the discovery layer and several other products is much better than anything we’ve ever had before.

Department Manager- IT, Cultural Institution

Innovative Interfaces Customer Testimonial

How has Sierra enhanced your overall library service?

It allows easy catalog searching for our patrons. Provides good statistical information when needed.

Department Manager-Technical Services, Large Enterprise Professional Services Company

Innovative Interfaces Customer Statistic

Why libraries choose Sierra

68% of surveyed customers said the top reason for purchasing Sierra was breadth and depth of ILS functionality.


Innovative Interfaces Customer Satisfaction Rating

Karen Knox, a Director of Technology Services at St Charles City County Library District (inc), would be likely to recommend Innovative Interfaces for this reason:

I still believe in Polaris as the best solution for public libraries.

Innovative Interfaces Customer Satisfaction Rating

An Executive Director at a cultural institution would be very likely to recommend Innovative Interfaces for this reason:

Its a good reliable product. Compared to others it works with less downtime and is intuitive.

Innovative Interfaces Customer Satisfaction Rating

Joe Saloom, an Assistant Director at Flagler County Public Library, would be very likely to recommend Innovative Interfaces for this reason:

It is mainstream and works with most vendors. Definitely makes things easy.

Innovative Interfaces Customer Satisfaction Rating

A Department Manager-IT at a state & local government would be very likely to recommend Innovative Interfaces for this reason:

They have a suite of products coming out that should rival most competitor options, all from a single vendor.

Innovative Interfaces Customer Satisfaction Rating

An Executive Director at a cultural institution would be very likely to recommend Innovative Interfaces for this reason:

Excellent customer service and communication

Innovative Interfaces Customer Satisfaction Rating

Jo Giudice, a Director of Libraries at City of Dallas, would be very likely to recommend Innovative Interfaces for this reason:

Our great working relationship and it’s ability to meet our needs.

Innovative Interfaces Customer Satisfaction Rating

David Costa, an Executive Director at Sparta Public Library, would be very likely to recommend Innovative Interfaces for this reason:

Best product on the market

Innovative Interfaces Customer Testimonial

Where do you use Polaris Leap in your community?

At festivals while out with our BookBike!

Jo Giudice, Director of Libraries, City of Dallas

Innovative Interfaces Customer Testimonial

Where do you use Polaris Leap in your community?

Local pub for trivia night.

Department Manager-IT, State & Local Government

Innovative Interfaces Customer Testimonial

An interesting use for Polaris Leap:

For crowd control – to move things along like check out for Summer Reading on the day of programs.

Executive Director, Cultural Institution

Innovative Interfaces Customer Testimonial

Where do you use Polaris Leap in your community?

We’ve used it at our local farmer’s market and at a school. We also used it to take an inventory of our collection.

Executive Director, Non Profit

More Research on Innovative Interfaces