TechValidate Research on Arista

These pages present data that TechValidate has sourced via direct research with verified customers and users of Arista. TechValidate stands behind the authenticity of all published data. Learn more »

856 Customers Surveyed

6,999 Data Points Collected

148 Published TechFacts

17 Published Charts

6 Published Case Studies

Selected Research Highlights

Case Study: Small Business Financial Services Company


This case study of a small business financial services company is based on a December 2015 survey of Metamako customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“Metamako devices simplify networks, reduce latency, and increase flexibility.”


  • Key drivers for purchasing Metamako devices:
    • Lower trading latency
    • Gain operational advantages
  • Evaluated the following other vendors before purchasing Metamako devices:
    • Exablaze
    • XCelor
    • Arista
    • Gigamon
    • CPacket

Use Case

  • Rates the following Metamako capabilities compared to the competition:
    • Latency profile: best in class
    • Signal re-generation: best in class
    • Layer 1+ features (stats etc): significantly better
    • Ease of use: better
    • Reliability: significantly better
  • Top use cases for implementing Metamako devices:
    • Reconfigurable Patch Panel
    • Tapping
    • Timestamping
    • Multiplexing Connections (Order Entry)
    • Tap Aggregation


  • Found Metamako’s support services to be better than other network vendors.

Metamako Customer Satisfaction Rating

Straight to the point – we love our customers!

Why would you be likely to recommend us?

Because it is Metamako.

Metamako Customer Research

Tapping is the dominant Metamako data capture use case. Is timestamping the biggest opportunity?

Thinking specifically about your Metamako devices, which non- latency-reduction functions do you use Metamako for?

Network problem diagnosis
We use it only for latency reduction
Network security
Risk management

Case Study: Medium Enterprise Financial Services Company


This case study of a medium enterprise financial services company is based on a December 2015 survey of Metamako customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“Metamako devices simplify networks, reduce latency, and increase flexibility.”

“The products have allowed us to implement complex solutions in a more manageable and reliable fashion.”


  • Key drivers for purchasing Metamako devices:
    • Lower trading latency
    • Reduce Costs
    • Gain operational advantages
  • Evaluated the following other vendors before purchasing Metamako devices:
    • Exablaze
    • XCelor
    • Arista
    • Gigamon

Use Case

  • Rates the following Metamako capabilities compared to the competition:
    • Latency profile: significantly better
    • Signal re-generation: better
    • Ease of use: better
    • Reliability: better
  • Top use cases for implementing Metamako devices:
    • Connection Monitoring
    • Reconfigurable Patch Panel
    • Media Converter
    • Failover
    • Scalable Broadcast
    • Timestamping
    • Deploy custom written applications or FPGA code
    • Test Lab
    • Multiplexing Connections (Order Entry)
    • Tap Aggregation


  • Reduced their operational costs by up to 25% with Metamako.
  • Found Metamako’s support services to be better than other network vendors.
  • Improved their trading hit-rate after deploying Metamako.

Arista Customer Statistic

Technical know-how

91% of surveyed organizations are very satisfied with the technical know-how of the engineers at Arista TAC.


Metamako Customer Research

Simplify your network in 2017

Using the same device for Tapping, Aggregation, and Timestamping functions would:

Simplify the network
Reduce costs
Remove points of failure
Makes no real difference

More to Explore

About Arista

Arista Networks pioneered software-driven, cognitive cloud networking for large-scale datacenter and campus environments. Arista's award-winning platforms, ranging in Ethernet speeds from 10 to 400 gigabits per second, redefine scalability, agility and resilience. Arista has shipped more than 20 million cloud networking ports worldwide with CloudVision and EOS, an advanced network operating system. Committed to open standards, Arista is a founding member of the 25/50G consortium. Arista Networks products are available worldwide directly and through partners.

  Arista Networks Website