TechValidate Research on The Skills Connection

73 Case Studies – Page 3 of 3

Case Study: Medium Enterprise Computer Software Company


This case study of a medium enterprise computer software company is based on a March 2016 survey of The Skills Connection customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“The Skills Connection team work with us on a range of activities. This starts with our overall analyst engagement, including briefings and participation in various vendor evaluations. In addition, they are working with us on our user conference. This involves training staff on presenting, helping them to work out the right content and reviewing their draft presentations. Lastly, they are also a part of the team that is working to improve our product roadmap document; ensuring that all our messages are really clear.”

“I would strongly recommend The Skills Connection for the following reasons: – they have always provided very good advice on how to create a convincing story, their ability to structure our arguments to focus on the main ideas, their capacity to understand new developments quickly and integrate them into our story for the relevant analysts. Overall they have the capacity to help craft an effective storyline and bring out the essential elements, they provide very constructive feedback, and have a very effective structured approach.”

“With their help we became a leader in the Magic Quadrant and have remained a leader for the last 3 years. We are now also a leader in the relevant IDC MarketScape (on our first attempt) as well as a leader in Nelson Hall’s NEAT assessment where we are one of the most highly ratedd suppliers.”


  • Engaged with The Skills Connection for the following reasons:
    • Did not have the in-house expertise to effectively engage with analysts
    • Wanted to learn how to effectively differentiate themselves from their competitors when talking with analysts
    • Wanted to change their position in the MQ/Wave/Marketscape to generate new business

Use Case

  • Uses The Skills Connection to:
    • Provide the necessary expertise to effectively engage analysts
    • Show them how to gather the right information for analysts
    • Show them how to effectively communicate their story to analysts
    • Help them improve their position in an MQ/Wave/Marketscape
    • Create compelling evidence-based cases for analysts


  • Experiences gained with The Skills Connection:
    • Confidence communicating the unique value of their solution to analysts
    • The ability to create a strong evidence-based case to analysts covering their product / service
    • The skills needed to communicate with analysts in the future
    • Unique insights about their solution that were instrumental in winning over analysts
  • Benefits from working with The Skills Connection:
    • Positively shifted their position in the MQ/Wave/Marketscape
    • Received better results than when they had engaged with analysts
    • Provided their internal team the tools and skills to effectively engage with analysts
    • Effectively communicates the unique value of their products / services
  • Rates The Skills Connection 5 out of 5 stars.

Case Study: Large Enterprise Computer Services Company


This case study of a large enterprise computer services company is based on a March 2016 survey of The Skills Connection customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“We work with The Skills Connection to prepare for our Gartner Magic Quadrant (MQ) submission. They help us to interpret the requirements, storyboard the response, review references, prepare our presenters to deliver the presentation, and review all of our collateral prior to submission.”

“I would recommend them as they are easy to work with, adaptable, and truly become a part of the team. Critically they understand Gartner absolutely. They are very experienced, with excellent analytical skills and very good influencing skills.”

“Net, their understanding of the analyst mindset contributed to our achieving our best ever position in the MQ.”


  • Engaged with The Skills Connection for the following reasons:
    • Did not have the in-house expertise to effectively engage with analysts
    • Wanted to learn how to effectively differentiate themselves from their competitors when talking with analysts
    • Wanted to change their position in the MQ/Wave/Marketscape to generate new business

Use Case

  • Uses The Skills Connection to:
    • Provide the necessary expertise to effectively engage analysts
    • Show them how to gather the right information for analysts
    • Show them how to effectively communicate their story to analysts
    • Help them improve their position in an MQ/Wave/Marketscape
    • Focus just on what was needed, and avoid wasting time on anything else
    • Provide the tools and best practices needed to build a strong case for analysts
    • Create compelling evidence-based cases for analysts


  • Experiences gained with The Skills Connection:
    • Confidence communicating the unique value of their solution to analysts
    • The ability to create a strong evidence-based case to analysts covering their product / service
    • Unique insights about their solution that were instrumental in winning over analysts
  • Benefits from working with The Skills Connection:
    • Made the most effective use of their internal resources
    • Positively shifted their position in the MQ/Wave/Marketscape
    • Received better results than when they had engaged with analysts
    • Provided their internal team the tools and skills to effectively engage with analysts
    • Effectively communicates the unique value of their products / services
  • Rates The Skills Connection 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Case Study: Medium Enterprise Computer Software Company


This case study of a medium enterprise computer software company is based on a March 2016 survey of The Skills Connection customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“The Skills Connection supports us through the whole Gartner Magic Quadrant (MQ) process; identifying the key messages, selecting and briefing reference customers and preparing the vendor briefing.”

“I would definitely recommend The Skills Connection because I think that working with them has been essential for us to gain a better understanding of the MQ process and to be able to manage it effectively. It has led to a significant improvement in the assessment for our company.”

“Beyond that, they have also helped us to better communicate the value that our solutions provide to both prospects and customers.”


  • Engaged with The Skills Connection for the following reasons:
    • Did not have the in-house expertise to effectively engage with analysts
    • Wanted to change their position in the MQ/Wave/Marketscape to generate new business

Use Case

  • Uses The Skills Connection to:
    • Provide the necessary expertise to effectively engage analysts
    • Show them how to gather the right information for analysts
    • Show them how to effectively communicate their story to analysts
    • Help them improve their position in an MQ/Wave/Marketscape
    • Create an internal learning environment so that their team can be more effective in the future
    • Provide the tools and best practices needed to build a strong case for analysts
    • Create compelling evidence-based cases for analysts


  • Experiences gained with The Skills Connection:
    • The ability to create a strong evidence-based case to analysts covering their product / service
    • The skills needed to communicate with analysts in the future
    • Unique insights about their solution that were instrumental in winning over analysts
    • Helped us to learn to focus on business value for our customers through all presentations
  • Benefits from working with The Skills Connection:
    • Positively shifted their position in the MQ/Wave/Marketscape
    • Provided their internal team the tools and skills to effectively engage with analysts
    • Effectively communicates the unique value of their products / services
  • Rates The Skills Connection 5 out of 5 stars.

Case Study: Medium Enterprise Computer Software Company


This case study of a medium enterprise computer software company is based on a March 2016 survey of The Skills Connection customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“We leverage The Skills Connection to refine our approach with the analyst community and ensure that we communicate effectively. They provide us with an annual strategy and then work with us to ensure we are executing on that plan.”

“Within the first few months, they identified areas where we could refine our communication with the analysts, built a roadmap for our engagement, and identified where we could increase our visibility.”

“The level of engagement from the team at The Skills Connection makes all the difference. They do not treat each client with boiler plate material. They take the time to review and understand the needs of the company and create a strategic plan to execute.”

“We would recommend The Skills Connection. It is like hiring an analyst bootcamp. They will work with your team to develop and refine your company’s analyst strategy and then continually push your team to execute.”


  • Engaged with The Skills Connection for the following reasons:
    • Wanted to learn how to effectively differentiate themselves from their competitors when talking with analysts
    • Wanted to change their position in the MQ/Wave/Marketscape to generate new business

Use Case

  • Uses The Skills Connection to:
    • Provide the necessary expertise to effectively engage analysts
    • Show them how to gather the right information for analysts
    • Show them how to effectively communicate their story to analysts
    • Help them improve their position in an MQ/Wave/Marketscape
    • Provide the tools and best practices needed to build a strong case for analysts
    • Create compelling evidence-based cases for analysts


  • Experiences gained with The Skills Connection:
    • Confidence communicating the unique value of their solution to analysts
    • The ability to create a strong evidence-based case to analysts covering their product / service
    • Unique insights about their solution that were instrumental in winning over analysts
  • Benefits from working with The Skills Connection:
    • Received better results than when they had engaged with analysts
    • Provided their internal team the tools and skills to effectively engage with analysts
    • Effectively communicates the unique value of their products / services
  • Rates The Skills Connection 5 out of 5 stars.

Case Study: Small Business Professional Services Company


This case study of a small business professional services company is based on a March 2016 survey of The Skills Connection customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“We use The Skills Connection to advise us in sharpening our messaging and they were there to help and advise us in a tough situation. They always bring a perspective to the table. That is why we would recommend them.”

“Beyond the dialogue with analysts, the process has really helped us to focus on what we need to do in generating information within our business overall.”


  • Engaged with The Skills Connection for the following reasons:
    • Wanted to learn how to effectively differentiate themselves from their competitors when talking with analysts
    • Wanted to change their position in the MQ/Wave/Marketscape to generate new business

Use Case

  • Uses The Skills Connection to:
    • Show them how to gather the right information for analysts
    • Show them how to effectively communicate their story to analysts
    • Help them improve their position in an MQ/Wave/Marketscape
    • Focus just on what was needed, and avoid wasting time on anything else
    • Create an internal learning environment so that their team can be more effective in the future


  • Experiences gained with The Skills Connection:
    • Confidence communicating the unique value of their solution to analysts
    • The ability to create a strong evidence-based case to analysts covering their product / service
    • The skills needed to communicate with analysts in the future
  • Benefits from working with The Skills Connection:
    • Made the most effective use of their internal resources
    • Effectively communicates the unique value of their products / services
  • Rates The Skills Connection 5 out of 5 stars.

Case Study: Medium Enterprise Computer Software Company


This case study of a medium enterprise computer software company is based on a March 2016 survey of The Skills Connection customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“We use The Skills Connection as an extension to our analyst relations (AR) team and to provide the knowledge, objectivity, and consistency we could well lack if we relied solely on our own in-house resource.”

“We find them professional, helpful, engaged and they understand our needs well.”

“They ensure that we are presenting, inquiring with, and engaging the right analysts to progress our coverage and understanding by the relevant analysts.”

“I would absolutely recommend them. They have helped us to get far better and more consistent results with our AR program and have helped us to achieve better and more consistent results with Magic Quadrants. They clearly have the skills in abundance to do that for other organizations looking to achieve the same.”


  • Engaged with The Skills Connection for the following reasons:
    • Wanted to learn how to effectively differentiate themselves from their competitors when talking with analysts
    • Wanted to change their position in the MQ/Wave/Marketscape to generate new business
    • Were concerned that coverage of their product / services by analysts would negatively impact their business

Use Case

  • Uses The Skills Connection to:
    • Show them how to gather the right information for analysts
    • Show them how to effectively communicate their story to analysts
    • Help them improve their position in an MQ/Wave/Marketscape
    • Focus just on what was needed, and avoid wasting time on anything else
    • Provide the tools and best practices needed to build a strong case for analysts
    • Create compelling evidence-based cases for analysts


  • Experiences gained with The Skills Connection:
    • Confidence communicating the unique value of their solution to analysts
    • The ability to create a strong evidence-based case to analysts covering their product / service
    • The skills needed to communicate with analysts in the future
    • Unique insights about their solution that were instrumental in winning over analysts
  • Benefits from working with The Skills Connection:
    • Made the most effective use of their internal resources
    • Generated new business by improving the clarity of their market story
    • Positively shifted their position in the MQ/Wave/Marketscape
    • Received better results than when they had engaged with analysts
    • Provided their internal team the tools and skills to effectively engage with analysts
  • Rates The Skills Connection 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Case Study: Large Enterprise Professional Services Company


This case study of a large enterprise professional services company is based on a March 2016 survey of The Skills Connection customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“We leverage The Skills Connection to facilitate our ongoing analyst relations for specific target analysts including our Gartner Magic Quadrant (MQ) submission.”

“The Skills Connection team has been extremely valuable in providing insights and understanding the challenge at hand, and quickly helping us assemble our story, as we engage with the analysts.”

“The Skills Connection was able to help us with formulating our story, which resulted in a positive movement in our MQ position and improvement in our relationship with a number of the analysts. Additionally, the Skills Connection team’s previous experience, as analysts in the industry, has provided us invaluable insights on how to engage and communicate with the analysts.”

“They have been a great partner for us and a firm that I would definitely recommend.”


  • Engaged with The Skills Connection for the following reasons:
    • Did not have the in-house expertise to effectively engage with analysts
    • Wanted to learn how to effectively differentiate themselves from their competitors when talking with analysts
    • Wanted to change their position in the MQ/Wave/Marketscape to generate new business

Use Case

  • Uses The Skills Connection to:
    • Provide the necessary expertise to effectively engage analysts
    • Show them how to gather the right information for analysts
    • Show them how to effectively communicate their story to analysts
    • Help them improve their position in an MQ/Wave/Marketscape
    • Create an internal learning environment so that their team can be more effective in the future
    • Provide the tools and best practices needed to build a strong case for analysts
    • Create compelling evidence-based cases for analysts


  • Experiences gained with The Skills Connection:
    • Confidence communicating the unique value of their solution to analysts
    • The ability to create a strong evidence-based case to analysts covering their product / service
    • The skills needed to communicate with analysts in the future
  • Benefits from working with The Skills Connection:
    • Positively shifted their position in the MQ/Wave/Marketscape
    • Received better results than when they had engaged with analysts
    • Provided their internal team the tools and skills to effectively engage with analysts
    • Effectively communicates the unique value of their products / services
  • Rates The Skills Connection 4 out of 5 stars.

Case Study: Medium Enterprise Consumer Services Company


This case study of a medium enterprise consumer services company is based on a March 2016 survey of The Skills Connection customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“We use The Skills Connection to support our general interactions with Gartner analysts and to support our efforts in two Magic Quadrants.”

“Yes, I would recommend them. We have benefited significantly from their expertise, experience and insight in order to improve the way in which we interact with analysts and manage the Magic Quadrant process.”

“I’ve been very happy with the service delivered and the positive impact on our Gartner interactions.”

“Our target analysts have a better understanding of us, our products and capabilities and the success we achieve in the market in order to more positively position our services to their clients.”


  • Engaged with The Skills Connection for the following reasons:
    • Wanted to learn how to effectively differentiate themselves from their competitors when talking with analysts
    • Wanted to change their position in the MQ/Wave/Marketscape to generate new business

Use Case

  • Uses The Skills Connection to:
    • Provide the necessary expertise to effectively engage analysts
    • Show them how to gather the right information for analysts
    • Show them how to effectively communicate their story to analysts
    • Help them improve their position in an MQ/Wave/Marketscape
    • Help them enter an assessment, such as an MQ/Wave/Marketscape, for the first time
    • Create an internal learning environment so that their team can be more effective in the future
    • Provide the tools and best practices needed to build a strong case for analysts
    • Create compelling evidence-based cases for analysts


  • Experiences gained with The Skills Connection:
    • Confidence communicating the unique value of their solution to analysts
    • The ability to create a strong evidence-based case to analysts covering their product / service
    • The skills needed to communicate with analysts in the future
  • Benefits from working with The Skills Connection:
    • Positively shifted their position in the MQ/Wave/Marketscape
    • Received better results than when they had engaged with analysts
    • Provided their internal team the tools and skills to effectively engage with analysts
    • Effectively communicates the unique value of their products / services
  • Rates The Skills Connection 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Case Study: Medium Enterprise Computer Software Company


This case study of a medium enterprise computer software company is based on a March 2016 survey of The Skills Connection customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“The Skills Connection act as a conduit for our Tier 1 analyst relations. They help us with guidance and review for our Gartner Magic Quadrant (MQ) survey response. They offer on-going guidance, insight and optimal execution in our analyst relations.”

“I absolutely recommend them. The Skills Connection provides an invaluable outsider’s perspective and asks us the key questions the analysts will want answered. They are intensely committed to ensuring we’re optimally positioned and prepared for every analyst engagement.”

“They offer a level of experience, insight, and expertise in analysts relations that is second to none.”


  • Engaged with The Skills Connection for the following reasons:
    • Wanted to change their position in the MQ/Wave/Marketscape to generate new business
    • We wanted a well informed and strategic outside perspective informing our ongoing engagements with tier 1 analysts

Use Case

  • Uses The Skills Connection to:
    • Provide the necessary expertise to effectively engage analysts
    • Show them how to effectively communicate their story to analysts
    • Help them improve their position in an MQ/Wave/Marketscape
    • Create an internal learning environment so that their team can be more effective in the future
    • Provide the tools and best practices needed to build a strong case for analysts
    • Create compelling evidence-based cases for analysts


  • Experiences gained with The Skills Connection:
    • Confidence communicating the unique value of their solution to analysts
    • The ability to create a strong evidence-based case to analysts covering their product / service
    • The skills needed to communicate with analysts in the future
    • Unique insights about their solution that were instrumental in winning over analysts
  • Benefits from working with The Skills Connection:
    • Made the most effective use of their internal resources
    • Positively shifted their position in the MQ/Wave/Marketscape
    • Received better results than when they had engaged with analysts
    • Provided their internal team the tools and skills to effectively engage with analysts
  • Rates The Skills Connection 5 out of 5 stars.

Case Study: Small Business Computer Software Company


This case study of a small business computer software company is based on a March 2016 survey of The Skills Connection customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“We used The Skills Connection to prepare for participation in analyst reports.”

“I thought they were very helpful in crafting a narrative that made sense and providing insight into the analysts’ thought process.”

“I would recommend The Skills Connection as they have a holistic view of the process and were extremely helpful in crafting a narrative that resonated with the analyst.”


  • Engaged with The Skills Connection for the following reasons:
    • Previous employer used The Skills Connection to prepare for participation in analyst reports

Use Case

  • Uses The Skills Connection to:
    • Provide the necessary expertise to effectively engage analysts
    • Show them how to effectively communicate their story to analysts
    • Help them enter an assessment, such as an MQ/Wave/Marketscape, for the first time
    • Focus just on what was needed, and avoid wasting time on anything else
    • Create compelling evidence-based cases for analysts


  • Experiences gained with The Skills Connection:
    • The ability to create a strong evidence-based case to analysts covering their product / service
    • Unique insights about their solution that were instrumental in winning over analysts
  • Benefits from working with The Skills Connection:
    • Received better results than when they had engaged with analysts
    • Effectively communicates the unique value of their products / services
  • Rates The Skills Connection 5 out of 5 stars.

Case Study: Small Business Professional Services Company


This case study of a small business professional services company is based on a March 2016 survey of The Skills Connection customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“We use The Skills Connection to support one specific analyst study, but also use this experience to inform and influence all our other analyst interactions.”

“They add great value to the analyst management process.”

“We would certainly recommend them. They offer strong expertise that has made us much more focused and effective in all of our analyst interactions.”


  • Engaged with The Skills Connection for the following reasons:
    • Did not have the in-house expertise to effectively engage with analysts
    • Wanted to learn how to effectively differentiate themselves from their competitors when talking with analysts
    • Wanted to change their position in the MQ/Wave/Marketscape to generate new business

Use Case

  • Uses The Skills Connection to:
    • Show them how to gather the right information for analysts
    • Show them how to effectively communicate their story to analysts
    • Help them improve their position in an MQ/Wave/Marketscape
    • Create an internal learning environment so that their team can be more effective in the future
    • Provide the tools and best practices needed to build a strong case for analysts
    • Create compelling evidence-based cases for analysts


  • Experiences gained with The Skills Connection:
    • Confidence communicating the unique value of their solution to analysts
    • The ability to create a strong evidence-based case to analysts covering their product / service
    • The skills needed to communicate with analysts in the future
  • Benefits from working with The Skills Connection:
    • Positively shifted their position in the MQ/Wave/Marketscape
    • Received better results than when they had engaged with analysts
    • Provided their internal team the tools and skills to effectively engage with analysts
  • Rates The Skills Connection 4 out of 5 stars.

Case Study: Small Business Computer Software Company


This case study of a small business computer software company is based on a March 2016 survey of The Skills Connection customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“We use The Skill Connection to help us with ongoing analyst engagement, as well as preparing and responding to analyst surveys.”

“They are experienced people who offer good advice and, most particularly, see the situation from our side.”

“We would certainly recommend them. They have helped us to improve our performance and our internal focus on continuously capturing data that will help us in our work with analysts.”


  • Engaged with The Skills Connection for the following reasons:
    • Did not have the in-house expertise to effectively engage with analysts
    • Wanted to change their position in the MQ/Wave/Marketscape to generate new business

Use Case

  • Uses The Skills Connection to:
    • Provide the necessary expertise to effectively engage analysts
    • Show them how to gather the right information for analysts
    • Show them how to effectively communicate their story to analysts
    • Create an internal learning environment so that their team can be more effective in the future
    • Provide the tools and best practices needed to build a strong case for analysts
    • Create compelling evidence-based cases for analysts


  • Experiences gained with The Skills Connection:
    • Confidence communicating the unique value of their solution to analysts
    • The ability to create a strong evidence-based case to analysts covering their product / service
    • The skills needed to communicate with analysts in the future
  • Benefits from working with The Skills Connection:
    • Made the most effective use of their internal resources
    • Provided their internal team the tools and skills to effectively engage with analysts
    • Effectively communicates the unique value of their products / services
  • Rates The Skills Connection 5 out of 5 stars.

Case Study: Small Business Professional Services Company


This case study of a small business professional services company is based on a March 2016 survey of The Skills Connection customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“The Skills Connection helped us with the Gartner Magic Quadrant (MQ) survey.”

“They have added a lot of value to our Gartner process and help us deal effectively with Gartner – something we struggle with.”

“The result has been that they have helped us to improve our MQ position and thus the number of leads generated.”


  • Engaged with The Skills Connection for the following reason:
    • Wanted to change their position in the MQ/Wave/Marketscape to generate new business

Use Case

  • Uses The Skills Connection to:
    • Show them how to effectively communicate their story to analysts
    • Help them improve their position in an MQ/Wave/Marketscape
    • Focus just on what was needed, and avoid wasting time on anything else
    • Create compelling evidence-based cases for analysts


  • Experiences gained with The Skills Connection:
    • Confidence communicating the unique value of their solution to analysts
    • The ability to create a strong evidence-based case to analysts covering their product / service
  • Benefits from working with The Skills Connection:
    • Positively shifted their position in the MQ/Wave/Marketscape
    • Received better results than when they had engaged with analysts
    • Provided their internal team the tools and skills to effectively engage with analysts
  • Rates The Skills Connection 4.5 out of 5 stars.

More Research on The Skills Connection