TechValidate Research on Confluence

These pages present data that TechValidate has sourced via direct research with verified customers and users of Confluence. TechValidate stands behind the authenticity of all published data. Learn more »

1,915 Customers Surveyed

17,886 Data Points Collected

94 Published TechFacts

17 Published Charts

Selected Research Highlights

Confluence Customer Research

How much do you agree with the following statements?

Strongly agree Agree Somewhat agree Disagree

Confluence provides my team with a single source of truth to help increase efficiency and decrease misunderstandings.
Confluence allows my team to collaborate in real-time and stay in-sync no matter where I am.
Confluence is built to last and protects valuable knowledge as teams collect and build on the knowledge of others.
Confluence helps me make informed, confident decisions by providing access to all company knowledge.
Confluence has integrations with my favorite tools (like Slack, etc.) compared to competitors that bring teams together.

Confluence Customer Research

What is the size of your organization?

1-50: 37%
51-500: 34%
501-1,000: 11%
1,000+: 19%

Confluence Customer Testimonial

Confluence makes sharing information and resources much easier—and faster because I don’t have to wait for someone to send me a link to it. I can just search for information.

Other, Medium Enterprise Computer Software Company

Confluence Customer Testimonial

The best, if not the perfect, tool if you are looking for better ways of organizing tasks as a company that uses only Microsoft products.

Gunnar Geyer, Accounting Manager, Perspectives Climate Group

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