TechValidate Research on OpenLogic

These pages present data that TechValidate has sourced via direct research with verified customers and users of OpenLogic. TechValidate stands behind the authenticity of all published data. Learn more »

8 Published TechFacts

10 Published Case Studies

Selected Research Highlights

OpenLogic Customer Satisfaction Rating

What Our Customers Are Saying

An IT Manager at a Fortune 500 Financial Industry Organization would be very likely to recommend OpenLogic for this reason:

The experience with technology support and the cost savings for third party support on OSS is worth doing.

OpenLogic Case Study

Global 500 Banking Company


This case study of a Global 500 banking company is based on an April 2021 survey of OpenLogic customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“Provides Gold level support for critical FOSS infrastructure programs makes it easier to keep those programs in use.”


They have been concerned with the following when it comes to developing with open source technologies:

  • Security
  • Too much complexity in package selection
  • Trusting that we are downloading safe and security bits.

Use Case

When asked which efforts have seen the most success when choosing an open-source solution, they said:

  • Big Data
  • Application modernization
  • Cloud migration
  • Digital asset transformation and management
  • Federation and middleware

Confirmed that when it comes to having a comprehensive and viable open source consumption strategy, it is important to have:

  • Access to deep expertise
  • SLO-driven contracted support
  • Vulnerability patching and maintenance capability (critical)


The surveyed company achieved the following results with OpenLogic :

  • What OpenLogic enabled them to do:
    • Avoid downtime
    • Reduce maintenance
  • OpenLogic compared to other vendors they have previously evaluated or used:
    • Ticket Response Time: superior
    • Ticket Resolution Time: superior
    • Support Staff Expertise: superior
    • The range of packages supported: superior
  • Importance of OpenLogic’s end of life / long-term support maintenance capabilities related to the following:
    • Linux and other operating systems: important
    • Application Platforms (Java, Node.js, PHP, etc): highly important
    • Databases: highly important
  • Level of agreement with the following:
    • OpenLogic support saves them a significant amount of time: agree
    • OpenLogic consistently meets or exceeds their contracted support ticket SLAs: agree

OpenLogic Customer Statistic

82% of surveyed organizations rated OpenLogic’s range of packages supported as superior compared to other vendors they have previously evaluated or used.


OpenLogic Case Study

Global 500 Insurance Company


This case study of a Global 500 insurance company is based on an April 2021 survey of OpenLogic customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“Ability to support Open Source utilities and tools.”


They have been concerned with the following when it comes to developing with open source technologies:

  • Security
  • Too much complexity in package selection

Use Case

When asked which efforts have seen the most success when choosing an open-source solution, they said:

  • Big Data
  • Application modernization
  • Cloud migration
  • Digital asset transformation and management

Said that it is extremely important that their open-source support vendor offers support for a full solution stack

Confirmed that when it comes to having a comprehensive and viable open source consumption strategy, it is critical to have:

  • Access to deep expertise
  • Vulnerability patching and maintenance capability


The surveyed company achieved the following results with OpenLogic :

  • What OpenLogic enabled them to do:
    • Reduce maintenance
    • Maintain security compliance
    • Facilitate an overall open source risk strategy
  • OpenLogic compared to other vendors they have previously evaluated or used:
    • Ticket Response Time: better
    • Ticket Resolution Time: better
    • Support Staff Expertise: superior
    • Ease of engaging the support team: better
    • The range of packages supported: best in class
  • Importance of OpenLogic’s end of life / long-term support maintenance capabilities related to the following:
    • Linux and other operating systems: highly important
    • Application Platforms (Java, Node.js, PHP, etc): crucial
  • Surveyed company strongly agrees with the following:
    • OpenLogic support saves them a significant amount of time
    • OpenLogc adds value to their organization’s overall security strategy
  • Realized a payback in their investment with OpenLogic in within the first year.

More to Explore

About OpenLogic

We believe in the transformative power of free open-source software. It enables anyone to innovate, regardless of budget. As more people actively collaborate on open source projects, the number and quality of free software tools continues to increase, helping to spur even faster advancements across all industries, including health sciences, banking, manufacturing, and technology.

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