TechValidate Research on Acme Systems B7500

These pages present data that TechValidate has sourced via direct research with verified customers and users of Acme Systems B7500. TechValidate stands behind the authenticity of all published data. Learn more »

656 Customers Surveyed

8,672 Data Points Collected

31 Published TechFacts

26 Published Charts

17 Published Case Studies

Selected Research Highlights

Acme Systems B7500 Case Study

Large Enterprise Financial Services Company


This case study of a large enterprise financial services company is based on a November 2018 survey of Acme Systems B7500 customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“I am very happy with our deployment.”


The business challenges that led the profiled company to evaluate and ultimately select Acme Systems B7500:

  • Solved the following operational challenges with their Acme Systems B7500:
    • Improved data protection of critical corporate information
    • Met infrastructure scalability requirements
    • Improved management efficiencies of existing infrastructure resources
  • Cited that the top reasons for purchasing their Acme Systems B7500 were to:
    • Meet compliance regulations
    • Meet a compressing backup window
    • Support business growth expectations

Use Case

The key features and functionalities of Acme Systems B7500 that the surveyed company uses:

  • Deployed their Acme Systems B7500 in conjunction with the following applications:
    • Oracle databases
    • IBM DB2 databases
  • Deployed the following operating system hosts in their environment:
    • HP-UX
    • Apple Mac OS


The surveyed company achieved the following results with Acme Systems B7500:

  • Achieved a payback period of 9 months.
  • Reduced their IT infrastructure Capital Expenditures (CAPEX) by Less than 10%.
  • Increased the productivity of their IT staff by 10% to 24% with their Acme Systems B7500.

Case Study: Educational Institution


This case study of a educational institution is based on a January 2016 survey of Acme Systems B7500 customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled organization asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“Acme’s sales and support teams are first-class. It is refreshing to work with such a professional team that gets things done right so that we can focus on all other IT matters instead of email.”


  • Solved the following operational challenges with their Acme Systems B7500:
    • Improved the efficiency of a business process
    • Improved disaster recovery
  • Cited that the top reasons for purchasing their Acme Systems B7500 were to:
    • Meet a compressing backup window
    • Meet increasing RPO and RTO SLAs
    • Achieve better management economies of scale

Use Case

  • Deployed their Acme Systems B7500 in conjunction with the following applications:
    • IBM DB2 databases
    • Microsoft SQL Server databases
    • Oracle Applications
  • Deployed the following operating system hosts in their environment:
    • Novell/SuSe Linux
    • HP-UX
    • Sun Solaris
    • Apple Mac OS


  • Selected their Acme Systems B7500 after evaluating the following vendors:
    • IBM
    • Cisco
    • Oracle
    • Microsoft
  • Rated the differentiation of Acme’s capabilities as follows:
    • Ease of use: Highly Differentiated
    • Reliability: Extremely Differentiated
    • Scalability: Highly Differentiated
    • Performance: Highly Differentiated
  • Achieved a payback period of 6 months.
  • Reduced their IT infrastructure Capital Expenditures (CAPEX) by 10% to 24%.
  • Increased the productivity of their IT staff by 10% to 24% with their Acme Systems B7500.

What Your Peers Use with Acme

Select which applications are used in conjunction with your Acme Systems B7500.

Oracle Applications
Oracle Databases
IBM DB2 Databases
eCommerce application
Microsoft Exchange
Microsoft SQL Server Databases
Microsoft SharePoint

Acme and Oracle Apps

63% of IT organizations use their Acme Systems B7500 in conjunction with Oracle Applications.

Testimonial: First Class Support

Acme’s sales and support teams are first-class. Its refreshing to work with such a professional team that gets things done right so that we can focus on all other IT matters instead of email.

Project Manager, Medium Enterprise Retail Company

Acme Systems B7500 Customer Research

Why did you select us?

It was installed before I arrived: 25%
It was installed for my organization with my input: 26%
It was installed for my organization without my input: 24%
I led the purchase of Acme for my organization: 25%

More to Explore

About Acme Systems B7500

Acme Systems B7500 helps organizations automate and refine all processes related to data security and storage. Acme's award winning tool has become a staple in leading industries around the globe.

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