TechValidate Research on Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence

These pages present data that TechValidate has sourced via direct research with verified customers and users of Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence. TechValidate stands behind the authenticity of all published data. Learn more »

4,081 Customers Surveyed

30,935 Data Points Collected

427 Published TechFacts

50 Published Charts

23 Published Case Studies

Selected Research Highlights

Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence Customer Research

Are you aware that you can schedule annual service up to a year in advance with Hexagon?

Yes: 52%
No: 48%

Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence Case Study

National Institute Of Standards And Technology


This case study of National Institute of Standards and Technology is based on a November 2017 survey of Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service.

“The Leica Absolute Tracker has given me more insight and confidence in my manufacturing process.””

“Easy to set up and technician-friendly "


The business challenges that led the profiled organization to evaluate and ultimately select Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence:

  • Faced the following challenges in their inspection process before partnering with Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence:
    • Ensuring that dimensional stability requirements and quality specifications were met
    • Comparing CAD models to as-built assemblies
    • Aligning parts for assembly
    • Reverse engineering parts and components
  • Evaluated the following vendor before choosing the Leica Tracker:
    • FARO

Use Case

The key features and functionalities of Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence that the surveyed organization uses:

  • Agrees that the Leica Absolute Tracker was their first choice when choosing a portable laser tracker solution.


The surveyed organization achieved the following results with Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence:

  • Chose a Leica Absolute Tracker for the following reasons:
    • Ease of use
    • Superior training and support
    • Portability
  • Agrees that it was extremely easy to learn how to use the Leica Tracker as compared to similar products.
  • Leica Tracker features that enabled a reduction in the amount of time dedicated to inspection tasks:
    • Six degrees of freedom (6DoF) probing capabilities
    • Hot-swappable battery power supply
  • Increased productivity at their facility by 30-39% after using their Leica Tracker.
  • Saw a return on their investment in 4-6 months after using their Leica Tracker.

Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence Customer Testimonial

Measuring capabilities with the CMM far exceed any other system of inspection. Accuracy, time, and repeatabilities are all benefits of the PC-DMIS software and the CMM machine.

Kyle Terrill, Quality Engineer, Strategix Medical Solutions

Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence Customer Research

Are you aware that Hexagon offers contract programming and inspection services?

Yes: 70%
No: 30%

CABINET VISION Customer Testimonial

We have been able to take on a whole different type of work. That work is now the mainstay of our company.

Ken Barclay, Design Engineer, T&R Fixtures

Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence Case Study

Triumph Group


This case study of Triumph Group is based on a November 2017 survey of Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service.

“The Leica Absolute Tracker has given me more insight and confidence into my manufacturing process.”

“Quality improved after using our Leica Tracker.”


The business challenges that led the profiled company to evaluate and ultimately select Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence:

  • Faced the following challenges in their inspection process before partnering with Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence:
    • Ensuring that dimensional stability requirements and quality specifications were met
    • Comparing CAD models to as-built assemblies
    • Aligning parts for assembly
    • Determining tool and die wear
    • Reverse engineering parts and components
  • Evaluated the following vendors before choosing the Leica Tracker:
    • FARO
    • 3D Scanning (Atos)


The surveyed company achieved the following results with Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence:

  • Chose a Leica Absolute Tracker for the following reasons:
    • Ease of use
    • Superior training and support
  • Agrees that it was easy to learn how to use the Leica Tracker as compared to similar products.
  • Leica Tracker features that enabled a reduction in the amount of time dedicated to inspection tasks:
    • Six degrees of freedom (6DoF) probing capabilities
    • Speed and scanning volume of the Leica T-Scan
    • Flexible (Reflector, Probe, Scanner) solution that can be used in a wide variety of inspection applications
  • Increased productivity at their facility by 30-39% after using their Leica Tracker.
  • Saw a return on their investment in 4-6 months after using their Leica Tracker.

More to Explore

About Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence

Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence helps industrial manufacturers develop the disruptive technologies of today and the life-changing products of tomorrow.

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