TechValidate Research on Wonolo

These pages present data that TechValidate has sourced via direct research with verified customers and users of Wonolo. TechValidate stands behind the authenticity of all published data. Learn more »

617 Customers Surveyed

4,240 Data Points Collected

291 Published TechFacts

7 Published Charts

14 Published Case Studies

Selected Research Highlights

Wonolo Customer Research

Wonolo for Hospitality

“In a survey of Hospitality customers, 60% state Wonolo has enabled them to streamline staffing solutions, and 80% state Wonolo has enabled us to bring back the same workers.”

Wonolo has enabled us to streamline our staffing solutions
Wonolo has enabled us to bring back the same workers

Wonolo Customer Testimonial

Wonolo is our Flexible Staffing Partner

I love that Wonolo provides the ability to post jobs for the next day or two weeks out based on whatever our schedule demands. Plus with the ability to select ‘Favorites’, we’re working on building a solid team to easily identify workers for future requirements.

Procurement Director, Small Business Retail Company

Wonolo Case Study

Lessing’s Hospitality Group


Lessing’s Hospitality Group is comprised of over 100 locations throughout the Northeast and Florida – operating 20 wedding and catering venues, 19 full-service restaurants, 2 pop-up kitchen concepts, over 60 corporate and academic dining centers, and a historic inn. This case study is based on a March 2022 survey facilitated through TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service, and the responses from Billy Johnson, Director of Operations, and Mike Figuerado, Director of Operations, at Lessing’s Hospitality Group.

“You can get people in and try them out to see if they are a good fit.” – Mark Figuerado, Director of Operations

“Love the platform and the freedom to control the employee engagement on the back end” – Billy Johnson, Director of Operations


Before partnering with Wonolo, Lessing’s Hospitality Group faced challenges with competition for quality workers, the time-consuming process of reviewing resumes and scheduling interviews, and workers not coming in for interviews that were scheduled.

They were staffing jobs using local and national staffing agencies, however, they experienced additional obstacles with consistency, pricing, and complex processes for placement while using these services. Once workers were found, there was a lack of transparency into the workers accepting their jobs and scheduling issues.

In addition to using traditional staffing agencies, Lessing’s Hospitality Group attempted to offset labor challenges by ramping up internal hiring efforts, including offering more flexible hours, attending job fairs, and using job platforms like Indeed. Ultimately, they reevaluated their labor strategy and selected Wonolo as their streamlined staffing solution.

Use Case

Lessing’s Hospitality Group partnered chose to partner with Wonolo for the following key features and capabilities:

  • Ability to streamline the number of staffing partners used
  • Reduced time to fill key operations jobs
  • Solution of taking on the full-placement process
  • Ability to adjust the number of jobs posted per day based on demand
  • Scalable solution allowing various team members to manage job requests in multiple locations
  • Ability to align with workers’ preference for flexible hours
  • Support and customer service teams
  • Help with optimizing job postings


During onboarding, Lessing’s Hospitality Group was able to implement Wonolo with minimal operational disruption. Since then, they have seen increased staff productivity, reporting that Wonolo has impacted their operational KPIs by 50-75%.

Johnson says that the best values of Wonolo have been “the reduced administrative effort to quickly and easily find workers to fill jobs, a scalable labor solution with easy access to reporting and job visibility, and alignment with worker preferences by leaning into flexibility.”

Meanwhile, Figuerado says “Wonolo helped alleviate the day-to-day task of sourcing workers, reviewing resumes, and evaluating the right workers.” They agree that “Wonolo saved time by taking on the full placement process and optimized job postings to get better workers.”

When asked what they like most about using Wonolo, the Lessing’s Hospitality Group directors said, “excellent level of customer service from the account management and support teams, ease of posting jobs, and the ability to adjust the number of workers needed up or down from day to day.” They also enjoy the “real-time visibility of fill rate and the high number of repeat workers returning to [their] jobs.”

Compared to internal HR/sourcing efforts, they ranked Wonolo’s abilities:

  • Performance: Significantly Better
  • Ease of Use: Best In Class
  • Reliability: Better
  • Scalability: Better
  • Cost Efficiency: Significantly Better

Compared to external/traditional staffing agencies, they ranked Wonolo’s abilities:

  • Performance: Best In Class
  • Ease of Use: Best In Class
  • Reliability: Best In Class
  • Scalability: Best In Class
  • Cost Efficiency: Best In Class

Since implementing Wonolo, Lessing’s Hospitality Group uses no other services. Wonolo is now their only staffing solution.

Wonolo Customer Testimonial

I’m very satisfied with Wonolo and find the ease of use of the platform so valuable. The quality of workers on Wonolo is much better in comparison to other staffing solutions, and we’ve been able to convert workers found on Wonolo to full-time. Wonolo helped us meet aggressive production goals by efficiently filling our job openings.

Operations Manager, Small Business Retail Company

Wonolo Customer Research

How does Wonolo compare to external/traditional staffing agencies?

Best In Class Significantly Better Better About The Same Not Better

Ease of Use
Cost Efficiency

Wonolo Case Study

Summit Cold Storage Partnered with Wonolo to Meet Demand


This case study of Summit Cold Storage is based on a December 2022 survey of Wonolo customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service.

“We were forced to refuse work from our customers due to a lack of consistent labor… Wonolo gave us a steady stream of reliable workers to help fulfill our customers’ needs.”


Prior to using Wonolo, Summit Cold Storage was employing a local staffing agency to fill jobs. However, Operations Manager, Michael Newman, said there was still a “lack of available temporary employees.”

Use Case

Michael Newman is a Wonolo end-user, logging into the platform to manage job postings and find the workers Summit Cold Storage needs.


After partnering with Wonolo, Summit Cold Storage was able to start filling jobs. They have also enjoyed the following features:

  • Ability to invite back favorite workers
  • High number of repeat workers returning to their jobs
  • Ease of posting and/or modifying job postings
  • Ability to confirm payments as soon as a job’s completed
  • Ability to use Wonolo’s customer app, WonoloPro, on cell phones
  • Excellent level of customer service from the account management and support teams

More to Explore

About Wonolo

At Wonolo, we recognize the barriers that make it difficult for people to find fulfilling work and for companies to find quality workers. We believe that there’s a better way to connect people and jobs. A transparent way that trusts people from diverse backgrounds. An equitable way that offers everyone broad job opportunities with best-in-class protections. A versatile way that provides flexibility for the dreamer and consistent work for anyone who wants stability.

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