TechValidate Research on Mineral

These pages present data that TechValidate has sourced via direct research with verified customers and users of Mineral. TechValidate stands behind the authenticity of all published data. Learn more »

2,384 Customers Surveyed

18,236 Data Points Collected

210 Published TechFacts

29 Published Charts

20 Published Case Studies

Selected Research Highlights

Mineral Customer Research

What sets Mineral apart from the competition?

When it comes to helping clients with their business’s HR and compliance needs, what sets Mineral apart from other solutions they have used?

Timely updates on changing HR and compliance regulations
Quality of HR and compliance expertise
One place to go to take care of my HR and compliance needs
Live advisory services from HR experts
Advice I trust that gives me peace of mind
Quality of service

Mineral Customer Statistic

80% of surveyed organizations rate Mineral’s information and updates on changing HR and compliance regulations as significantly better compared to other solutions.

Mineral Case Study

Mini Case Study: Gervais Salon & Day Spa

“The positive impact Mineral has had on our small business is immeasurable! From access to HR resources to the amazing customer service and technical support team, every aspect is outstanding. We can have confidence that we are in compliance the same as any company with a budget for a HR Department.”
—Dana Williams, Operations Manager, Gervais Salon & Day Spa


Needed to overcome the following challenges prior to using Mineral:

  • Limited or no internal HR resources

Use Case

What sets Mineral apart from other solutions they’ve used, with regards to helping their business’s HR and compliance needs:

  • Quality of HR and compliance expertise
  • Live advisory services from HR experts
  • One place to go to take care of my HR and compliance needs
  • Advice I trust that gives me peace of mind
  • Quality of service
  • Timely updates on changing HR and compliance regulations

Rates the following Mineral capabilities as best in class:

  • Ease of use of platform
  • Quality of training courses
  • Comprehensive HR and compliance content library
  • Handbook creation tool
  • Live access to certified HR professionals
  • Information and updates on changing HR and compliance regulations


Achieved the following benefits with Mineral:

  • Faster, accurate guidance from HR and compliance experts
  • Increased confidence in level of compliance
  • Time savings and less effort in day-to-day HR or compliance administration
  • Standardized internal HR policies and handbooks
  • Lowered costs of HR administration
  • Improved completion of compliance or other training
  • Not having to hire additional personnel in HR or compliance

Rates the following Mineral solutions 5 stars out of 5 by the value it brings to their business:

  • Smart Employee Handbook
  • HR Compliance Library
  • Mineral Experts
  • Benefits Document Creator
  • Workplace Harassment Prevention training
  • Workplace Safety training

Since using Mineral, Gervais Salon & Day Spa estimates saving:

  • 6-10 hours per week in HR or compliance administration.
  • $10,000 – $25,000 in labor and/or HR technology costs per year.

Mineral Customer Research

Which benefits have Mineral clients experienced with Smart Employee Handbook Plus?

Create standardized internal HR policies and handbooks
Stay ahead of law and regulation changes applicable to handbooks
Stay compliant with federal and multi-state regulations
Save time and effort in day-to-day HR or compliance administration
Save costs on hiring attorney or HR consultant

Mineral Customer Testimonial

Mineral has the answer to any question that you may have and the content library to back it up. There is information readily available, from regularly revised laws to safety class documents, that allows us to make informed decisions that protects our company while acknowledging employee rights.

Jane Vidrine, Office Manager, Manno Electric, Inc.

Mineral Case Study

Mini Case Study: Health Care For Women

“Before Mineral, I would spend hours and hours searching for answers to HR questions and concerns, only to come up with questionable results. As part of a small business, I wear MANY hats, and ThinkHR has helped me significantly cut down the time I spend looking for answers and helps me to get just what I need!”
—Janna Murphy, Practice Administrator, Health Care For Women


Needed to overcome the following challenges prior to using Mineral:

  • Answering difficult HR and compliance questions
  • Staying up to date on the latest HR and compliance regulations
  • The need for a trusted source for HR or compliance solutions/advice
  • Reducing time spent on HR or compliance responsibilities
  • Saving costs on not having to hire in-house or external resources

Use Case

What sets Mineral apart from other solutions they’ve used, with regards to helping their business’s HR and compliance needs:

  • Quality of HR and compliance expertise
  • Live advisory services from HR experts
  • One place to go to take care of my HR and compliance needs
  • Advice I trust that gives me peace of mind
  • Quality of service
  • Timely updates on changing HR and compliance regulations


Achieved the following benefits with Mineral:

  • Faster, accurate guidance from HR and compliance experts
  • Increased confidence in level of compliance
  • Time savings and less effort in day-to-day HR or compliance administration
  • Lowered costs of HR administration
  • Improved completion of compliance or other training

Since using Mineral, Health Care for Women estimates saving:

  • Up to 5 hours per week in HR or compliance administration.
  • Up to $10,000 in labor and/or HR technology costs per year.

More to Explore

About Mineral

Trusted by more than 500,000 companies, Mineral is the HR and compliance leader for growing businesses. Mineral’s proactive solutions take the guesswork out of HR and compliance, giving clients peace of mind. The company combines data, technology, and human expertise to drive innovation and personalized guidance. Mineral’s network of partnerships has enabled it to build the largest HR community in the U.S. Mineral was formerly known as the combined entity of ThinkHR and Mammoth. For more information, visit

  Mineral Website