TechValidate Research on Qlik

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Qlik enabled us to reduce the time to market on new reports from about one year to two weeks.

IT Vice President, Small Business Aerospace & Defense Company

A small aerospace and defense company improved their decision-making agility by > 75% with Qlik.

Varian Medical Systems, Inc. improved their decision-making agility by 50% – 74% with Qlik.

Varian Medical Systems, Inc. sees faster and more confident decision-making, cost reduction, and more cross-departmental use of data from their use of Qlik.

Gopa Gopakumar, an IT Project Manager at Varian Medical Systems, Inc., is very likely to recommend Qlik for the following reason:

Ability to perform complex data analysis and calculations on very large data sets, reliably.

Valtech Corporation had too much data and no way of making sense of it prior to implementing Qlik.

Valtech Corporation sees faster and more confident decision-making and employees are finding new ways to approach business issues by using Qlik.

Simply stated, Qlik has allowed us to see real time data from various parts of our organization. Decisions are made instantaneously as we are able to see and compare data during management meetings.

Robert Girard, CEO, Valtech Corporation

Valtech Corporation improved their decision-making agility by 50% – 74% with Qlik.

Valtech Corporation chose Qlik because it lets them associate data from multiple sources so they can see the whole story within their data, it’s easy to use and lets them quickly drill down to the underlying data, and they can create intuitive and smart visualizations to represent their data.

Robert Girard, CEO at Valtech Corporation, is very likely to recommend Qlik for the following reason:

Qlik allowed our company, with very limited experience, to establish a dashboard within weeks. It’s very easy to use and implement.

Intacct sees faster and more confident decision-making and more cross-departmental use of data from their use of Qlik.

Qlik’s associative model helps me see the whole story within my data so I can make better, more informed business decisions.

Raj Kanapathy, Marketing Professional, Philips Healthcare

Philips Healthcare chose Qlik because it lets them associate data from multiple sources so they can see the whole story within their data and it’s easy to use and lets them quickly drill down to the underlying data.

Philips Healthcare sees faster and more confident decision-making and improved financial performance from their use of Qlik.

Raj Kanapathy, a Marketing Professional at Philips Healthcare, is very likely to recommend Qlik for the following reason:

I use Qlik daily and find it very useful.

We have done $170,000 in new projects. $60,000 was directly on Qlik; the other $110K was enabled by Qlik. I expect we will do a million dollars of work in the next year that relies on Qlik.

Robert Atkins, CEO, Gray Associates

Robert Atkins, CEO at Gray Associates, is very likely to recommend Qlik for the following reason:

Qlik is easy, fast, and scalable.

Qlik has allowed our administrative team to gather and drill into data in near real time, instead of relying on spreadsheets gathered from multiple sources and manually combined.

Chris Degeyter, IT Systems Analyst, Dupre Logistics

Chris Degeyter, an IT Systems Analyst at Dupre Logistics, is very likely to recommend Qlik for the following reason:

Qlik has been a great resource for the company and is very easy to use for development.

Equity National sees faster and more confident decision-making, improved financial performance, and more cross-departmental use of data from their use of Qlik.

Equity National chose Qlik because it lets them associate data from multiple sources so they can see the whole story within their data, it’s easy to use and lets them quickly drill down to the underlying data, and its robust governance capabilities let them determine who can access what and what they can do with it.

Qlik has allowed us to analyze 300+ Loan Officers to the same extent we managed our top five clients.

Tim Davin, Vice President Finance and Admin, Equity National

National General Insurance Corp. chose Qlik because it lets them associate data from multiple sources so they can see the whole story within their data, they can create intuitive and smart visualizations to represent their data, and its robust governance capabilities let them determine who can access what and what they can do with it.

National General Insurance Corp. sees faster and more confident decision-making, cost reduction, and more cross-departmental use of data from their use of Qlik.

Qlik has been very useful in creating reports for wide segments of the business. What used to require a team of people several days to cobble together in Excel, can now be done automatically at the click of a button. Similarly, business customers who used to have to go to multiple Excel reports to get the information they need can save time by going to just one place.

Kevin Flynn, Enterprise Business Intelligence Analyst, National General Insurance Corp.

Saint-Gobain Corporation sees employees finding new ways to approach business issues from their use of Qlik.

Loren Wood, an IT Professional at Saint-Gobain Corporation, is very likely to recommend Qlik for the following reason:

I really believe Qlik can revolutionize the way we analyze data.

ITW Hi-Cone chose Qlik because it lets them associate data from multiple sources so they can see the whole story within their data, it’s easy to use and lets them quickly drill down to the underlying data, and they can create intuitive and smart visualizations to represent their data.

ITW Hi-Cone sees faster and more confident decision-making and more cross-departmental use of data from their use of Qlik.

More Research on Qlik