TechValidate Research on IPC

These pages present data that TechValidate has sourced via direct research with verified customers and users of IPC. TechValidate stands behind the authenticity of all published data. Learn more »

3,719 Customers Surveyed

27,829 Data Points Collected

174 Published TechFacts

46 Published Charts

1 Published Case Study

Selected Research Highlights

IPC Customer Satisfaction Rating

Bradley Davis, an Owner at Ram Electronics, would be likely to recommend IPC for this reason:

Good information – if you are in this industry this is a great way to get access that others cannot.

IPC Case Study

Medium Enterprise Industrial Manufacturing Company


This case study of a medium enterprise industrial manufacturing company is based on a December 2018 survey of IPC customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

Measuring and evaluating the received numbers give us a great opportunity to track our market share all over the world and also evaluate market development in the different industry segments.

Reliable figures and frequently fast feedback as well as the ease of operation to provide the numbers.


The business challenges that led the profiled company to evaluate and ultimately select IPC:

  • Challenges that IPC market research has helped them to overcome:
    • Measuring performance against the competition

Use Case

The key features and functionalities of IPC that the surveyed company uses:

  • Benefits derived from the information in IPC market research reports:
    • Helps measure and track our market share
    • Helps identify growing markets and business opportunities
    • Tells them how we are performing compared to the rest of the industry


The surveyed company achieved the following results with IPC:

  • They agree that IPC market research provides useful information on industry trends that results in better business decisions.
  • They agree IPC’s market research studies and reports provide unique data and insights that helps them stay competitive.
  • They do consider IPC a trusted source for market research.
  • They agree that participating in IPC surveys and receiving the reports at no cost gives their company the benefit of industry data that would be costly to obtain from other sources.

IPC Customer Research

Have you ever encountered difficulty resulting from a lack of direction in which solder alloy(s) to use?

Yes: 10%
No: 90%

IPC Customer Fact

When asked what benefits they have derived from the information in IPC market research reports, a Fortune 500 electronics company said the reports tell them how they are performing compared to the rest of the industry.

IPC Customer Research

The top ten reasons IPC Members value their membership:

Training and IPC Certification
Professional development in the electronics industry
Belonging to IPC proves that my business produces quality products
I buy IPC Standards and/or other IPC products at a discount with my membership
Voice in standards development
I believe in IPC’s mission
Knowing IPC is the voice of the electronics industry with policymakers and government
Working with IPC to find solutions to your industry challenges
Leadership opportunities in standards development
IPC Market Research allows me to stay in the know, and make strategic business decisions

More to Explore

About IPC

Since 1957, IPC — Association Connecting Electronics Industries® has been guiding the electronic interconnection industry through its dramatic changes. A global trade association dedicated to the competitive excellence and financial success of its more than 3,700 member companies, IPC represents all facets of the industry including design, printed board manufacturing, and electronics assembly and test. As a member-driven organization and leading source for industry standards, training, market research and public policy advocacy, IPC supports programs to meet the needs of an estimated $2 trillion global electronics industry.

IPC Website   IPC International Website