TechValidate Research on Innovative Interfaces

These pages present data that TechValidate has sourced via direct research with verified customers and users of Innovative Interfaces. TechValidate stands behind the authenticity of all published data. Learn more »

2,818 Customers Surveyed

17,148 Data Points Collected

138 Published TechFacts

32 Published Charts

21 Published Case Studies

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Selected Research Highlights

Polaris Customer Research

Top reasons why libraries chose the Polaris Web Application (LEAP)

What were the top reasons you chose the Polaris Web Application (LEAP) product?

Web-based mobility for public services and reference staff
Flexible mobile access to better connect with our community
An intuitive interface with flexible workflows

Sierra Customer Review

4.5/5 Stars

How our organization uses Sierra:

We’re a small academic law library and we use the basic library modules: OPAC, serials, cataloging, acquisitions, and circulation. We also keep our library homepage within the III service.

Please describe your experience with Innovative products and services.

Innovative products are always outstanding and outperform all competitors products. I’ve been working in libraries for over 30 years with only Innovative products.

Innovative Interfaces Customer Research

How would you rate your effectiveness to meet those objectives?

Extremely effective Mostly effective Effective Not effective

Increase library visits & new cardholders
Increase program attendance
Increase website visits
Increase use of resources and collections
Improve community awareness of programs and services

Polaris Case Study

State & Local Government


This case study of a state & local government is based on a January 2019 survey of Polaris customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled organization asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.


After comparing with other solutions (including Horizon), the organization decided to go with Polaris.

The key challenges they wanted to address included:

  • Improving the patron experience
  • Reducing time spent managing print and electronic resources
  • Reducing time spent integrating with, and maintaining, third-party applications

Use Case

Their primary reasons for choosing an Innovative product were the technical quality of current Innovative products, the breadth of partnerships with publishers and content providers, and the quality of Innovative services, training, and support.

The organization chose Polaris over the competition for the following reasons:

  • Breadth and depth of ILS functionality
  • Streamlined workflow and overall system efficiency
  • Web-based mobility

Other factors in their decision to purchase the Polaris Web Application (LEAP) product included web-based mobility for public services and reference staff and flexible mobile access to help them better connect with their community.


Overall, the organization rates Polaris as better than the competition when it comes to performance and web-based mobility for staff. They also rate Innovative as better than the competition when it comes to technical and customer support.

They’re likely to purchase Innovative products again and note that Polaris is both easy to use and reliable.

Innovative Interfaces Customer Testimonial

Polaris has allowed our staff to be more flexible on public desks and more productive behind the scenes. The functionality and speed of the ILS seem to outperform all of the current competitors.

Executive Director, Cultural Institution

Polaris Case Study

Orion Township Public Library


This case study of Orion Township Public Library is based on a January 2019 survey of Polaris customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service.


After comparing with other solutions (namely Horizon), the Orion Township Public Library decided to go with Polaris. The key challenges that they chose Polaris to help address were reducing the time spent on supporting discovery and circulation, and improving the patron experience.

Use Case

Their primary reasons for choosing an Innovative product were the technical quality of current Innovative products, the quality of Innovative services, training, and support, Innovative’s commitment to supporting products, and Innovative’s active investment in developing new products.

The Orion Township Public Library went with Polaris specifically because of the following features:

  • Breadth and depth of ILS functionality
  • Streamlined workflow and overall system efficiency
  • Streamlined reporting & analytics
  • Price

Other factors in their decision to purchase the Polaris Web Application (LEAP) product included web-based mobility, flexible mobile access and responsive design, intuitive interface, and the ease of training.


After switching to Polaris, they’d be likely to purchase Innovative products again. They also rate Polaris as better than the competition when it comes to overall functionality, performance, APIs and integrations, reporting and statistics, web-based mobility for staff, and responsive discovery.

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