TechValidate Research on Oomnitza

These pages present data that TechValidate has sourced via direct research with verified customers and users of Oomnitza. TechValidate stands behind the authenticity of all published data. Learn more »

676 Data Points Collected

45 Published TechFacts

5 Published Charts

19 Published Case Studies

Selected Research Highlights

Oomnitza Customer Statistic

Secure Offboarding Challenges

Before adopting Oomnitza, almost 1/3rd
of organizations faced security, data privacy, audit and compliance risks when offboarding employees, due to process blindspots and
error-prone manual tasks.


Oomnitza Customer Research

Oomnitza Automates Employee Offboarding to Help Reduce Costs, Reduce the Risk of Unauthorized Access, and Improve Compliance

Prior to adopting Oomnitza, what manual processes or challenges did you face when offboarding employees?

Timely and complete reclamation of all endpoints and accessories
Revocation of access to systems, SaaS and cloud resources (SSO and non-SSO managed)
Reassignment and reuse of software licenses and cloud resources
Document execution, attestation and audit proof for reclamation, legal hold, data retention, asset disposal, etc.
Security, data privacy, audit and compliance risks due to process blindspots and error-prone manual tasks

Oomnitza Case Study

Medium Enterprise Financial Services Company Centralizes Inventory, Mitigates Compliance Gaps, and Improves Efficiency with Oomnitza.


This case study of a medium enterprise financial services company is based on an October 2022 survey of Oomnitza customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“We are in a much better position to understand our technology inventory and location around the world because of Oomnitza..”


The business challenges that led the profiled company to evaluate and ultimately select Oomnitza:

  • Before using Oomnitza’s ETM Platform, they had a:
    • Lack of complete visibility/inventory into technology assets (endpoints, SaaS/on-premises applications, infrastructure, cloud)
    • Inefficient, manual and error-prone tasks to complete regulatory, industry and vendor audits
    • Inability to accurately budget and forecast technology expenditure for endpoints, SaaS/on-premises applications and cloud resources
  • Before they were using Oomnitza, they were using spreadsheets to manage assets
  • Before Oomnitza, they had trouble offboarding employees because of:
    • Document execution, attestation and audit proof for reclamation, legal hold, data retention, asset disposal, etc.


  • The number of SaaS and on-premises applications currently in use throughout their organization is over 150.
  • They have over 10,000 technology assets including endpoints (laptops, mobile devices, IoT), infrastructure (servers, storage, cloud instances), network devices, SaaS/on-premises software licenses, and accessories managed with Oomnitza.


The surveyed company achieved the following results with Oomnitza:

  • To deploy and start benefiting from Oomnitza took 6 to 9 months
  • The business process improvement they have seen since using Oomnitza are:
    • Unified and centralized technology inventory
    • Ability to identify and mitigate security and compliance gaps
  • The number of audits that have been improved since using Oomnitza is between 3 and 5
  • They have achieved a cost savings of up to 10% from managing their technology assets with Oomnitza
  • The time saved managing their technology assets with Oomnitza is 81 to 160 hours per month (1/2 – 1 FTE)

Oomnitza Case Study

Oomnitza Helps Small Business Retail Company Solve Employee Offboarding Challenges and Save Time with a Rapid ROI


This case study of a small business retail company is based on a September 2022 survey of Oomnitza customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“Like any asset tool, it’s only as good as the data you put in to it, but the single pane of glass for all technology asset information we get with Oomnitza ETM is a timesaver for many areas of the business.”


The business challenges that led the profiled company to evaluate and ultimately select Oomnitza:

  • Before using Oomnitza’s ETM Platform they had a:
    • Lack of complete visibility/inventory into technology assets (endpoints, SaaS/on-premises applications, infrastructure, cloud)
    • Time-consuming, manual processes for managing technology assets across their entire lifecycle
    • Inefficient, manual and error-prone tasks to complete regulatory, industry and vendor audits
    • Inability to effectively manage employee onboarding and offboarding in an automated, secure and compliant manner
  • Before they were using Oomnitza, they were using:
    • Spreadsheets
    • Freshworks
  • Before Oomnitza, they had trouble offboarding employees because of:
    • Timely and complete reclamation of all endpoints and accessories
    • Revocation of access to systems, SaaS and cloud resources (SSO and non-SSO managed)
    • Reassignment and reuse of software licenses and cloud resources
    • Document execution, attestation and audit proof for reclamation, legal hold, data retention, asset disposal, etc.


  • The number of On-premises applications in use in their organization is between 51-100.
  • They have between 2,001 and 5,000 technology assets including endpoints (laptops, mobile devices, IoT), infrastructure (servers, storage, cloud instances), network devices, SaaS/on-premises software licenses, and accessories managed with Oomnitza.


The surveyed company achieved the following results with Oomnitza:

  • To deploy and start benefiting from Oomnitza took 3 to 6 months
  • The business process improvement they have seen since using Oomnitza are:
    • Hardware reclamation, cost savings and refresh forecasting accuracy
    • Ability to identify and mitigate security and compliance gaps
  • The number of audits that have been improved since using Oomnitza 2 or less
  • They have achieved a cost savings of up to 10% from managing their technology assets with Oomnitza
  • The time saved managing their technology assets with Oomnitza is up to 40 hours per month (1/4 FTE)

Oomnitza Customer Review

Another Oomnitza Customer Success and Support 5-Star Review

5/5 Stars

They gave Oomnitza that rating because:

The Oomnitza product is very straightforward and does what it is intended to do. The company and product is growing so we are finding more and more uses for Oomnitza ETM.

Oomnitza customer success and support services helped us:

We started off doing bi-weekly remote sessions with an Oomnitza account representative and they would inform us of the updates to their platform as well as new features. We deployed new workflows around loaning devices out, as well as added conditional formatting to highlight end-of-life devices.

Oomnitza Customer Research

Oomnitza Automates Employee Offboarding to Help Reduce Security, Compliance & Financial Exposures

Prior to adopting Oomnitza, what manual processes or challenges did you face when offboarding employees?

Timely and complete reclamation of all endpoints and accessories
Reassignment and reuse of software licenses and cloud resources
Audit documentation, attestation and proof for reclamation, legal hold, asset disposal etc.
Security, privacy, audit and compliance risks due to process blindspots and manual tasks
Revocation of access to systems, SaaS and cloud resources (SSO and non-SSO managed)

More to Explore

About Oomnitza

Oomnitza offers the industry’s most versatile Enterprise Technology Management platform that delivers key business process automation for IT. Our SaaS solution, featuring agentless integrations, best practices, and low-code workflows, enables enterprises to quickly achieve operational, security, and financial efficiency by leveraging their existing endpoint, application, network infrastructure, and cloud infrastructure systems. We help some of the most well-known and innovative companies to optimize resources, mitigate cyber risk, expedite audits and fortify digital experience.

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