TechValidate Research on Algolia

These pages present data that TechValidate has sourced via direct research with verified customers and users of Algolia. TechValidate stands behind the authenticity of all published data. Learn more »

1,154 Customers Surveyed

8,378 Data Points Collected

111 Published TechFacts

10 Published Charts

8 Published Case Studies

Selected Research Highlights

Algolia Customer Research

Developers See a Notable Lift in Performance

After implementing Algolia, what percentage improvement did you see in the following areas of your business?

Greater than 75% 50 to 74% 25 to 49% up to 10%
Available features





Compatibility with existing tech stack










Performance and scalability





Front-end libraries and available widgets





Algolia Case Study

Small Business Software & Technology Company


This case study of a software company is based on an October 2021 survey of Algolia customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“Algolia let us scale up our solutions to internationalize search and provide more relevant search results leading to a 13% increase in usage and increase in retention.”

“Having a great way to tweak search relevance without fiddling with complicated query structures is delightful! Also, Algolia dashboards are really useful in having a quick way to visualize the information i’m looking for.”


The business challenges that led this software company to evaluate and ultimately select Algolia:

  • They evaluated or needed to replaced ElasticSearch

Challenges they looking to solve with Algolia:

  • Difficulty in hiring the right people
  • Time to train was too long

Use Case

Business type/industry:

  • Software & Tech


This surveyed software company achieved the following results with Algolia:

  • After implementing Algolia, they saw the following improvements in their business:
    • 75%+ increase in available features
    • 75%+ increase in compatibility with existing tech stack
    • 75%+ increase in performance and scalability
    • 50%+ improvement in front-end libraries and available widgets
  • Since implementing Algolia, the developer team has realized the following benefits:
    • Improved productivity and faster time to production
    • Quicker and easier to scale with the business
    • Decreased time on maintenance of search
    • Increased pace of innovation
  • Because of Algolia, they have more time to innovate and create, and spend less time managing back end operations and business.
  • Algolia helps them to have more flexibility in their operations by having visibility and understanding of their ranking strategy.
  • Algolia is easy to implement, allowing them to quickly get a solution into production.
  • Algolia is a reliable software solution that they can trust.
  • Realization of benefits:
    • They realized value with Algolia within the first day.
    • They were able to implement Algolia within the first week.

Algolia Customer Testimonial

Algolia Search has helped with our conversion rate and has constantly pushed us to improve our customer experience with all the new features that are frequently deployed.

Jose A. Zubillaga, Senior Executive, Farmatodo

Algolia Customer Research

Customers previously using open source solutions found the following valuable aspects/features of Algolia.

Fast results
Highly Configurable
Front-End Kits (or prebuilt)

Algolia Customer Satisfaction Rating

Marcelo Piazzetta, a Business Director at MadeiraMadeira, would be likely to recommend Algolia for this reason:

Algolia is an exceptional tool with great flexibility for the business side, if they work with the tech team.

The main positives are the performance with large sets of data, data security, flexibility/configurable, personalization (not using yet), overall features to the merchandising side, AI optimization, and useful analytics pre-build.

Algolia Case Study



This case study of Playpilot is based on an October 2021 survey of Algolia customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service.

“With Algolia, we have more relevant search results!”

“Algolia has helped us to stay focused. The Algolia team listens to us and has a great understanding of our business and challenges.”


The business challenges that led the profiled company to evaluate and ultimately select Algolia:

  • The challenges they were trying to overcome when implementing Algolia:
    • A slow and irrelevant search experience
    • Lack of insight into customer site search
    • Cumbersome and time consuming iteration on search

Use Case

The key features and functionalities of Algolia that the surveyed company uses:

  • Industry:
    • Media
  • Vendor evaluated or replaced prior to selecting Algolia:
    • Elastic
  • Part of the website/app powered by Algolia:
    • Site search
  • How their organization leverages Algolia:
    • Algolia Recommend
    • Analytics
    • Rules


Since implementing Algolia, the following benefits have been realized:

  • Fast and more relevant search
  • Faster time to market
  • Time saved for developers

Percentage improvement in the following areas of their business after implementing Algolia:

  • + 49% Decrease in latency
  • + 49% Increase in employee productivity
  • + 75% Improvement in customer experience

Because of Algolia…

  • The business team is able to self-serve more often without bringing in the developer team.
  • They now have a reliable software solution that provides outstanding customer service, and is a partner in achieving their goals.
  • Their search integrates seamlessly with the tools that they already work with.
  • Time-to-market and iterations are quick, easy, and seamless.

More to Explore

About Algolia

Algolia is the search-as-a-service platform that enables companies of all sizes to deliver fast and relevant digital experiences that drive real results. With Algolia, consumers are able to easily find and discover what they want across web, mobile, and voice. Algolia allows developers and business teams to build and optimize delightful Search and Discovery experiences that increase online engagement, conversion rates and revenue.

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