TechValidate Research on Celigo

These pages present data that TechValidate has sourced via direct research with verified customers and users of Celigo. TechValidate stands behind the authenticity of all published data. Learn more »

746 Customers Surveyed

5,733 Data Points Collected

97 Published TechFacts

71 Published Charts

13 Published Case Studies

Selected Research Highlights

Celigo Customer Testimonial

Celigo Impact

We’ve gained efficiencies through automation of processes without having to add additional headcount. We’ve Improved customer experience because of faster processing times.

Financial Director, Medium Enterprise Retail Company

Celigo Customer Research

How long would you estimate it took to achieve value from your Celigo investment?

3 months or less: 23%
3 to 6 months: 23%
6 to 9 months: 24%
9 to 12 months: 16%
More than a year: 14%

Celigo Case Study

Small Business Retail Company


This case study of a small business retail company is based on a December 2020 survey of Celigo customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“It’s automated many external integrations and it works well for our current needs. With the question on the previous page about would you buy Cegio again, given the big price increase for this year then I don’t think we would. We didn’t evaluate other solution before choosing Celigo but we have since.”


The business challenges that led the profiled company to evaluate and ultimately select Celigo:

  • The following were the challenge that made them initially look for an integration solution.
    • General need to automate for scale

Use Case

The key features and functionalities of Celigo that the surveyed company uses:

  • When comparing Celigo to other vendors, they ranked how important the following were:
    • Ease of use: Important
    • Pre-built integrations: Important
    • Monitoring and error management: Important
    • Ability to scale: Important
    • Features/functionality of (iPaaS) platform: Very Important
  • They also explored the following before selecting Celigo:
    • None – only considered Celigo
  • They are automating the following by using Celigo:
    • Order processing
    • Warehouse sync and 3rd party integrations with
  • In the next 6-12 months they are planning to automate the following using integration through any method:
    • Data warehouse/Analytics
    • Bank reconciliation


The surveyed company achieved the following results with Celigo:

  • Has done the following with Celigo in place:
    • Met their SLAs
    • Made business cases possible which we wouldn’t attempt without iPaaS
  • They estimate > $100k cost savings or revenue growth tied to the implementation of Celigo.
  • Estimates it took 6 months to achieve value with Celigo.

Celigo Case Study

Handshake Get Hired


This case study of Handshake – Get Hired is based on a December 2020 survey of Celigo customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service.

“If I had to make the choice again, I would select Celigo.”

“Celigo has helped us scale our Order to Cash process while ensuring utmost data integrity and controls. We’ve been able to manage what data flows, when it flows, and review logs to enable a completeness check.”


The business challenges that led the profiled company to evaluate and ultimately select Celigo:

  • The following were the challenge that made them initially look for an integration solution.
    • General need to automate for scale
    • Slow and inaccurate financial reporting
    • Need to reduce days sales outstanding
    • Too many manual processes
    • Data silos impacting business operations
    • Inefficient use of resources
    • Slow order processing impacting customer experience
    • Poor data quality

Use Case

The key features and functionalities of Celigo that the surveyed company uses:

  • When comparing Celigo to other vendors, they ranked how important the following were:
    • Ease of use: Important
    • Pre-built integrations: Very Important
    • Monitoring and error management: Important
    • Ability to scale: Very Important
    • Features/functionality of (iPaaS) platform: Very Important
  • They also explored the following before selecting Celigo:
    • None – only considered Celigo
  • They are automating the following by using Celigo:
    • Quote to cash
    • Accounting/Billing/invoicing
    • Cash flow management/visibility (RevOps)
    • Order processing
  • In the next 6-12 months they are planning to automate the following using integration through any method:
    • ADP to Netsuite FTP integration


The surveyed company achieved the following results with Celigo:

  • Has done the following with Celigo in place:
    • Expand/grow without adding a ton of people
    • Moved resources to high value areas
    • Reduced their operational costs through efficiency gains
    • Met their SLAs
    • Improved their data quality
    • Accelerated billing/cash flow
    • Their financials are accurate
    • We close their books faster
  • They estimate > $50k cost savings or revenue growth tied to the implementation of Celigo.
  • Estimates it took More than a year to achieve value with Celigo.

Celigo Customer Research

With value in mind, what cost savings or revenue growth are your projecting tied to the use of Celigo in the next 3-12 months?

More than $1,000,0000: 2%
$250,000 to $1,000,0000: 9%
$100,000 to $250,000: 23%
$25,000 to $100,000: 36%
Less than $25,000: 30%

Celigo Customer Fact

Celigo Impact

OwnBackup said they have seen $250,000 to $1,000,0000 in cost savings or revenue growth tied to their implementation of Celigo.

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