TechValidate Research on OpenSesame

OpenSesame Customer Review

Why EnerSys Inc. recommends OpenSesame

4.5/5 Stars

How our organization uses OpenSesame:

We use OpenSesame in two ways:

  1. We have a catalog library available to all employees for their use.
  2. We incorporate OpenSesame courses into the existing curriculum for safety, electronics, management development, and basic skills.

Would you recommend OpenSesame?

Yes. There is no other source or provider that can offer the breadth of courses and publishers that OpenSesame does.

About This Data

This data was sourced directly from a verified user of OpenSesame by TechValidate.

TechValidate verifies the identity and organizational affiliation of all participants that contribute to published research data. When research participants so desire, we also guarantee their anonymity so that they may share information honestly and freely.

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