TechValidate Research on The Skills Connection

These pages present data that TechValidate has sourced via direct research with verified customers and users of The Skills Connection. TechValidate stands behind the authenticity of all published data. Learn more »

168 Customers Surveyed

1,560 Data Points Collected

266 Published TechFacts

35 Published Charts

73 Published Case Studies

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Selected Research Highlights

The Skills Connection Customer Research

Meeting Our Clients Deadlines

When asked if The Skills Connection met their internal schedules and deadlines, customers said:

Strongly Agree: 80%
Agree: 19%
Disagree: 1%

The Skills Connection Case Study

Medium Enterprise Data-Related Software Company


This case study of a medium enterprise computer software company is based on a February 2024 survey of The Skills Connection customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

I would definitely recommend The Skills Connection (TSC)!

We wanted to learn how to effectively differentiate ourselves from our competitors when talking with analysts. TSC has been a great partner for our company.

Their insight and perspective have strengthened our analyst report submissions. We rely on them to help us tell our story to analysts in a manner that improves our ranking in evaluative reports and can honestly say that having TSC as a partner during our 2024 Gartner Magic Quadrant submission was invaluable.


The business challenges that led the profiled company to evaluate and ultimately select The Skills Connection:

  • Engaged with The Skills Connection for the following reasons:
    • Wanted to learn how to effectively differentiate themselves from their competitors when talking with analysts

Use Case

The key features and functionalities of The Skills Connection that the surveyed company uses:

  • Uses The Skills Connection to:
    • Provide the necessary expertise to effectively engage analysts
    • Show them how to effectively communicate their story to analysts
    • Help them improve their position in an MQ/Wave/Marketscape
    • Provide the tools and best practices needed to build a strong case for analysts
    • Create compelling evidence-based cases for analysts


The surveyed company achieved the following results with The Skills Connection:

  • Experiences gained with The Skills Connection:
    • Confidence in communicating the unique value of their solution to analysts
    • The ability to create a strong evidence-based case for analysts covering their product/service
    • The skills needed to communicate with analysts in the future
  • Benefits from working with The Skills Connection:
    • Received better results than when they had engaged with analysts
    • Provided their internal team with the tools and skills to effectively engage with analysts
    • Effectively communicates the unique value of their products/services
  • Agrees with the following statements:
    • Met their internal schedules and deadlines: strongly agree
    • Ensured they met schedules and deadlines for the analysts: strongly agree
    • Facilitated the coordination of activities across their internal response team: strongly agree
    • Acted as an extension of staff: strongly agree
    • Enabled them to focus on what was needed and avoid wasting time on anything else: strongly agree
  • The Skills Connection is:
    • Collaborative: strongly agree
    • Knowledgeable: strongly agree
    • Service-oriented: strongly agree
    • Value for money: agree
    • Best practice focused: strongly agree

Rating The Skills Connection

4/5 Stars

How our organization uses The Skills Connection:

The Skills Connection helps us to establish and improve our overall Analyst Relations. In Terms of Gartner Magic Quadrant (MQ) Analysis they guide us through the whole process and challenge our positions. With their highly proficient skills they have helped us to improve our MQ Position for the third successive time.

Would you recommend The Skills Connection?

Yes. With the length of experience they have in the analyst business they really complete our team. They help us to persistently focus our analyst communication on what really counts.

The Skills Connection Customer Research

95% of Clients See Us as Truly Being an Extension of Staff

When asked if The Skills Connection acted as an extension of staff, customers said:

Strongly Agree: 58%
Agree: 37%
Disagree: 5%

Case Study: Small Business Computer Software Company


This case study of a small business computer software company is based on a March 2016 survey of The Skills Connection customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“The Skills Connection helped us in responding to the Gartner Magic Quadrant (MQ) survey.”

“We witnessed very good, visible results after using their services – specifically our position improved.”

“The MQ is one of the most important factors influencing our target buyers’ decision-making for solutions like ours. We have been included in the MQ in the past but without any position improvement year-over-year. Improving position is definitely a favorable factor in attracting prospects and The Skills Connection helped us to achieve this. I would definitely recommend them.”


  • Engaged with The Skills Connection for the following reasons:
    • Did not have the in-house expertise to effectively engage with analysts
    • Wanted to change their position in the MQ/Wave/Marketscape to generate new business

Use Case

  • Uses The Skills Connection to:
    • Show them how to gather the right information for analysts
    • Show them how to effectively communicate their story to analysts
    • Help them improve their position in an MQ/Wave/Marketscape


  • Experiences gained with The Skills Connection:
    • The ability to create a strong evidence-based case to analysts covering their product / service
    • Unique insights about their solution that were instrumental in winning over analysts
  • Benefit from working with The Skills Connection:
    • Positively shifted their position in the MQ/Wave/Marketscape
  • Rates The Skills Connection 4 out of 5 stars.

Value Provided

Improved our Gartner Magic Quadrant position and thus the number of leads generated.

CEO, Small Business Professional Services Company

More to Explore

About The Skills Connection

The Skills Connection helps technology companies to get the right results from analyst engagement. They work with technology clients that want to optimize their chances of success in a Gartner MQ or Forrester Wave assessment. In addition, they work with elite analyst firms, providing coaching and training services to sharpen delivery and improve client satisfaction and renewal rates.

The Skills Connection Website   The Skills Connection Website