OpenSesame TechValidate
About This Research

About This Research Data

The research data presented here was collected directly from OpenSesame customers by TechValidate.

The selection of facts presented here and any supplemental links were chosen by OpenSesame. You can explore all of TechValidate's independent research on OpenSesame here →

About TechVaidate

About TechValidate

TechValidate collects, verifies and publishes exclusive research data on technology products and services that is sourced directly from 13,362,118 verified users of those products.

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OpenSesame for the manufacturing industry

A selection of TechValidate research findings from surveys of OpenSesame customers and users.

Expertly curated content Easy LMS integration World-class support and service Training program savings and improvements

Click the image to see see how we help our manufacturing customers improve their training programs.

Industrial manufacturer saves with OpenSesame
Quick training ROI with OpenSesame
Training program efficiencies gained by manufacturing organizations
Manufacturing organizations offer more training with OpenSesame
Training savings with OpenSesame
OpenSesame helps ignite learning culture
Nidec Motor Corporation delivers training value
Manufacturers save on training costs with OpenSesame