TechValidate Research on Demandbase

65 TechFacts – Page 3 of 3

Demandbase Customer Statistic

Value of Demandbase

95% of surveyed organizations say that Demandbase is committed to customer success


Demandbase Customer Statistic

Value of Demandbase

96% of surveyed organizations say that Demandbase provides innovative solutions


Demandbase Customer Statistic

Value of Demandbase

87% of surveyed organizations say that Demandbase is indispensable to their business


Demandbase Customer Statistic

Benefits of Demandbase

85% of surveyed organizations said they are achieving the business value they anticipated or more.


Demandbase Customer Testimonial

Demandbase has allowed our marketing team to be able to build thoughtful and effective ABM campaigns aligned with our sales team. From running 1:1 campaigns sporadically, we’ve been able to build a program that allows us to run 20+ 1:1 campaigns on a quarterly basis.

Demand Generation Manager, Medium Enterprise Computer Software Company

More Research on Demandbase