TechValidate Research on Mineral

These pages present data that TechValidate has sourced via direct research with verified customers and users of Mineral. TechValidate stands behind the authenticity of all published data. Learn more »

2,384 Customers Surveyed

18,236 Data Points Collected

210 Published TechFacts

29 Published Charts

20 Published Case Studies

Selected Research Highlights

Mineral Case Study

Mini Case Study: Watkins Insurance Group

“Mineral’s internal support is a game changer. We have to be Benefits and ACA experts, as well as understand the related touch points that involve HR, state and federal laws, compliance, taxes and more. Mineral comprehensively supports our team as well as our clients. It is our number one favorite resource.”

—Jessica Gardner, Resource Manager, Watkins Insurance Group


Needed to overcome the following challenges when choosing Mineral:

  • Enhance their role as trusted advisor to clients
  • Deliver comprehensive solutions to clients
  • Differentiate services from competitors
  • Engage new prospects
  • Create cross-sell opportunities
  • Increase retention
  • Enhance efficiency of serving clients
  • Scale agency HR consulting practice

Evaluated the following vendors before selecting Mineral:

  • Zywave

Use Case

Rates the following Mineral capabilities as best in class:

  • ability to educate clients to stay ahead of risk
  • ease of use of platform
  • quality of training courses
  • comprehensive HR and compliance content library
  • handbook creation tool
  • live access to certified HR professionals


Realized the following benefits with Mineral:

  • Improved client relationships and engagement
  • Increased service model efficiencies
  • Decreased service time to answer HR and compliance questions for clients

Since implementing Mineral, Watkins Insurance:

  • Rated the time savings and efficiencies created for their organization as extremely significant
  • Saw a return on their investment in less than 3 months

Mineral Customer Statistic

93% of surveyed organizations rate Mineral’s live access to certified HR professionals as significantly better compared to competitive solutions.


Mineral Customer Research

Which benefits have Mineral clients experienced with Smart Employee Handbook Plus?

Create standardized internal HR policies and handbooks
Stay ahead of law and regulation changes applicable to handbooks
Stay compliant with federal and multi-state regulations
Save time and effort in day-to-day HR or compliance administration
Save costs on hiring attorney or HR consultant

Mineral Customer Statistic

95% of surveyed clients rate Mineral’s quality of training courses as better compared to other solutions they have seen or used.

Mineral Case Study



This case study of a medium enterprise retail company is based on a July 2022 survey of Mineral customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“Online training & Mineral is much better.”

“Attorney review- much more timely and expensive.”


The business challenges that led the profiled company to evaluate and ultimately select Mineral:

  • The key challenges they needed to overcome prior to using Mineral:
    • Limited or no internal HR resources
    • Stay up-to-date on the latest HR and compliance regulations
    • Comply with local, state, and federal harassment and discrimination laws
    • Create federal and state-compliant handbooks and policies
    • Reduce time spent on HR or compliance responsibilities
    • Save costs on hiring additional HR or legal resources

Use Case

The key features and functionalities of Mineral that the surveyed company uses:

  • They found the following features of Workplace Harassment Prevention training courses the most valuable:
    • Ease of use of training platform
    • Breadth and depth of training course content
  • They found the following Smart Employee Handbook Plus’ features the most valuable:
    • Ease of use of creating employee handbooks
    • Build federal compliant handbooks
    • Build multi-state compliant handbooks
    • Generate Spanish-language handbook versions
    • Receive timely alerts to update handbook for policy and regulation changes
  • The benefits they have experienced with Smart Employee Handbook Plus:
    • Easily managed HR and legal employment policies
    • Stayed compliant with federal and multi-state regulations
    • Supported a diverse workforce
    • Stayed ahead of law and regulation changes applicable to handbooks
    • Saved time and effort in day-to-day HR or compliance administration
    • Created standardized internal HR policies and handbooks
    • Saved costs on hiring an attorney or HR consultant


The surveyed company achieved the following results with Mineral:

  • The benefits they have experienced with Workplace Harassment Prevention training courses:
    • Provided effective harassment and diversity training for employees
    • Met state training mandates
    • Reduced training costs
  • How much they have saved in training costs per year by using Workplace Harassment Prevention training courses: less than $10,000
  • How quickly they saw a return on their investment with the following Mineral premium solutions:
    • Workplace Harassment Prevention: less than 3 months
    • Smart Employee Handbook Plus: 1-2 years

Mineral Customer Research

Top challenges that growing businesses face in tackling HR and compliance

What were the key challenges that clients needed to overcome prior to using Mineral?

Stay up-to-date on the latest HR and compliance regulations
Comply with local, state, and federal harassment and discrimination laws
Reduce time spent on HR or compliance responsibilities
Create federal and state-compliant handbooks and policies
Limited or no internal HR resources
Save costs on hiring additional HR or legal resources

More to Explore

About Mineral

Trusted by more than 500,000 companies, Mineral is the HR and compliance leader for growing businesses. Mineral’s proactive solutions take the guesswork out of HR and compliance, giving clients peace of mind. The company combines data, technology, and human expertise to drive innovation and personalized guidance. Mineral’s network of partnerships has enabled it to build the largest HR community in the U.S. Mineral was formerly known as the combined entity of ThinkHR and Mammoth. For more information, visit

  Mineral Website