TechValidate Research on Algolia

111 TechFacts – Page 4 of 4

Algolia Customer Satisfaction Rating

An Engineer at a small business marketing & advertising company would be very likely to recommend Algolia for this reason:

Cannot think of another better search API!

Algolia Customer Satisfaction Rating

Rob Barnett, an Application Developer at EnterpriseDB, would be very likely to recommend Algolia for this reason:

Algolia has a great API, making it easy to get search index records in our apps. It is easy to configure, and has responsive support.

Algolia Customer Satisfaction Rating

An IT Specialist at a medium enterprise industrial manufacturing company would be very likely to recommend Algolia for this reason:

The speed and simplicity of setting it up was outstanding, and the updates are frequent and great.

Algolia Customer Testimonial

Algolia’s back office is very appreciated by our business team, not only the “tech” product team.

Clement AVICE, Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Le Slip Français

Algolia Customer Testimonial

With Algolia we now have very fast searches in all platforms and the possibility to build special attributes for indexes and related searches (using Synonyms, plus all other features).

Application Developer, Small Business Service Provider Company

Algolia Customer Testimonial

Being able to implement search on Magento (Adobe Commerce), as opposed to a full text MySQL search is the most valuable result since implementing Algolia.

IT Specialist, Medium Enterprise Industrial Manufacturing Company

Algolia Customer Testimonial

With Algolia, configuration of search queries with Algolia is quick, clear, and transparent.

Marketing Manager, Medium Enterprise Retail Company

Algolia Customer Testimonial

Since implementing Algolia, my team and I can spend more time on core features that make our product stand out.

Anders Mellson, Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Komplio, Structuring regulatory complexity

Algolia Customer Testimonial

Algolia lets us scale up our solutions to internationalize search and provide more relevant search results leading to a 13% increase in usage and increase in retention.

Engineering Director, Small Business Consumer Services Company

Algolia Customer Testimonial

Since implementing Algolia we have seen site search improvement of record by sorting attributes and the A/B testing on performance shows a significant rise in conversion rates.

Marketing Manager, Medium Enterprise Retail Company

Algolia Customer Testimonial

Having a great way to tweak search relevance without fiddling with complicated query structures is delightful! Also, Algolia dashboards are really useful in providing a quick way to visualize the information i’m looking for.

Engineering Director, Small Business Consumer Services Company

Algolia Customer Testimonial

The speed of implementation and ability to scale has been our most valuable result of implementing Algolia.

Mathieu Alengrin, Co-Founder, Ankorstore

Algolia Customer Review

5/5 Stars

How our organization uses Algolia:

Algolia is simply awesome and it should be any developer preference when implementing search.

Would you recommend Algolia?

Algolia Customer Satisfaction Rating

Jacob Buscher, a CEO at BF Innovative Technologies, would be very likely to recommend Algolia because:

Algolia is very quick to setup and works fantastic in our React apps. Instant search makes the barrier for entry so low and the alternative, ElasticSearch, is painful to setup and scale.

Algolia Customer Satisfaction Rating

Alexander Borisov, an Application Developer at Vistaprint, would be very likely to recommend Algolia because:

Algolia is very easy to use, it’s mature as a SaaS solution, and the learning curve getting into it is very low.

Algolia Customer Satisfaction Rating

Samuel Dangond, a Founder at eduKazo, would be very likely to recommend Algolia for this reason:

Algolia provides the best full-text search service and experience in the world. Beginning with a beautifully designed web and dashboard, fantastic documentation, and a complete set of features: multilingual support, synonyms, facets, filtering, very easy implementation, excellent client libraries, truly serverless approach, direct search from front-end, etc.

Algolia Customer Review

5/5 Stars

How our organization uses Algolia:

Most websites only need a search engine that works fast and provides relevant results, and Algolia covers that very well. The time and effort to implement something that might not work as well is far beyond the monthly cost of Algolia.

Would you recommend Algolia?

Algolia helped bring value to CarExpert in three key ways: A vastly improved search experience over our existing solution, the ability for our development team to focus on other critical work, and a stronger competitive edge.

Improved Search: We were a greenfield website. Temporarily, we had a Wordpress MVP site that was never intended to last very long. The search ability of Algolia has far exceeded the Wordpress search we had.

Decreased or deferred staffing costs: Algolia has also meant we haven’t had to look at hiring staff geared primarily towards search infrastructure as an urgent priority and can have our team working on other priorities for the business.

Competitive advantage: It has given us a feature that our competitor’s websites either don’t have or haven’t implemented well, and we feel like we’ve just scratched the surface of what we could do with Algolia.

Algolia Customer Statistic

100% of surveyed customers agree that Algolia Search performance is lightning fast.


Algolia Customer Testimonial

Now that we have Algolia, our users simply find what they are looking for. We can suggest items with better profitability that are closer to their habits, and save time in design and development.

Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Small Business Healthcare Company

Algolia Customer Testimonial

Using ElasticSearch was a nightmare to maintain with very approximative results. Switching to Algolia make things so easy to develop, maintain, and customize.

Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Small Business Healthcare Company

Algolia Customer Statistic

80% of surveyed customers said they saw a return in their investment with Algolia within 6 months.


More Research on Algolia