TechValidate Research on Pragmatic Institute

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Pragmatic Institute Customer Satisfaction Rating

Molly Pines, a Sales Representative at dscout, would be very likely to recommend Pragmatic Institute for this reason:

I thought the instructor was incredibly well-prepared, shared concrete examples to help us understand concepts, and gave us useful resources to be hands-on with learning.

Pragmatic Institute Customer Satisfaction Rating

A Product Manager at a small business professional services company would be very likely to recommend Pragmatic Institute for this reason:

Great instructor with awesome information and real use cases

Pragmatic Institute Customer Satisfaction Rating

A Product Owner at a medium enterprise financial services company would be very likely to recommend Pragmatic Institute for this reason:

I found the information valuable and the instructors both knowledgeable and ‘real’ in that they understand the difference between the ‘ideal’ PM and the realities of the job, and provided ways to transition to the ‘ideal’.

Pragmatic Institute Customer Testimonial

Learned from experienced instructors some tools-of-the-trade and best practices to apply to my respective scenarios and product developments.

Chad Thibodeau, Principal Product Owner, Medtronic

Pragmatic Institute Customer Satisfaction Rating

Nikhil Deshpande, a Principal Product Manager at BMC Software, would be very likely to recommend Pragmatic Institute for this reason:

I trust the expertise of Pragmatic’s instructors who have rich experience in their respective domains. I like that most courses are exactly one day long.

Pragmatic Institute Customer Satisfaction Rating

A Product Manager at a large enterprise telecommunications services company would be very likely to recommend Pragmatic Institute for this reason:

The classes are excellent and the content and assistance available to alumni is stellar.

Pragmatic Institute Customer Satisfaction Rating

Hollis Toomey, an Executive at Vital Data Technology, would be very likely to recommend Pragmatic Institute for this reason:

I have been using you all for years. Love the work you do!

Pragmatic Institute Customer Satisfaction Rating

Zach Powers, a Product Manager at Vertical V, would be very likely to recommend Pragmatic Institute for this reason:

Lives up to the Pragmatic name and provides tools you can implement. Highly targeted at product managers and marketers. Great instructors who are willing to answer questions and share real experience.

Pragmatic Institute Customer Satisfaction Rating

A Product Manager at a medium enterprise computer software company would be very likely to recommend Pragmatic Institute for this reason:

My training experience was by far the best and most useful professional training event I have ever attended. And the information that I can access is outstanding.

Pragmatic Institute Customer Satisfaction Rating

A Product Manager at a medium enterprise engineering company would be very likely to recommend Pragmatic Institute for this reason:

While the training is excellent, support materials and events & community are second to none. The core principles & the framework have been consistent and have stood the test of time over the past 20 years, despite seismic shifts in the technology industry.

Pragmatic Institute Customer Satisfaction Rating

A Director of Product at a medium enterprise telecommunications equipment company would be very likely to recommend Pragmatic Institute for this reason:

I got a lot out of the pragmatic foundations course, as did my team. We’ve updated our processes to incorporate many of the learnings and are seeing improvements as a result

Pragmatic Institute Customer Satisfaction Rating

A Product Manager at a large enterprise media & entertainment company would be likely to recommend Pragmatic Institute for this reason:

Very useful information. Pragmatic is the standard for Product Management training in my opinion.

Pragmatic Institute Customer Satisfaction Rating

A Product Manager at a large enterprise computer software company would be very likely to recommend Pragmatic Institute for this reason:

The courses I took blew my mind. Supreme delivery in every aspect.

Pragmatic Institute Customer Satisfaction Rating

A Product Marketing Manager at a large enterprise computer software company would be very likely to recommend Pragmatic Institute for this reason:

As the name implies, the information is “pragmatic” and universally useful to those that must develop and market products

Pragmatic Institute Customer Satisfaction Rating

Mariselle Gonzalez, a Business Project Manager at, inc., would be very likely to recommend Pragmatic Institute for this reason:

I loved the courses and how they were structured. I learned what I needed to learn without the extra fluff. Amazing online tools

Pragmatic Institute Customer Satisfaction Rating

A Product Manager at a large enterprise telecommunications services company would be likely to recommend Pragmatic Institute for this reason:

Pragmatic got me started in product management over a decade ago. I’d recommend it to anyone looking to start a career in product.

Pragmatic Institute Customer Satisfaction Rating

A CPO at a small business computer software company would be very likely to recommend Pragmatic Institute for this reason:

I believe the framework Pragmatic has instituted is a great way to understand the many roles of product.

Pragmatic Institute Customer Satisfaction Rating

A Product Manager at a small business computer software company would be very likely to recommend Pragmatic Institute for this reason:

The course material is relevant and tight. The group activities are during the course is engaging, the Credly badges help sharing the accomplishments on LinkedIn.

Pragmatic Institute Customer Satisfaction Rating

A Product Manager at a large enterprise aerospace & defense company would be very likely to recommend Pragmatic Institute for this reason:

I was very pleased with the training I received and it is a good platform to use to ‘baseline’ the knowledge of product managers

Pragmatic Institute Customer Satisfaction Rating

A Product Marketing Manager at a medium enterprise financial services company would be very likely to recommend Pragmatic Institute for this reason:

I enjoyed the classes I took. The institute is highly reputable and recognized.

Pragmatic Institute Customer Satisfaction Rating

A Product Manager at a large enterprise retail company would be likely to recommend Pragmatic Institute for this reason:

You have all the main product management bases covered. I use knowledge I have acquired through you regularly in my practice. I think PM qualification on my CV helped get me an interview and a job.

Pragmatic Institute Customer Testimonial

The product management team is beginning to realize the value of interviews to define the market problem.

Product Manager, Medium Enterprise Computer Software Company

Pragmatic Institute Customer Testimonial

Biggest impact has been my understanding of the need to communicate and be able to get buy-in, in order to “lead from behind”. Absolutely crucial to this process is being able to tell a story with data. Talking to people gives you the themes and plotline(s), collecting and analyzing the data is how you credibly share the story with decision makers.

Marketing Professional, Non Profit

Pragmatic Institute Customer Testimonial

I can take the product-centric view of things with me to other positions. Our product management team was dissolved at the end of 2019 so I’m not a product manager anymore, now I’m a data scientist, but the product point of view helps me to keep our customers’ point of view more in mind when they provide garbage data to us and our sales team commits to unreasonable timelines instead of deeply discounting our products.

Business Professional, Small Business Computer Services Company

Pragmatic Institute Customer Testimonial

I didn’t know what I didn’t know before. Now I have more clear goals for learning.

Product Owner, Medium Enterprise Computer Software Company

Pragmatic Institute Customer Testimonial

Wish I had this insight earlier on in my career to better understand how to engage different stakeholders.

Executive, Medium Enterprise Healthcare Company

Pragmatic Institute Customer Testimonial

I have launched and supported a program to conduct qualitative interviews focusing on the market problem relative to specific new features on the roadmap.

Product Manager, Medium Enterprise Computer Software Company

Pragmatic Institute Customer Testimonial

Understanding more of the science/analytics behind product managment and the why has helped me have more confidence in sharing my opinions with the team.

Product Marketing Manager, Medium Enterprise Financial Services Company

Pragmatic Institute Customer Testimonial

Spending my time on what matters most, and rallying my team around a clearer roadmap and a more differentiated product and messaging/positioning

Joe Dahlquist, Executive, Threatstop

Pragmatic Institute Customer Testimonial

Better understanding of product development requirements and their dependence on pervasiveness of issues we are addressing vs. strategic focus

Mariselle Gonzalez, Business Project Manager,, inc.

More Research on Pragmatic Institute