Literature review with CAS SciFinder

CAS Customer Testimonial

CAS SciFinder has exponentially cut down the time to do literature searching.

Faculty, Educational Institution

CAS Customer Testimonial

CAS SciFinder makes searching the literature significantly more efficient, both of terms of planning reaction routes and determining whether a “new” reaction is truly novel or not.

Graduate Student / Post Doc, Educational Institution

CAS Customer Testimonial

Planning laboratory work is made much easier with CAS SciFinder, which allows me to quickly retrieve relevant protocols in the chemical literature.

Jonathan Nadraws, Graduate Student / Post Doc, The University of Pennsylvania

CAS Customer Testimonial

The relevance ranking and amount of information in CAS SciFinder surpasses competing search engines.

Jonathan Nadraws, Graduate Student / Post Doc, The University of Pennsylvania

CAS Customer Testimonial

Search filters are straightforward to use and help me get to relevant articles I need.

Graduate Student / Post Doc, Educational Institution

CAS Customer Testimonial

The Alerts that I have set up to keep me up to date with the publications in my field is one of CAS SciFinder’s greatest tools.

Graduate Student / Post Doc, Educational Institution

CAS Customer Testimonial

CAS SciFinder keeps me out of the library and in the lab.

Robert Bonsall, Graduate Student / Post Doc, The University of Michigan

CAS Customer Testimonial

CAS SciFinder makes finding relevant publications much faster, giving more time for in-lab experimentation.

Graduate Student / Post Doc, Educational Institution

CAS Customer Testimonial

Relevance ranking in CAS SciFinder is extremely helpful in sorting through results. It’s a huge improvement over SciFinder.

Graduate Student / Post Doc, Educational Institution