TechValidate Research on O.C. Tanner

These pages present data that TechValidate has sourced via direct research with verified customers and users of O.C. Tanner. TechValidate stands behind the authenticity of all published data. Learn more »

619 Customers Surveyed

4,835 Data Points Collected

116 Published TechFacts

13 Published Charts

109 Published Case Studies

Selected Research Highlights

O.C. Tanner Customer Research

Which of the following outcomes have you seen in your company as a result of using O.C. Tanner solutions?

Employees’ contributions and successes are celebrated
Employees feel their work is meaningful and have a stronger connection to your company's mission or purpose
Better collaboration within teams
Employees stay with your organization longer

O.C. Tanner Customer Fact

Compared to competitors, Automobile Club of Southern California found O.C. Tanner’s flexible program design to be best in class.

O.C. Tanner Case Study

Medium Enterprise Health Care Company Celebrates Employees’ Success with O.C. Tanner


This case study of a medium enterprise health care company is based on an October 2019 survey of O.C. Tanner customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“Employees can enjoy recognition in real-time. I believe employees are now looking closer at their work and the work of others due to O.C. Tanner’s programs.”

“Our 1950 employees have an opportunity to thank anyone who works in the facility with an eCard or award. The employees encourage one another and this is a way to do so.”


Before implementing O.C. Tanner solutions, the profiled company needed to replace or create a recognition program, and wanted to improve low engagement scores and a negative workplace culture. These business challenges led the company to evaluate and ultimately select O.C. Tanner.

Use Case

The solutions the surveyed company uses to address its business challenges are O.C. Tanner’s Service Awards (Yearbook™) and Performance Recognition (Victories™).


Positive outcomes the surveyed company realized as a result of using O.C. Tanner solutions:

  • Employees feel that their work is meaningful and have a stronger connection to their company’s mission or purpose
  • Employees’ contributions and successes are celebrated

The surveyed company rates O.C. Tanner’s key capabilities as best in class and significantly better than competitors.

  • Transparent pricing: significantly better
  • Total cost of ownership: significantly better
  • Ease-of-use: best in class
  • Customer service: best in class
  • Technology: best in class
  • Award selection: best in class
  • Flexible program design: best in class

The profiled company strongly agrees that O.C. Tanner helps their organization accomplish and appreciate great work.

O.C. Tanner Customer Fact

Prior to purchasing O.C. Tanner solutions, an educational institution needed to revamp their service award program. We moved from a trophy award to O.C. Tanner’s Yearbook with acrylic awards, which are significantly more attractive and impressive.

O.C. Tanner Case Study

Large Enterprise Financial Services Company


This case study of a large enterprise financial services company is based on a May 2023 survey of O.C. Tanner customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“We have an improved culture of recognition, that is more visible to peers. The ability to easily recognize team members, and with points has really elevated the employee experience. Also it has helped us become a little more uniform in recognition across departments.”

“The automation, visibility, and ease of using their systems.”


The business challenges that led the profiled company to evaluate and ultimately select O.C. Tanner:

  • Recognizing at scale
  • Low engagement scores
  • Needing to create, replace, modernize or consolidate recognition program(s)

Use Case

The key features and functionalities of O.C. Tanner that the surveyed company uses:

  • Daily recognition
  • Nominations
  • Group Deposits (company-wide recognition)
  • Career anniversaries
  • Initiatives
  • Swag Boxes (onboarding & company branded merchandise)
  • Services (consulting, measurement, education, brand communication)
  • Awards (gift cards, merchandise, experiences)
  • Custom awards (careerscapes, numerals, cubes, etc)
  • Retirement


The surveyed company achieved the following results with O.C. Tanner:

  • Saw a return on their investment with O.C. Tanner within 1 year.
  • What business and cultural outcomes, if any, has your organization seen as a result of using O.C. Tanner products/services?
    • Employees feel a greater connection between their work and the organization’s purpose
    • Increased employee engagement
    • Improved frequency of recognition moments
    • More consistent recognition
    • More visible recognition
  • They strongly agreed that “O.C. Tanner helps my organization accomplish and appreciate great work.”

O.C. Tanner Customer Research

O.C. Tanner helps my organization accomplish and appreciate great work..

Please rate your level of agreement with the following statement: “O.C. Tanner helps my organization accomplish and appreciate great work.”

Strongly agree: 42%
Agree: 47%
Neither agree nor disagree: 12%
Disagree: 0%

More to Explore

About O.C. Tanner

O.C. Tanner helps organizations inspire and appreciate great work. Thousands of clients globally use our cloud-based technology, tools, and awards to provide meaningful recognition for their employees. Learn more at

  O.C. Tanner Website