TechValidate Research on Research and Litigation Solutions

These pages present data that TechValidate has sourced via direct research with verified customers and users of Research and Litigation Solutions. TechValidate stands behind the authenticity of all published data. Learn more »

10,708 Customers Surveyed

85,625 Data Points Collected

889 Published TechFacts

27 Published Charts

793 Published Case Studies

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Selected Research Highlights

Improve Your Practice With Lexis Advance

My practice is improved both by the Lexis Advance Headnote system as well as its ability to easily access related material.

Public Defender, Non Profit

Lexis Advance Case Study: Am Law 100 Firm

“Lexis Advance has allowed me to double-check my research results.”


  • Solved the following challenges with Lexis Advance:
    • Need for comprehensive & relevant results

Use Case

  • Has 200 or more attorneys.
  • Practices the following areas of law most frequently:
    • Commercial/Contract
    • Construction/Real Estate/Building Management
    • Intellectual Property
    • Litigation


  • Rated Lexis Advance in terms of how critical it is:
    • Their personal practice: highly critical
    • Their organization: critical
  • Ranked the following Lexis Advance capabilities as compared to the competition:
    • Ease of use: better
    • Efficiency of search: better
    • Relevance of results: better
    • Breadth & strength of content: much better
    • Innovative features: much better
  • Increased productivity by at least 25% using Lexis Advance

Lexis Advance Case Study: Large Law Firm

“Lexis Advance is more efficient than”


  • Solved the following challenges with Lexis Advance:
    • Need for comprehensive & relevant results
    • Need for greater search efficiency
    • Need for increased breadth and strength of content
    • Need for mobility — to access research on a tablet or smartphone

Use Case

  • Has 51 to 99 attorneys.
  • Chose Lexis Advance over the following competitor:
    • WestlawClassic®
  • Practices the following areas of law most frequently:
    • Insurance Defense
    • Labor & Employment
    • Litigation
    • Product Liability


  • Rated Lexis Advance in terms of how critical it is:
    • Their personal practice: highly critical
    • Their organization: critical
  • Ranked the following Lexis Advance capabilities as compared to the competition:
    • Efficiency of search: better
    • Innovative features: better
  • Increased productivity by at least 10% using Lexis Advance

Lexis® for Microsoft® Office Customer Testimonial

I use Lexis for Microsoft Office to check cites and Shepardize™. Check the cites and quotes is my favorite feature. These are truly time-saving features.

Paralegal, 50+ Attorney Law Firm

Shepard’s® Customer Survey

What types of challenges does Shepard’s help you solve?

Know that authorities are still good law
Improve productivity by streamlining & expediting research
Find additional authority to bolster arguments
Ensure you aren’t missing pertinent legal info that could hurt your case
Improve service to clients and/or internal stakeholders
Avoid costly mistakes
Reduce research costs

LexisNexis for Labor & Employment

What types of labor or employment law-related challenges does LexisNexis help you solve?

The need to stay on top of emerging issues and trends
The need to know the current state of the law (case law, statutes, regulations, etc.)
The need for practical guidance from authorities in the field
The need to pinpoint precedent language for drafting and negotiating
The need to maintain employment compliance
The need to access comprehensive content to help research and prepare cases
The need to inform litigation strategies

More to Explore

About Research and Litigation Solutions

LexisNexis® is a leading global provider of content and technology solutions that enable legal professionals to work in faster, easier and more effective ways, make informed decisions and achieve better business outcomes.

Research and Litigation Solutions Website   LexisNexis Website