TechValidate Research on DrFirst

These pages present data that TechValidate has sourced via direct research with verified customers and users of DrFirst. TechValidate stands behind the authenticity of all published data. Learn more »

1,754 Customers Surveyed

14,443 Data Points Collected

137 Published TechFacts

7 Published Charts

56 Published Case Studies

Selected Research Highlights

DrFirst Customer Fact

An EHR company that partnered with DrFirst shared that leveraging DrFirst integrations has helped their organization to realize faster time to market with new capabilities and regulatory compliance (i.e. SCRIPT2017, Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances (EPCS), and integrated Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) workflow access.

Backline Customer Research

How do you use Backline at your organization?

To manage care coordination between internal departments
To manage care coordination with external hospitals, facilities, and care providers
To communicate with patients and family members securely
For telehealth visits to limit staff and patient exposure to infectious disease
To communicate with pharmacies

Backline Case Study

One Community Hospice & Palliative Care


This case study of One Community Hospice & Palliative Care is based on a May 2020 survey of Backline customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service.

“We’ve expanded our use of Backline from secure texting to telehealth video calls and masked caller id for when providers need to call patients from their personal device.”


The business challenges that led the profiled company to evaluate and ultimately select Backline:

  • To communicate more securely
  • To accelerate clinical workflows

Use Case

The key features and functionalities of Backline that the surveyed company uses:

  • For telehealth visits to limit staff and patient exposure to infectious disease
  • To manage care coordination between internal departments
  • How they used Backline during the COVID-19 Pandemic:
    • Limit staff and patient exposure by utilizing Telehealth capabilities
    • Manage change and communicate to staff
  • Backline features they are currently utilizing:
    • HIPAA-compliant text chat
    • Telehealth or video conferencing
    • Audio calls
    • Automated clinical notifications
    • Patient-centered chat
  • Use Backline to coordinate care with the following:
    • Departments within their organization (nurses, doctors, EMS, ED, etc.)
    • Homecare and hospice workers


The surveyed company achieved the following results with Backline:

  • Level of satisfaction with the following Backline features:
    • HIPAA-compliant text chat: extremely satisfied
    • Video calls: very satisfied
    • Audio calls: very satisfied
    • Patient-centered chat: extremely satisfied
    • File sharing: very satisfied
    • Masked caller ID: very satisfied
    • Automated clinical notifications: extremely satisfied
  • When asked if Backline ever helped to save a patient’s life at their organization, they said yes.

Backline Customer Research

How satisfied are you with the following features?

Extremely satisfied Very satisfied Satisfied Not satisfied

HIPAA-compliant text chat
File sharing
Electronic forms and signature
Drivers license scanning for medication history
Automated clinical notifications
Audio calls
Video calls
Patient-centered chat
Masked caller ID

MedHx Customer Statistic

94% of organizations agreed with the following statement:

“By using MedHx with SmartSig we are spending less time gathering, confirming and documenting a home medication list.”


MedHx Case Study

MedHx Helps Kingman Regional Medical Center Reduce Readmissions with Improved Medication History Data and Adherence Insights


This case study of Kingman Regional Medical Center is based on a December 2021 survey of DrFirst customers by TechValidate, a third-party research service.


The business challenges that led Kingman Regional Medical Center to evaluate and ultimately select MedHx:

  • Incomplete medication history data
  • Patients not taking meds as directed
  • Duplicate medications

The primary source of readmissions:

  • Medication non-adherence

Use Case

Extremely Valuable MedHx capabilities:

  • Alerts: Extremely
  • Adherence Scores
  • Timeline View
  • Grouping or Sorting
  • Estimated Supply
  • Map View of Multiple Provider Episodes
  • Printing Medication Lists

Most effective methods or tools when helping patients adhere to their treatment plans:

  • MedHx Companion
  • Interviews with patients and family members
  • Med to beds program


Kingman Regional Medical Center achieved the following results with MedHx:

  • Feels their patient records are 95% or better complete
  • Savings of 2+ hours a day previously spent gathering and confirming a patient’s medication list

Kingman Regional Medical Center agreed with the statement, “Using MedHx Companion alongside my EHR has improved my clinical workflows and provided access to more clinically useful data.”

More to Explore

About DrFirst

DrFirst’s mission is to unite the Healthiverse with revolutionary products and services that close the gaps between information and people so that all sectors in healthcare can create better outcomes together.