TechValidate Research on CAS

These pages present data that TechValidate has sourced via direct research with verified customers and users of CAS. TechValidate stands behind the authenticity of all published data. Learn more »

2,489 Customers Surveyed

12,901 Data Points Collected

438 Published TechFacts

25 Published Charts

7 Published Case Studies

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Selected Research Highlights

CAS Customer Testimonial

For synthetic work, CAS SciFinder is an essential tool. It increases the effectiveness of planning and conducting research.

Faculty, Educational Institution

CAS Case Study

Giving small business executives confidence


This case study of a small business pharmaceuticals company is based on an April 2024 survey of CAS customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“CAS SciFinder enables flexible, filterable searches that help me find unique results compared to other search methods.”


This organization generates information and ideas about agents and approaches for chemotherapy and immunoprevention research.

The business challenges that the profiled company faces and is using CAS SciFinder to help solve:

  • Determining novelty and freedom to operate
  • Finding research precedent

Use Case

The key areas that the surveyed company uses CAS SciFinder to help include:

  • Assessing the IP landscape
  • Finding commercially available chemicals
  • Identifying substances and reactions
  • Performing literature reviews to generate a hypothesis
  • Sharing information with colleagues
  • Staying up to date on research in their field

The researcher agrees that CAS SciFinder provides the following benefits to their experience:

  • It gives me access to a comprehensive collection of scientific content
  • It is easy to use
  • It quickly provides precise search results
  • Its productivity features (e.g., search history, Alerts) save me time


CAS SciFinder serves as the organization’s primary source for unequivocal agent identification. In one example it was used to identify a synonym and another CAS Number for a specific agent resulting in the discovery of many resources that answered basic questions, resulting in increased confidence before starting a project.

CAS Customer Research


To you, how important is it to be able to search by trade names and/or lab codes?

Extremely important
Kind of important
Slightly less important
Not at all important

CAS Customer Testimonial

The three best things about CAS Chemical Compliance Index:
- Ability to search by different variables
- See structures if available
- Search by regulations

Compliance / Regulatory, Large Enterprise Agriculture Company

CAS Customer Research


Would you consider being able to search by trade names and/or lab codes a benefit to your workflow?


CAS Case Study

Contributing to the synthesis of new polymers


This case study of a small business chemicals company is based on an April 2024 survey of CAS customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“Without CAS SciFinder, I would not be able to conduct proper, efficient, and professional chemistry research and synthesis. THe CAS SciFinder platform is critical for my work.”


The aim of this organization is to synthesize new polysiloxane polymers to prepare new coatings for many applications.

The business challenges that the profiled company faces and is using CAS SciFinder to help solve:

  • Accelerating research due to competitive pressures
  • Determining novelty and freedom to operate
  • Finding research precedent
  • Uncovering synthesis options
  • Help to get information about regulatory status of chemicals

Use Case

The key areas that the surveyed company uses CAS SciFinder to help include:

  • Assessing the IP landscape
  • Devising synthetic plans
  • Finding commercially available chemicals
  • Identifying substances and reactions
  • Performing literature reviews to generate a hypothesis
  • Preparing for laboratory experiments

The researcher agrees that CAS SciFinder provides the following benefits to their experience:

  • It gives me access to a comprehensive collection of scientific content
  • It is easy to use
  • It quickly provides precise search results
  • It helps me to be more prepared for my time in the lab
  • It reduces the time I spend creating a plan or hypothesis
  • I am confident that I am not missing results relevant to my research
  • It helps improve the effectiveness of my research
  • It assists in creating better synthesis plans


“Without CAS SciFinder, I would not have been able to design, prepare, and characterize a series of novel building blocks used in the synthesis of new polysiloxanes. Ultimately, the work described above was later patented.”

In general, the researcher (at least partially) associated the following outcomes with their use of CAS SciFinder:

  • Accelerated discovery
  • Improved productivity
  • Increased confidence
  • Reduced costs

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About CAS

CAS is a global organization with a proven history of leveraging scientific information to empower discovery and tackle tough business challenges. Learn how CAS helps you gain the information advantage you need to maximize the value of your research and development investments.

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