TechValidate Research on GreenPath Financial Wellness

GreenPath Financial Wellness Customer Testimonial

Post-covid assistance with Mortgage Assistance Applications and very tough conversations. Examples include a couple in their 80’s who were facing foreclosure because they could no longer afford their home but could not face moving. After their GreenPath conversation they told their only child the truth about their finances, she helped them get their home ready to sell.
She renovated her home to move them in and they have financial freedom again from their sale profit. Another homeowner suffered a stroke 2 years after buying her 1st home. GreenPath counselors provided her information on affordable apartments in an area she wanted to live in and we were able to negotatiate a D-I-L and assist her with her deposit and moving expenses.

VP Collections, Medium Enterprise Financial Services Company

About This Data

This data was sourced directly from a verified user of GreenPath Financial Wellness by TechValidate.

TechValidate verifies the identity and organizational affiliation of all participants that contribute to published research data. When research participants so desire, we also guarantee their anonymity so that they may share information honestly and freely.

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