TechValidate Research on IPC

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IPC Training and Certification Customer Review

4.5/5 Stars

Please describe how your organization benefited from the IPC training and certification.

Our staff have benefited by having a standardized work method and knowing those in this industry are all working from the same page, this has helped throughout with many difficult decisions regarding an individuals interpretations!! like a integrated IC heel-toe-fillet acceptance criteria,

Would you recommend IPC training and certification, and if so, why?

Among many other issues we have found a very high level of fulfilment among our staff at achieving there pass certification exams certificate, so all in all we are extremely pleased we joined this path as we continue to grow as a team.

IPC Training and Certification Customer Review

5/5 Stars

Please describe how your organization benefited from the IPC training and certification.

Better understanding of design work and the importance of the knowledge gained.

Would you recommend IPC training and certification, and if so, why?

Yes, it should be required by companies and recognized as a value added requirement and not just a plaque.

IPC Training and Certification Customer Fact

A S&P 500 electronics company saw better production efficiency, improved communication, higher workforce productivity, improved workforce expertise, career advancement opportunities for employees, and a more engaged workforce from having IPC Certified employees.

IPC Training and Certification Customer Fact

A large enterprise aerospace & defense company saw better production efficiency, improved communication, improved workforce expertise, and Better program and customer confidence from having IPC Certified employees.

IPC Training and Certification Customer Fact

A medium enterprise aerospace & defense company saw better production efficiency, improved communication, higher workforce productivity, improved workforce expertise, career advancement opportunities for employees, and a more engaged workforce from having IPC Certified employees.

IPC Training and Certification Customer Fact

A medium enterprise aerospace & defense company enrolled in IPC Training and Certification to improve overall production quality, reduce Scrap, improve workforce knowledge of electronic assemblies/PCBs, and improve workforce knowledge of IPC standards.

IPC Customer Testimonial

IPC Standards Deliver Consistency

Consistency in product design and manufacturing.

Engineer, Large Enterprise Consumer Products Company

IPC Customer Testimonial

IPC standards reflect the best industrial quality levels.

Business Project Manager, Educational Institution

IPC Customer Testimonial

IPC standards are benchmark guidelines to achieving the best reliable products for electronics assembly.

Manufacturing Director, Global 500 Electronics Company

IPC Customer Statistic

92% of organizations agreed with the following statement:

“Because we use IPC standards our customers believe we can consistently deliver quality built assemblies/products.”

IPC Customer Statistic

42% of surveyed Global 500, Fortune 500, Medium Enterprise, and Large Enterprise organizations have been using IPC standards for more than 20 years.


IPC Customer Statistic

81% of process/mfg. engineering departments in electronics manufacturing organizations are using IPC standards.


IPC Customer Statistic

87% of Quality Departments within Manufacturing organizations are using IPC standards.


IPC Customer Statistic

69% of surveyed organizations are contractually required to use IPC standards have experienced improved communication between their customer and their company.


IPC Customer Statistic

63% of organizations who are contractually required to use IPC standards and have experienced improved reliability of electronic assemblies/products.


IPC Customer Statistic

89% of members agreed with the following statement:

“My IPC Membership has helped me to better compete in the marketplace.”

IPC Customer Testimonial

We are Lockheed Martin, whereby the breath and depth of our products and services reach across the world, as well as the Milky Way, all of which are dependent on electronics, so our day-to-day job to ensure reliable functions of such electronics (mission success), in a sense then, contributes to the betterment of humanity and human knowledge.

Dung (Young) Tiet, Engineer, Lockheed Martin

IPC Customer Testimonial

Since our company produces medical devices, quality of the product is paramount. It is a no brainer to say that our products improve the lives of our customers every day, and being able to assure patients they are receiving products built to the highest standards of quality is obviously beneficial.

Ronald Reitan, Business Professional, Boston Scientific

IPC Customer Testimonial

Higher quality and reliability means products will last longer. So, fewer replacements are needed and the environmental impact of replacing defective products is minimized.

Eric Swenson, Engineer, International Business Machines Corporation

IPC Customer Testimonial

IPC is attempting to make sure Industry does what’s best for both the consumer and the environment. By aligning with IPC and using their standards as a guide for our business, we are helping the environment which in turn helps humanity.

Nikki Johnson, Engineer, TPP

IPC Customer Statistic

98% of surveyed organizations agree that participating in IPC surveys and receiving the reports at no cost gives their companies the benefit of industry data that would be costly to obtain from other sources.


IPC Customer Statistic

97% of surveyed organizations consider IPC a trusted source for market research.


IPC Customer Statistic

87% of surveyed organizations agree that IPC’s market research studies and reports provide unique data and insights that help them to stay competitive.


IPC Customer Statistic

97% of surveyed organizations agree that IPC market research provides useful information on industry trends that result in better business decisions.


IPC Customer Review

4/5 Stars

How have you used IPC market research and how has it helped your business?

It provides information on which way market and technology is moving.

Why I would recommend IPC:

IPC Customer Satisfaction Rating

A Business Director at a Global Fortune 500 consumer products company would be very likely to recommend IPC for this reason:

Most relevant data for the industry.

IPC Customer Satisfaction Rating

A Marketing Manager at a medium enterprise electronics company would be likely to recommend IPC market research for this reason:

Great source of industry information and insight.

IPC Customer Satisfaction Rating

Gail Pritchard, a Sales Representative at WestOak Industries Inc., would be very likely to recommend IPC market research for this reason:

Very informative information to gauge our business by.

IPC Customer Satisfaction Rating

Bradley Davis, an Owner at Ram Electronics, would be likely to recommend IPC for this reason:

Good information – if you are in this industry this is a great way to get access that others cannot.

IPC Customer Review

4/5 Stars

How have you used IPC market research and how has it helped your business?

We used the IPC market research to compare market trends with what is going on in our business.

Why I would recommend IPC:

Results have shown the market outpacing our business in specific sectors which led us to put more efforts into marketing to increase sales in those areas.

More Research on IPC