TechValidate Research on Loftware

These pages present data that TechValidate has sourced via direct research with verified customers and users of Loftware. TechValidate stands behind the authenticity of all published data. Learn more »

3,242 Customers Surveyed

25,367 Data Points Collected

247 Published TechFacts

6 Published Charts

17 Published Case Studies

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Selected Research Highlights

Loftware Customer Fact

Benefits of Using Loftware with SAP

  • Eliminate manual labeling efforts
  • Make label changes quickly
  • Avoid mislabeling errors
  • Support expansion in new locations
  • Remove the risks of maintaining label data outside of enterprise applications
  • Increase visibility over the entire labeling process

Loftware Case Study

Jabil Circuit Scales Labeling To Meet Business Growth


This case study of Jabil Circuit is based on an April 2017 survey of Loftware customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service.

“Loftware is a reliable partner, providing leading edge labeling solutions along with outstanding services and support.”


Jabil was faced with a range of issues including meeting complex customer labeling requirements and complying with evolving regulations. However, they were faced with maintaining multiple labeling solutions. Using disparate solutions resulted in costly delays and downtime due to labeling and created issues around labeling consistency. Jabil was also challenged with managing this solution to support ensuing company growth.

Use Case

Jabil was able to standardize and automate their labeling with Loftware to streamline manufacturing, shipping, and distribution while also improving traceability across the supply chain. Additionally, they were able to simplify their label design and empower business users to update labels.


After standardizing on Loftware’s labeling solution, Jabil was no longer challenged with managing and maintaining multiple labeling solutions so they were able to scale labeling to meet their business growth. They also were able to reduce downtime by almost 100%, as well as reduce occurrences of mislabeling and the number of label templates by over 80%.

The Loftware implementation helped the company improve label accuracy to reduce costly errors and provided better branding and label consistency. With these changes Jabil was now better equipped to address customer requirements, improving the handling of requirements such as content, barcodes, images/branding, formatting and language. This enabled better responsiveness to customer labeling changes, ultimately reducing the loss of customers for the company.

Additionally, by integrating Loftware labeling with existing enterprise applications, Jabil was able to eliminate manual labeling efforts, avoid mislabeling errors, and make label changes quickly and remove the risks associated with maintaining label data outside of enterprise applications. This also enabled the company to increase visibility over the entire labeling process and enabled the company to stay compliant with regulations to reduce the risk of costly fines and enable them to expand into new markets.

Loftware Customer Satisfaction Rating

Highly Trained Professionals

An IT Project Manager at a Fortune 500 chemicals company:

Loftware is very versatile and powerful, with a lot of good technical support.

Loftware Case Study

W. L. Gore & Associates


This case study of W. L. Gore & Associates is based on an April 2017 survey of Loftware customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service.

“Loftware is a reliable partner, providing leading-edge labeling solutions along with outstanding services and support.”


W.L. Gore felt their labeling was limited with their existing enterprise applications, so they implemented Loftware to help meet complex customer and regulatory labeling requirements. The company was also challenged with time-consuming manual processes and was looking to support company growth while keeping labels consistent across their organization.

Use Case

W.L. Gore uses Loftware to simplify their label design, empower business users to update labels, and to improve traceability across the supply chain. They are also using Loftware enterprise labeling solutions to streamline manufacturing and warehouse management.


Using Loftware’s enterprise labeling solutions, W.L. Gore improved label accuracy and reduced costly labeling errors while making it easier to expand their labeling to new locations and markets.

Loftware’s direct professional services and support teams helped ensure a smooth deployment and knowledge transfer.

W.L. Gore became better equipped to address customer requirements by improving the handling of requirements such as content, barcodes, images/branding, formatting and languages. They also improved their responsiveness to customer labeling changes.

W.L. Gore is better able to stay compliant with regulations and industry standards while reducing the risks of costly fines and supply chain disruptions or stoppages. W.L. Gore recouped their investment in Loftware in less than 6 months.

Because they use Loftware’s enterprise integration, they can make label changes quickly, easily support expansion to new locations and increased visibility over the entire labeling process.

Loftware Customer Research

Using Loftware Spectrum to standardize our labeling efforts provided my organization the primary benefit:

Improved label accuracy and reducing costly errors
Reduced label template maintenance
Reduced the costs to manage and maintain multiple label systems
Enabled high volume global printing to a wide range of printer makes and models
Offered ease of deployment and scaling to new locations
Access to experienced professional services and support
Provided better branding and consistency in labeling

Loftware Spectrum Customer Research

Benefits of Labeling with Loftware Spectrum

What benefits have you experienced since using Loftware Spectrum? (Multiple selections possible)

Enables high volume label printing across our enterprise
Improves accuracy and consistency of label data
Assures regulatory compliance
Enhances ability to meet customer demands
Scales easily to meet our increasing business growth
Extends labeling activities to suppliers, partners, vendors, and other business partners
Enhances ability to meet regional and language requirements
Reduces demand on IT resources
Significantly reduces the number of label templates

More to Explore

About Loftware

Loftware is the global market leader in Enterprise Labeling and Artwork Management solutions with more than 5,000 customers in over 100 countries. Offering the industry’s most comprehensive digital platform, with SaaS, cloud-based and on-premise solutions, Loftware redefines how enterprises create, manage and print complex labeling and packaging artwork and scale across their operations. Loftware enables customers to uniquely meet regulatory mandates, mitigate risk, reduce complexity, ensure traceability, improve time to market and optimize costs as they meet customer-specific, brand, regional and regulatory requirements with unprecedented speed and agility.

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