TechValidate Research on A10 Networks

These pages present data that TechValidate has sourced via direct research with verified customers and users of A10 Networks. TechValidate stands behind the authenticity of all published data. Learn more »

778 Customers Surveyed

6,397 Data Points Collected

277 Published TechFacts

24 Published Charts

60 Published Case Studies

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Selected Research Highlights

A10 Networks Customer Research

Improved Performance, and Reduced Costs with A10 Products

Which of the following have you accomplished with your A10 product?

Improved application delivery performance
Increased network performance
Reduced costs for your IT infrastructure
Improved network security posture
Improved the efficiency of a business process
Improved disaster recovery capabilities
Supported regulatory compliance requirements

A10 Thunder Series Customer Satisfaction Rating

“High Levels of Reliability and Performance,” Says Financial Services Company’s CTO

A Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at a business financial services company is very likely to recommend A10 Thunder Series as…

The A10 Networks Thunder product provides very high levels of reliability and performance. It is easy to configure and does everything we need.

A10 Networks Customer Research

Most Frequently Replaced Competitors

Which of the following vendors/solutions did you replace with A10 products?

F5 Networks
Citrix Systems (Netscaler)
Barracuda Networks
Fortinet (or Coyote Point Systems)
KEMP Technologies
Arbor Networks

A10 Networks Case Study

Large Enterprise Industrial Manufacturing Company


This case study of a large enterprise industrial manufacturing company is based on a January 2020 survey of A10 Networks customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.


The business challenges that led the profiled company to evaluate and ultimately select A10 Networks:

  • Primary reasons for purchasing products from A10 Networks:
    • To reduce operating and hardware costs
    • To support performance and quality-of-service SLAs

Use Case

The key features and functionalities of A10 Networks that the surveyed company uses:

  • Owns the following A10 products:
    • Thunder ADC (Application Delivery and Load Balancing)
    • Harmony Controller (Centralized Management and Analytics)
  • Uses the following in conjunction with A10 products:
    • Web servers / Web application servers
    • Microsoft Skype for Business or Lync
    • Microsoft Exchange
    • Microsoft SharePoint


The surveyed company achieved the following results with A10 Networks:

  • Accomplished the following using A10 products:
    • Increased network performance
    • Improved application delivery performance
  • Replaced the following vendors/solutions with A10 products:
    • Had already A10 in place
  • Realized a positive ROI within 3 months after using A10 products.
  • Estimates improvements in the following areas:
    • Lowered CapEx: 75% or more
  • Rates the following from A10 when compared to competitive products:
    • Features: much better
    • Performance/scalability: much better
    • Usability/deployment speed: much better
    • Reliability: better
    • Quality of support: much better

A10 Networks Case Study

Ministerio de Defensa


This case study of Ministerio de Defensa is based on a March 2022 survey of A10 Networks customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service.


The business challenges that led the profiled organization to evaluate and ultimately select A10 Networks:

  • Primary reasons for investing in products from A10 Networks:
    • Improve application delivery and performance
    • Protect servers and applications from advanced security threats
    • Consolidation of networking equipment, e.g., ADC, SLB, NAT, FW, etc.
    • Deploy new and / or differentiated services
    • Improve operations with analytics and observability

Use Case

The key features and functionalities of A10 Networks that the surveyed organization uses:

  • Utilizes the following A10 products:
    • Thunder ADC (Application Delivery and Load Balancing)
    • Thunder SSLi (Outbound TLS/SSL Decryption)
    • Harmony Controller (Centralized Management and Analytics)
  • Replaced the following vendors/solutions with A10 products:
    • F5 Networks


The surveyed organization achieved the following results with A10 Networks:

  • The surveyed company agrees with the following statements:
    • “I recommend A10 Networks’ products over other solutions”
    • “A10 Networks provides outstanding customer support”
    • “A10 Networks improved our network security posture”
  • Realized a positive ROI in 6 – 12 Months after using A10 products.
  • Rates the following from A10 when compared to competitive products:
    • features: much better
    • performance/scalability: better
    • usability/deployment: much better
    • reliability: much better
    • quality of support: superior
  • Estimates improvements in the following areas:
    • performance: 75% or more
    • operational Agility: 75% or more
    • accelerate Software Strategy: 75% or more
    • security Incident Reduction: 75% or more
    • customer Satisfaction: 75% or more
    • reliability: 75% or more
    • opEx: 75% or more
    • capEx: 75% or more
  • Estimates an actual dollar savings of $100,000 to $500,000 since using A10 Networks’ solutions.
  • Describes A10 Networks’ products as:
    • Reliable
    • Secure
    • High quality
    • Affordable
    • Easy to use
    • Easy to deploy
    • Great post-sales support
    • Comprehensive

A10 Networks Customer Review

Turkish Oil Company Petrol Ofisi Applauds A10 Networks Thunder TPS

4.5/5 Stars

Please describe why you selected solutions from A10 Networks (advanced features, lower TCO, etc.) and the value that you have gotten from them (application performance, better security, etc.).

Would you recommend A10 Networks Thunder Series, and if so, why?

More to Explore

About A10 Networks

A10 Network solutions enable enterprises, service providers, Web giants and government organizations to secure and optimize the performance of their data center applications and networks. Their Advanced Core Operating System (ACOS®) platform is designed to deliver performance and security.

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