Research and Litigation Solutions TechValidate
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About This Research Data

The research data presented here was collected directly from LexisNexis customers by TechValidate.

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Lexis Advance for Corporate Counsel

A selection of TechValidate research findings from surveys of Research and Litigation Solutions customers and users.

Energy Industry: Lexis Advance Financial Services Industry: Lexis Advance Insurance Industry: Lexis Advance Manufacturing Industry: Lexis Advance High Tech Industry: Lexis Advance Life Sciences Industry: Lexis Advance Membership & Non Profit Organizations: Lexis Advance Professional Services: Lexis Advance Telecommunications Industry: Lexis Advance


Energy Industry: Lexis Advance

Energy industry legal professionals are choosing Lexis Advance for their legal research & validation needs. See why they've made the switch.

14 Items

Track Relevant Legislative Developments with Lexis Advance Alerts
Rely on the Speed and Accuracy of Lexis Advance
Effortlessly Find Public Records and Up-To-Date Case Law with Lexis Advance
Easily Find What You Need with Lexis Advance
Corporate Counsel prefer to use Lexis Advance for their legal research
Critical and comprehensive materials with Lexis Advance
Corporate Counsel rely on Lexis Advance

Lexis Advance Case Study: Large Enterprise Energy & Utilities Company
Make effective decisions, faster with Lexis Advance
Corporate Counsel increase their productivity with Lexis Advance
Access exhaustive content with Lexis Advance
Corporate Counsel find Lexis Advance is easier to use than the competition

Lexis Advance Case Study: Fortune 500 Energy & Utilities Company

Lexis Advance Case Study: S&P 500 Energy & Utilities Company

Financial Services Industry: Lexis Advance

Financial services professionals are choosing Lexis Advance for their legal research & validation needs. See why they've made the switch.

10 Items
Easily Find Relevant Information with Lexis Advance
Get to Problem Resolution Right Away with Lexis Advance
Efficient and Thorough Research with Lexis Advance
Corporate Counsel prefer to use Lexis Advance for their legal research
Corporate Counsel rely on Lexis Advance
Corporate Counsel increase their productivity with Lexis Advance
Corporate Counsel find Lexis Advance is easier to use than the competition
Intuitive design yields relevant results with Lexis Advance

Lexis Advance Case Study: Large Enterprise Financial Services Company

Lexis Advance Case Study: Medium Enterprise Financial Services Company

Insurance Industry: Lexis Advance

Insurance legal professionals are choosing Lexis Advance for their legal research & validation needs. See why they've made the switch.

12 Items
Locate Crucial Cases for Motions with Lexis Advance
Helpful Background Searches with Lexis Advance Public Records
Corporate Counsel prefer to use Lexis Advance for their legal research
Achieve your goals more efficiently with Lexis Advance
Save Time by Shepardizing Cases with Lexis Advance

Lexis Advance Case Study: Large Enterprise Insurance Company

Lexis Advance Case Study: Large Enterprise Insurance Company
Corporate Counsel rely on Lexis Advance
Corporate Counsel increase their productivity with Lexis Advance
Faster results with the combination of Lexis for Microsoft Office and Lexis Advance

Lexis Advance Case Study: Large Enterprise Insurance Company

Lexis Advance Case Study: Large Enterprise Insurance Company

Manufacturing Industry: Lexis Advance

Manufacturing industry legal professionals are choosing Lexis Advance for their legal research & validation needs. See why they've made the

4 Items
Increased Efficiency with Lexis Advance
Easily Narrow Down Search Results with Lexis Advance
Track Legislative Developments Using Lexis Advance Alerts
Tap into Broad Content with Lexis Advance

High Tech Industry: Lexis Advance

High Tech industry legal professionals are choosing Lexis Advance for their legal research & validation needs. See why they've made the switch.

1 Item
Provide Sound Counsel with Lexis Advance

Life Sciences Industry: Lexis Advance

Life Sciences industry legal professionals are choosing Lexis Advance for their legal research & validation needs. See why they've made the switch.

4 Items
Efficient Researching with Lexis Advance
Save Time with the Easily Accessible Forms in Lexis Advance
Flexible Searching and Relevant Results with Lexis Advance
Get More Research Done Using Lexis Advance

Membership & Non Profit Organizations: Lexis Advance

MO & non profit legal professionals are choosing Lexis Advance for their legal research & validation needs. See why they've made the switch.

22 Items
Stay Up-to-date on Statutes with Lexis Advance
Efficiently Find Information with the Intuitive Interface of Lexis Advance
Quick and Accurate Public Records in Lexis Advance
Get Great Customer Support with Lexis Advance
Corporate Counsel prefer to use Lexis Advance for their legal research
Corporate Counsel rely on Lexis Advance
Corporate Counsel find Lexis Advance is easier to use than the competition
Corporate Counsel gain more efficient searches with Lexis Advance
Corporate Counsel get more relevant results with Lexis Advance
Corporate Counsel get superior content with Lexis Advance
Corporate Counsel appreciate the innovation of Lexis Advance
Corporate Counsel increase their productivity with Lexis Advance
Ease of use reduces the need for outside counsel with Lexis Advance

Lexis Advance Case Study: Membership Organization

Lexis Advance Case Study: Membership Organization
User-friendly features deliver relevant results with Lexis Advance
Eliminate steps to reach the results you need with Lexis Advance
Easier research gets results more quickly with Lexis Advance

Lexis Advance Case Study: Membership Organization

Lexis Advance Case Study: Non-Profit

Lexis Advance Case Study: Non-Profit

Lexis Advance Case Study: Non-Profit

Professional Services: Lexis Advance

Prof. Services legal professionals are choosing Lexis Advance for their legal research & validation needs. See why they've made the switch.

17 Items
Never Miss Deadlines with Lexis Advance
Access Beneficial Customer Support and Training for Lexis Advance
Reduce Outside Counsel Expenses with Lexis Advance
Quickly Find Industry Relevant Information Using Lexis Advance
Don't Miss Case Updates With Lexis Advance Alerts
Organize Search Results Using Lexis Advance Folders
Lexis Advance Customer Satisfaction Rating
Corporate Counsel prefer to use Lexis Advance for their legal research
Corporate Counsel rely on Lexis Advance
Corporate Counsel find Lexis Advance is easier to use than the competition
Corporate Counsel gain more efficient searches with Lexis Advance
Corporate Counsel get more relevant results with Lexis Advance
Corporate Counsel get superior content with Lexis Advance
Corporate Counsel appreciate the innovation of Lexis Advance
Corporate Counsel increase their productivity with Lexis Advance
Enhanced Organization and Mobility with Lexis Advance
Stay Up-to-Date with Lexis Advance

Telecommunications Industry: Lexis Advance

Telecommunication legal professionals choose Lexis Advance for their legal research & validation needs. See why they've made the switch.

12 Items
Reliable Access to Relevant Information with Lexis Advance
Corporate Counsel prefer to use Lexis Advance for their legal research
Corporate Counsel rely on Lexis Advance
Corporate Counsel find Lexis Advance is easier to use than the competition
Corporate Counsel gain more efficient searches with Lexis Advance
Corporate Counsel get more relevant results with Lexis Advance
Corporate Counsel get superior content with Lexis Advance
Corporate Counsel appreciate the innovation of Lexis Advance
Corporate Counsel increase their productivity with Lexis Advance

Lexis Advance Case Study: S&P 500 Telecommunications Services Company
Save time and money with Lexis Advance

Lexis Advance Case Study: Fortune 500 Telecommunications Services Company