TechValidate Research on Qlik

These pages present data that TechValidate has sourced via direct research with verified customers and users of Qlik. TechValidate stands behind the authenticity of all published data. Learn more »

7,180 Customers Surveyed

56,398 Data Points Collected

5810 Published TechFacts

103 Published Charts

58 Published Case Studies

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Qlik Customer Research

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Qlik Case Study

Unimed Teresina Cooperativa De Trabalho Médico


This case study of Unimed Teresina Cooperativa de Trabalho Médico is based on a June 2023 survey of Qlik customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service.

“Qlik is easy to scale.”


The business challenges that led the profiled company to evaluate and ultimately select Qlik:

  • The other analytics tools they evaluated before selecting Qlik:
    • Microsoft Power BI

Use Case

The key features and functionalities of Qlik that the surveyed company uses:

  • The unique Qlik capabilities they see as highly beneficial:
    • Powerful combination of self-service and governance
    • Interactive dashboards with associative exploration
    • AI-powered capabilities, such as insight generation and automation
    • Open and standard APIs for extending and embedding analytics
    • Data-driven alerts
    • Automated machine learning for analytics


The surveyed company achieved the following results with Qlik:

  • Rates the value that Qlik delivers for their organization in the following use-cases:
    • Self-service visualization: very valuable
    • Dashboards and applications for business users: extremely valuable
    • Natural language, conversational analytics: valuable
    • Custom and embedded analytics: extremely valuable
    • Mobile analytics: extremely valuable
    • Predictive and prescriptive analytics: very valuable
  • The Qlik features they consider to be best-in-class:
    • Easy-to-use experience
    • Advanced authoring features for customized applications
    • Ability to combine multiple data sources
    • Responsive design delivers a optimized user experience across all devices
    • Predictive analytics powered by AutoML
  • They experienced the following benefits since switching to Qlik, compared to other competitive analytics tools:
    • Superior performance
    • Improved usability
    • Lower overall cost of ownership
  • They agree with the following statement: “Qlik solutions are a key component of my data transformation strategy.”
  • They experienced the following benefits after migrating from Client-Managed Qlik Sense to Qlik Cloud:
    • Scalability
    • Flexibility
    • Collaboration

Qlik Sense SaaS Customer Statistic

88% of surveyed IT organizations agree with the statement: “It’s easy and intuitive to use.”


Qlik Sense Customer Satisfaction Rating

Gill Pickles, a Developer at Solopress Limited, would be very likely to recommend Qlik Sense for this reason:

I enjoy working with Qlik, it has great flexibility with regard to accessing data sources.

Case Study: Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc.


This case study of Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc. is based on a October 2015 survey of Qlik customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service.

“Simply put, I’d recommend Qlik because of data quality. Real time monitoring and visibility to data has increased accuracy of all data processes. Increased accuracy allows for better decision making. Breaking down the data silos and combining various data sets brings new found abilities to our executive decision makers.”


Toshiba America suffered a lot of data-related challenges before implementing Qlik.

They had difficulty connecting multiple and disparate data sources to see the whole story in their data. Their data was of poor quality, inaccurate, and sometimes unreliable and it was difficult to access data due to departmental silos and insufficiently broad security privileges. Their existing BI solution was also difficult to use in order to support data analysis needs.

The main reasons Toshiba America picked Qlik were:

  • It lets them associate data from multiple sources so they can see the whole story within their data
  • It’s easy to use and lets them quickly drill down to the underlying data
  • They can create intuitive and smart visualizations to represent their data
  • Its robust governance capabilities let them determine who can access what and what they can do with it

Before choosing Qlik, Toshiba America also considered BI tools from Birst, Domo, Microsoft, Oracle, Salesforce Wave, and Tableau.

Use Case

Qlik is deployed in multiple departments.


Toshiba America employee say they can’t do their job without Qlik. They use their apps everyday to make better decisions and hone their skills, which has made them more valuable to the company.

They rate the importance of Qlik’s product features as follows:

  • Associative model: extremely important
  • Smart visualizations: extremely important
  • Governance capability: extremely important
  • Speed and ease of use: extremely important
  • Mobility: very important

The main benefits Toshiba America has seen from implementing Qlik include faster and more confident decision-making, cost reduction, improved financial performance, reduced risk, and more cross-departmental use of data. They’ve also seen that Qlik enables employees to find new ways to approach business issues.

Toshiba America estimates that they have improved their decision-making agility by 50% – 74% with Qlik.

Qlik Customer Research

What personal benefits are you experiencing with the addition of Qlik Sense?

Expanded analytics insights
Simplified data access
Enhanced ability to create visualizations
Faster application development
Increased data literacy – better understanding of data
Greater ability to make decisions based on data
Dramatic time savings

More to Explore

About Qlik

Qlik, with the recent addition of Talend, delivers an industry leading portfolio of solutions for data integration, data quality, and analytics. This includes advancements in real-time, AI, ML, and automation. The most successful organizations are investing in data to make sense of the increasing amounts and varieties of data from diverse sources. The challenge is to effectively integrate, analyze, and act on the data while ensuring its trustworthiness. With more than 40,000 active customers in over 100 countries, Qlik’s solutions work with any data source, target, architecture or methodology, to ensure customers have the data they need, whenever they need it.

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