TechValidate Research on Broadcom ValueOps

These pages present data that TechValidate has sourced via direct research with verified customers and users of Broadcom ValueOps. TechValidate stands behind the authenticity of all published data. Learn more »

112 Customers Surveyed

919 Data Points Collected

16 Published TechFacts

11 Published Charts

Selected Research Highlights

Clarity by Broadcom Software Customer Research

How painful is it to gather and process status information from multiple sources?

Extremely painful: 13%
Very painful: 13%
Somewhat painful: 47%
Not so painful: 27%
Quite enjoyable: 0%

Clarity by Broadcom Software Customer Research

Do you agree Clarity helps your strategic planning achieve critical business outcomes?

Strongly agree: 12%
Agree: 41%
Neutral: 41%
Disagree: 6%

ValueOps by Broadcom Customer Statistic

91% of surveyed organizations confirmed that iteration tracking and work orchestration across numerous teams is important to the performance of their role.


ValueOps by Broadcom Customer Statistic

91% of surveyed organizations confirmed that the ability to define, measure and track outcomes and key results (OKRs) for efforts across the organization is important to the performance of their role.


More to Explore

About Broadcom ValueOps

ValueOps is our Digital Business and Agile Management Solution that is comprised of our industry leading Clarity and Rally Software.

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