TechValidate Research on Frost & Sullivan ARCHIVED Surveys

Executive MindXchange Customer Research

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein would not go to a trade show!

What are the problems that plague today’s “traditional” trade show and/or conference?

Transient audience drives few relationships
Content and presentations are inconsistent and a one-way push from the podium
Networking is limited & activities are dull, resulting in lack of touch points with participants
Poor communication & customer service by organizers
Lack of true decision makers in attendance
More a PR opportunity vs demand generation vehicle
Too much competition
Lack of ROI

About This Data

This data was sourced directly from verified users of Frost & Sullivan ARCHIVED Surveys by TechValidate.

TechValidate verifies the identity and organizational affiliation of all participants that contribute to published research data. When research participants so desire, we also guarantee their anonymity so that they may share information honestly and freely.

Respondent Details

More Research on Frost & Sullivan ARCHIVED Surveys