Research and Litigation Solutions TechValidate
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About This Research Data

The research data presented here was collected directly from LexisNexis customers by TechValidate.

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Lexis Advance for Government

A selection of TechValidate research findings from surveys of Research and Litigation Solutions customers and users.

State & Local Government: Lexis Advance Federal Government: Lexis Advance


State & Local Government: Lexis Advance

State and local government legal professionals are choosing Lexis Advance for their legal research needs. See why they're making the switch.

34 Items
State & Local Government Users Rate the Efficiency of Lexis Advance
State & Local Government Users Rate the Search Flexibility on Lexis Advance
State & Local Government Productivity Increase With Lexis Advance
Search Public Records More Effectively With Lexis Advance
Close Open Cases by Using Lexis Advance
Improve Your Practice With Lexis Advance
Shepardize More Efficiently By Using the Highlight Passages Function on Lexis Advance
Quickly Make Practical Choices Thanks to the Efficiency of Lexis Advance
Don't Waste Time-Promptly Search and Pull Relevant Case Law With Lexis Advance
Find Case Law and Win Your Arguments With Lexis Advance
Accurately Support Your Position With Current Case Law by Using Lexis Advance
Become an Expert in Areas Beyond Your Expertise With Lexis Advance
Widespread Access to the Most up to Date Case Law With Lexis Advance
Conduct Legal and Public Records Research With Lexis Advance

Make Your Staff and Yourself More Efficient With Lexis Advance
Win Cases With Lexis Advance
Save Hours of Research Throughout Your Career With Lexis Advance
Anybody Can Shepardize(R) With Lexis Advance
Easy Access to Federal and State Precedent with Lexis Advance
Do Your Due Diligence with Lexis Advance
Helpful, Accurate, Current-Lexis Advance
Find People With Lexis Advance
Easily Take Research to Trial With Lexis Advance Folders
Shepard's(R) Tools Provide Helpful Citation Service Within Lexis Advance
Contact and Assist More Victims with Lexis Advance
Be More Effective with Lexis Advance
Save Important Searches in Folders and Search with Boolean Search Terms with Lexis Advance

Effective Training Available Covering All Areas of Lexis Advance
Get Easy to Use Folders and Alerts  With Lexis Advance
Get An Essential Tool for Legal Research by Using Lexis Advance
Clear, Easy to Use, and Concise-Lexis Advance

Research Made Easy with Lexis Advance
Prosecute Sexual Predators and Domestic Violence Offenders with Lexis Advance
Make Sure Mail Get's Where It Needs To by Using Lexis Advance Public Records

Federal Government: Lexis Advance

Federal Government legal professionals are choosing Lexis Advance for their legal research & validation needs. See why they've switched.

31 Items
Federal Government Users Rate the Efficiency of Lexis Advance
Federal Government Users Increase Productivity with Lexis Advance
Users In Federal Government Rated Lexis Advance Search Flexibility
Lexis Advance Makes Research Easier
Easily Filter Results for More Efficient Researching in Lexis Advance
Easily Organize and Annotate Relevant Files with Lexis Advance Folders
Easily Find Information with Lexis Advance
Access Comprehensive Historical News with Lexis Advance
Organize Your Research with Lexis Advance
Accurate, Updated Information in Lexis Advance
Provide Legal Advice Quicker with Lexis Advance
Efficiently Work on Audits and Investigations with Lexis Advance
Easily Find Relevant Precedents with Lexis Advance
Start with Lexis Advance

Speed Your Legal Research with Lexis Advance
Easily Find Information and Access It Again with Lexis Advance
Search Public Records More Efficiently with Lexis Advance
Easily Shepardize Case Law with Lexis Advance
Lexis Advance is Accessible Anywhere
Work Anywhere, Anytime, On Any Device with Lexis Advance
Tap Lexis Advance for News and Public Records
Back Decisions with Reliable and Comprehensive Information Using Lexis Advance
Research Efficiency with Lexis Advance Folders
Reliable Public Records in Lexis Advance
Preventing Fraud with Lexis Advance
Use a More Intuitive Interface with Lexis Advance
Easily Find People with Lexis Advance
Be More Efficient with Lexis Advance Research Maps and Folders
Lexis Advance Provides Substantial Results in a Few Keystrokes
Quickly Find Comprehensive Public Records and Archived Codes with Lexis Advance
Efficiently Research with Lexis Advance