TechValidate Research on 4C

These pages present data that TechValidate has sourced via direct research with verified customers and users of 4C. TechValidate stands behind the authenticity of all published data. Learn more »

1,576 Customers Surveyed

10,933 Data Points Collected

41 Published TechFacts

5 Published Charts

85 Published Case Studies

Selected Research Highlights

4C Case Study



This case study of Socialyse USA is based on a July 2016 survey of 4C customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service.

“The user interface is very intuitive and easy to use. I also find the targeting tools to be highly effective.”


Top reasons for choosing 4C:

  • Comprehensiveness of major publishers and geographies
  • Insights into data science and analytics

Use Case

Key media and advertising objectives:

  • Awareness/branding
  • Reach/frequency
  • Social engagement (likes, retweets, repins, shares, comments, etc.)
  • Video views
  • Website clicks
  • Website conversions


Improvements in advertising results from 4C:

  • Brand awareness increased over 100%
  • Engagement rate increased over 50%
  • Lead volume increased over 10%
  • Sales revenue increased over 50%

Realized a return on investment in less than 3 months after signing with 4C.

Saves more than 6 hours per week.

4C Customer Research

Since using 4C, my ROAS has increased by:

More than 100%: 6%
76-100%: 6%
51-75%: 20%
26-50%: 23%
1-25%: 46%

The bulk editing and copy / paste features have saved me a ton of time when rotating creative on a monthly basis. It allows for multiple ad / post creation, which typically is very manual if done directly within Power Editor or the Twitter Ads UI. I also very much enjoy the targeting sets and how easy it is to apply to current or new ad sets.

Steve Moon, Social Media Strategist, Resolution Media

4C Social Case Study



This case study of Socialyse France is based on a May 2017 survey of 4C Social customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service.

“[4C has] the ability to house multiple platforms from one API.”


Top reasons for choosing 4C:

  • Advancing audience targeting with unique datasets
  • Accessing innovative social advertising capabilities
  • Connecting TV and social activity to converge marketing channels into seamless consumer experiences

Key media and advertising objective:

  • Website conversions

Use Case

4C features and functionalities used:

  • Publishers managed with 4C:
    • Twitter
    • Pinterest
    • LinkedIn
  • Features currently deployed:
    • Social Sync: TV / Sport / Weather triggers
    • 4C Affinities
    • Report Center


Improvement in advertising results from 4C:

  • Lead volume increased up to 9%

Saved 5-8 hours per week by using 4C.

4C Social Ads Drive Brand Awareness

53% of clients improved their brand awareness by 50% or more with 4C.

4C Customer Research

Since using 4C, my ROAS has increased by:

More than 100%: 6%
76-100%: 6%
51-75%: 20%
26-50%: 23%
1-25%: 46%

More to Explore

About 4C

4C is a global leader in data science and media technology with solutions for multi-screen convergence. Brands, agencies, and media owners rely on 4C to improve effectiveness across channels and devices.

  Mediaocean Website