TechValidate Research on The Skills Connection

35 Charts – Page 1 of 2

The Skills Connection Customer Research

All of our clients rate us at least 4.5 out of 5

How would you rate The Skills Connection?


The Skills Connection Customer Research

How companies use The Skills Connection

Check all of the following statements that describe how you use The Skills Connection.

Show us how to effectively communicate our story to analysts
Give us the necessary expertise to effectively engage analysts
Help us improve our position in an MQ/Wave/Marketscape
Create compelling evidence-based cases for analysts
Provide the tools and best practices needed to build a strong case for analysts
Show us how to gather the right information for analysts
Focus just on what was needed, and avoid wasting time on anything else
Help us enter an assessment such as an MQ/Wave/Marketscape for the first time
Create an internal learning environment so that our team can be more effective in the future

The Skills Connection Customer Research

Check all of the following statements that describe how you used The Skills Connection.

We used The Skills Connection to …

Give us the necessary expertise to effectively engage analysts
Show us how to gather the right information for analysts
Show us how to effectively communicate our story to analysts
Help us improve our position in an MQ/Wave/Marketscape
Help us enter an assessment such as an MQ/Wave/Marketscape for the first time
Focus just on what was needed, and avoid wasting time on anything else
Create an internal learning environment so that our team can be more effective in the future
Provide the tools and best practices needed to build a strong case for analysts
Create compelling evidence-based cases for analysts

The Skills Connection Customer Research

93% of Our Clients Rate Us At Least 4 out of 5

How would you rate The Skills Connection?


The Skills Connection Customer Research

Why Companies Value Working with The Skills Connection

Please indicate the degree to which you agree with each of the following statements. The Skills Connection is…

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree

Value for money
Best practice focused

The Skills Connection Customer Research

Adding Value For Our Clients

Please indicate the degree to which you agree with each of the following statements. The Skills Connection…

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree

Met our internal schedules and deadlines
Ensured we met schedules and deadlines for the analysts
Facilitated the co-ordination of activities across our internal response team
Acted as an extension of staff
Enabled us to focus on what was needed and avoid wasting time on anything else

The Skills Connection Customer Research

96% of Our Clients Say We Focus their Analyst Engagement and Prevent Wasting Time

When asked if The Skills Connection enabled them to focus on what was needed and avoid wasting time on anything else, customers said:

Strongly Agree: 61%
Agree: 35%
Disagree: 4%

The Skills Connection Customer Research

94% of Clients See Us as Truly Being an Extension of Staff

When asked if The Skills Connection acted as an extension of staff, customers said:

Strongly Agree: 60%
Agree: 34%
Disagree: 6%

The Skills Connection Customer Research

Ensuring Our Clients Hit the Challenging Analyst Deadlines

When asked if The Skills Connection ensured they met schedules and deadlines for the analysts, customers said:

Strongly Agree: 72%
Agree: 27%
Disagree: 1%

The Skills Connection Customer Research

Meeting Our Clients Deadlines

When asked if The Skills Connection met their internal schedules and deadlines, customers said:

Strongly Agree: 80%
Agree: 19%
Disagree: 1%

The Skills Connection Customer Research

How Companies Use The Skills Connection

Check all of the following statements that describe how you used The Skills Connection.

Show us how to effectively communicate our story to analysts
Help us improve our position in an MQ/Wave/Marketscape
Create compelling evidence-based cases for analysts
Give us the necessary expertise to effectively engage analysts
Show us how to gather the right information for analysts
Provide the tools and best practices needed to build a strong case for analysts
Focus just on what was needed, and avoid wasting time on anything else
Create an internal learning environment so that our team can be more effective in the future
Help us enter an assessment such as an MQ/Wave/Marketscape for the first time

The Skills Connection Customer Research

Why Companies Engage The Skills Connection

Which of the following statements describe what prompted you to engage The Skills Connection?

We wanted to change our position in the MQ/Wave/Marketscape to generate new business
We wanted to learn how to effectively differentiate ourselves from our competitors when talking with analysts
We did not have the in-house expertise to effectively engage with analysts
We were concerned that coverage of our product/services by analysts would negatively impact our business

The Skills Connection Customer Research

Working with The Skills Connection Team

Please indicate your company’s experience with The Skills Connection.

Gave us the ability to create a strong evidence-based case to analysts covering our product/service
Gave us confidence communicating the unique value of our solution to analysts
Gave us the skills needed to communicate with analysts in the future
Gave us unique insights about our solution that were instrumental in winning over analysts

The Skills Connection Customer Research

The Value Provided by The Skills Connection

Please indicate which of the following statements reflect how your company has benefited from working with The Skills Connection.

Helped us to positively shift our position in the MQ/Wave/Marketscape
Enabled us to get better results than when we had engaged with analysts
Gave our internal team the tools and skills to effectively engage with analysts
Gave us the ability to effectively communicate the unique value of our products/services

The Skills Connection Customer Research

The Value Provided by The Skills Connection

Please indicate which of the following statements reflect how your company has benefited from working with The Skills Connection.

Helped us to positively shift our position in the MQ/Wave/Marketscape
Enabled us to get better results than when we had engaged with analysts
Gave our internal team the tools and skills to effectively engage with analysts
Gave us the ability to effectively communicate the unique value of our products/services

The Skills Connection Customer Research

Working with The Skills Connection Team

Please indicate your company’s experience with The Skills Connection.

Gave us the ability to create a strong evidence-based case to analysts covering our product/service
Gave us confidence communicating the unique value of our solution to analysts
Gave us the skills needed to communicate with analysts in the future
Gave us unique insights about our solution that were instrumental in winning over analysts

The Skills Connection Customer Research

Why Companies Engage The Skills Connection

Which of the following statements describe what prompted you to engage The Skills Connection?

We wanted to change our position in the MQ/Wave/Marketscape to generate new business
We wanted to learn how to effectively differentiate ourselves from our competitors when talking with analysts
We did not have the in-house expertise to effectively engage with analysts
We were concerned that coverage of our product/services by analysts would negatively impact our business

The Skills Connection Customer Research

Meeting Our Clients Deadlines

When asked if The Skills Connection met their internal schedules and deadlines, customers said:

Strongly Agree: 81%
Agree: 18%
Disagree: 1%

The Skills Connection Customer Research

Ensuring Our Clients Hit the Challenging Analyst Deadlines

When asked if The Skills Connection ensured they met schedules and deadlines for the analysts, customers said:

Strongly Agree: 71%
Agree: 28%
Disagree: 1%

The Skills Connection Customer Research

95% of Clients See Us as Truly Being an Extension of Staff

When asked if The Skills Connection acted as an extension of staff, customers said:

Strongly Agree: 58%
Agree: 37%
Disagree: 5%

The Skills Connection Customer Research

97% of Our Clients Say We Focus their Analyst Engagement and Prevent Wasting Time

When asked if The Skills Connection enabled them to focus on what was needed and avoid wasting time on anything else, customers said:

Strongly Agree: 60%
Agree: 37%
Disagree: 3%

The Skills Connection Customer Research

Adding Value For Our Clients

Please indicate the degree to which you agree with each of the following statements. The Skills Connection ….

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree

Met our internal schedules and deadlines
Ensured we met schedules and deadlines for the analysts
Facilitated the co-ordination of activities across our internal response team
Acted as an extension of staff
Enabled us to focus on what was needed and avoid wasting time on anything else

The Skills Connection Customer Research

Why Companies Value Working with The Skills Connection

Please indicate the degree to which you agree with each of the following statements. The Skills Connection is ….

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree

Value for money
Best practice focused

The Skills Connection Customer Research

95% of Our Clients Rate Us At Least 4 out of 5

How would you rate The Skills Connection?


94% of Our Clients Rate Us At Least 4 out of 5

How would you rate The Skills Connection?


Why Companies Value Working with The Skills Connection

Please indicate the degree to which you agree with each of the following statements. The Skills Connection is ….

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree

Value for money
Best practice focused

Adding Value For Our Clients

Please indicate the degree to which you agree with each of the following statements. The Skills Connection ….

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree

Met our internal schedules and deadlines
Ensured we met schedules and deadlines for the analysts
Acted as an extension of staff
Enabled us to focus on what was needed and avoid wasting time on anything else

97% of Our Clients Say We Focus their Analyst Engagement and Prevent Wasting Time

When asked if The Skills Connection enabled them to focus on what was needed and avoid wasting time on anything else, customers said:

Strongly Agree: 52%
Agree: 45%
Disagree: 3%

92% of Clients See Us as Truly Being an Extension of Staff

When asked if The Skills Connection acted as an extension of staff, customers said:

Strongly Agree: 44%
Agree: 48%
Disagree: 8%

Ensuring Our Clients Hit the Challenging Analyst Deadlines

When asked if The Skills Connection ensured they met schedules and deadlines for the analysts, customers said:

Strongly Agree: 61%
Agree: 38%
Disagree: 2%

More Research on The Skills Connection