TechValidate Research on Crisis Prevention Institute

These pages present data that TechValidate has sourced via direct research with verified customers and users of Crisis Prevention Institute. TechValidate stands behind the authenticity of all published data. Learn more »

19,817 Customers Surveyed

161,447 Data Points Collected

1110 Published TechFacts

95 Published Charts

700 Published Case Studies

Selected Research Highlights

Crisis Prevention Institute Case Study

US Department of Veterans Affairs (Maryland) and Dementia Capable Care Training


This case study of US Department of Veterans Affairs is based on a September 2016 survey of Crisis Prevention Institute customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service.

“With DCS, staff are now more understanding of resident behaviors. They are often able to identify triggers for potentially negative behavior, intervene, and make the situation more pleasant for both residents and themselves. Nurses assistants, in particular, express these feelings.”

“DCS has improved staff skills in promoting positive behavioral responses with clients.”

“DCS gives our facility a competitive edge, which yields a solid marketing advantage.”


  • Sought DCS training and consulting to:
    • Increase client function, safety, and quality of life
    • Improve staff, resident, and family relationships
    • Improve staff skills and confidence in handling challenging behaviors
    • Reduce psychotropic medication use
    • Meet regulatory compliance
    • Decrease staff turnover and stress


  • Describes their memory care environment as a VA facility


  • Improved their dementia care practices by 50–74%.
  • Using DCS training resulted in:
    • Improved provisioning of person-centered care
    • Decreased use of psychotropic medication
    • Decreased decline in ADL performance
    • Decreased staff turnover
    • Decreased hospitalizations or ER visits
    • Improved resident engagement in meaningful activities
    • increased family education and involvment in resident care
  • Achieved return on their investment with DCS by:
    • Increasing clients’ function, safety, and quality of life
    • Improving staff, resident, and family relationships
    • Improving staff skills and confidence in managing challenging behaviors
    • Reducing psychotropic medication use
    • Reducing ER visits and hospitalizations
    • Meeting regulatory compliance
    • Decreasing staff turnover and stress

61% of Healthcare Organizations Say:

“CPI training has improved my organization’s HCAHPS score.”

Crisis Prevention Institute Customer Research

69% of Facilities Cut Worker Comp Claims by 20% or MORE

As a result of implementing CPI techniques, how much have worker compensation claims decreased?

Over 50%
Below 20%

Crisis Prevention Institute Customer Satisfaction Rating

Rosa Garcia, a Bus Driver at Harlandale Independent School District, would be very likely to recommend Crisis Prevention Institute for this reason:

I’ve used it in different aspects of my life not just at work.

61% of Correctional Facilities Cut Use of Force in Half

How much has the use of force been reduced since implementing CPI techniques?

Over 50%: 61%
40—49%: 6%
30—39%: 11%
20—29%: 6%
Below 20%: 17%

Crisis Prevention Institute Case Study

Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches


This case study of Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranch is based on a May 2016 survey of Crisis Prevention Institute customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service.

“Nonviolent Crisis Intervention® training is a great resource when working with youth!”

“CPI improved staff de-escalation skills, improved overall safety, and has become ingrained in our training.”

“CPI has created unity in how we respond to crisis situations.”


  • Sought Nonviolent Crisis Intervention training to:
    • Meet regulatory compliance
    • Improve staff confidence in working with challenging clients
    • Improve staff skills in managing behaviors


  • Categorizes their organization as private placement and foster care.


  • Reduced challenging/disruptive behaviors by over 50% since implementing CPI de-escalation techniques.
  • Reduced the use of force by over 50% since implementing CPI techniques.
  • Achieved return on investment with CPI by:
    • Meeting regulatory compliance
    • Reducing liability
    • Improving staff skills and confidence

More to Explore

About Crisis Prevention Institute

CPI is a standard-setting resource for organizations that serve society’s most vulnerable. Their proven model for staff training and personalized support empowers professionals who strive to sustain true cultures of compassion.

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