TechValidate Research on Gusto

These pages present data that TechValidate has sourced via direct research with verified customers and users of Gusto. TechValidate stands behind the authenticity of all published data. Learn more »

11,829 Customers Surveyed

107,989 Data Points Collected

1561 Published TechFacts

8 Published Charts

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Selected Research Highlights

Gusto Customer Testimonial

Gusto has made compliance easier, and they are always available to answer any questions.

Office Manager, Small Business Construction Company

Gusto Partner Research

How does Gusto provide value to your firm?

It is valuable to my firm to be able to offer HR tools and services (time tracking, PTO, access to HR experts, etc.) to my clients through Gusto.
It is valuable to my firm to be able to offer benefits (health insurance, 401(k)s, etc.) to my clients through Gusto.
It is valuable to my firm to be able to offer HR and benefits that are integrated with payroll to my clients.
Gusto makes it easier for my firm to focus on advisory services for my clients.
Joining Gusto for Partners was a good decision for my firm.
Gusto helps my firm grow.
None, Gusto doesn't provide value

Gusto Customer Research

Users spent an average of 24 minutes running payroll when using traditional payroll providers.

How much time (in minutes) did you spend each time you ran payroll before Gusto (with your previous payroll provider)?

Average Response by Company Size:

Educational Institution
60 Minutes
Large Enterprise
5 Minutes
Medium Enterprise
157 Minutes
25 Minutes
Small Business
22 Minutes
Overall Average
24 Minutes

Gusto Customer Testimonial

[With Gusto] it takes me 3 minutes start to finish and at the end of the day all my required recordings and payments are taken care of….that’s sweet and allows me to do what I do.

Dante Fiore, Business Owner, Denise Fiore Homes

More to Explore

About Gusto

Gusto provides payroll, benefits and HR to over 40,000 small business customers.

Gusto Website   Gusto Website