TechValidate Research on Broadcom Automation

These pages present data that TechValidate has sourced via direct research with verified customers and users of Broadcom Automation. TechValidate stands behind the authenticity of all published data. Learn more »

253 Customers Surveyed

1,746 Data Points Collected

8 Published TechFacts

11 Published Charts

Selected Research Highlights

Broadcom Customer Research

Don’t’ Hide Status of SLA Delivery

Are Workload Automation Service Level delivery metrics published to the company (intranet, regular report, newsletter etc)?

Yes: 67%
No: 33%

Broadcom Customer Satisfaction Rating

A System Administrator at a Global 500 healthcare company would be very likely to recommend Broadcom for this reason:

The product is stable, support is excellent.

Broadcom Customer Satisfaction Rating

A Chief Technology Officer at a state & local government would be very likely to recommend Broadcom for this reason:

They just work.

Broadcom Customer Research

Discuss SLA Delivery With All Stakeholders

Are Workload Automation Service Level delivery metrics reviewed in Line of Business/Management interlock meetings?

Yes: 77%
No: 23%

More to Explore

About Broadcom Automation

AutomicĀ® empowers teams to build, use, and run an "Automation Center of Excellence" to evolve from job scheduling to Continuous Delivery, Digital Business Automation, and AIOps use cases.

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