TechValidate Research on Trello

These pages present data that TechValidate has sourced via direct research with verified customers and users of Trello. TechValidate stands behind the authenticity of all published data. Learn more »

3,717 Customers Surveyed

27,619 Data Points Collected

140 Published TechFacts

27 Published Charts

1 Published Case Study

Selected Research Highlights

Trello Customer Research

What were the top reasons you decided to use Trello?

Manage projects and work
Ease of use and implementation
Have a single source of truth for teamwork
Customize workflows
Equip a remote workforce
Replace other tools
We use other Atlassian tools and wanted to standardize across teams

Trello Case Study

Sprout Social


This case study of Sprout Social is based on a September 2020 survey of Trello customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service.

“My team used to have weekly stand-ups to chat through the progress of our work. Now that we’ve switched to a remote environment we naturally have more virtual meetings. We’ve had to reevaluate how we spend our time and with the use of Trello, can now limit the number of meetings we have regarding specific projects. We can turn to Trello for updates rather than hopping into meetings. "


The business challenges that led the profiled company to evaluate and ultimately select Trello:

  • Use Trello:
    • To manage projects and work
    • For the ease of use and implementation

Use Case

The key features and functionalities of Trello that the surveyed company uses:

  • Outside of boards, lists, and cards, they said that the following have been most beneficial to their tem and workflows:
    • Attachments
    • Card covers and colors
    • Checklists
    • Due dates
    • Labels
  • Said that the following have been the most valuable for team management and administrative control:
    • Board visibility management (ex. public boards)
    • Membership controls (Team admins, Team members, Observers)
  • Said the following teams are using Trello:
    • Human Resources


The surveyed company achieved the following results with Trello:

  • Said they have experienced the following since using Trello:
    • More efficient collaboration across teams and projects
    • Visibility and transparency on goals and outcomes
    • Clarity around project and task ownership, deadlines, and blockers
    • Improved communication between co-workers and teams
    • Increased team productivity
  • Said that Trello has improved their team’s productivity by 65-80%.

Trello Customer Statistic

Since adopting Trello, 85% of organizations state they now spend less time looking for resources because of its intuitive design.


Trello Customer Statistic

34% of surveyed customers said they also evaluated Microsoft Teams before choosing Trello


Trello Customer Research

Top Trello Enterprise Use-Cases

How do you use Trello?

Ongoing Project Management
Daily To-Do List
Team Meetings
Team Onboarding
Team Brainstorms
Product Roadmapping
Asset or Resource Hub
Team Retrospectives
Editorial/Social Media Calendar
Invoice/Inventory Tracking

More to Explore

About Trello

Trello is a web-based Kanban-style list-making application which is a subsidiary of Atlassian. Originally created by Fog Creek Software in 2011, it was spun out to form the basis of a separate company in 2014 and later sold to Atlassian in January 2017. The company is based in New York City, U.S.

Trello Website   Atlassian Website