TechValidate Research on Sonar

These pages present data that TechValidate has sourced via direct research with verified customers and users of Sonar. TechValidate stands behind the authenticity of all published data. Learn more »

1,313 Customers Surveyed

10,446 Data Points Collected

213 Published TechFacts

28 Published Charts

30 Published Case Studies

Selected Research Highlights

Sonar Customer Research

As your business scales, it becomes mission-critical to have a Clean Code solution that adheres to your organization’s software quality standards.

Strongly agree: 38%
Agree: 50%
Neutral: 9%
Disagree: 1%
Strongly disagree: 1%

Sonar Customer Statistic

8/10 Sonar customers saw an improvement in the quality of their codebase.

Sonar Customer Research

Automotive Industry

What are the top reasons you chose Sonar?

Establish organization-wide Clean Code standards for our codebase
Establish best coding practices in the team
Organizational code quality and security initiative
Minimize application maintenance time and costs
My development team already uses it to help them shift left

Sonar Case Study

Grant Thornton Armenia


This case study of Springs Window Fashions DIV is based on a May 2024 survey of Sonar customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service.

SonarQube has helped us reduce the risks of exposing software to external threats or data leaks.


The business challenges that led the profiled company to evaluate and ultimately select Sonar:

  • Prior to choosing Sonar, what were some of the issues you wanted to solve?
    • Lack of standardized coding practices
    • Unable to achieve or maintain code quality and/or compliance
  • What were some of the negative consequences you experienced before choosing Sonar?
    • Risk of exposure of sensitive information due to poor coding practices
    • security issues in the code
  • Did you consider any other solutions before purchasing Sonar?
    • GitHub Advanced Security
  • What were the reasons you decided to choose Sonar?
    • Branch and pull request analysis
    • Shared, unified configurations
    • Configurable SAST analysis engine
    • 25+ languages covered
    • Enterprise reporting capabilities

Use Case

The key features and functionalities of Sonar that the surveyed company uses:

  • What DevOps platform are you using?
    • Github
    • GitLab
  • What capabilities were most important to you when choosing a solution?
    • Wide range of language support
    • Enforceable code standards and fast actional feedback
    • Visibility across all projects with reporting
    • Seamless integration with your DevOps platform
  • How do you measure success?
    • Reduced technical debt
    • Aligned benchmarks and standards


The surveyed company achieved the following results with Sonar:

  • What are some of the positive outcomes your company experienced after implementing SonarQube?
    • Reduced risks of exposing software to external threats or data leaks
  • Overall Sonar helps you:
    • Analyze code and gain fast, actional feedback without slowing down development
    • Assess operational risks with real-time reporting on the reliability and security of your codebase
    • Reduce risk and support compliance with standardized coding practices

Sonar Case Study

Pacific Textiles Ltd


Pacific Textiles Ltd is a leading manufacturer of customized knitted fabric in the textile industry. The headquarters is located in Hong Kong.

“When implementing large projects with various external parties, it’s nearly impossible to maintain code quality. SonarQube has allowed us to improve the quality of the code base for these large projects — especially by allowing us to significantly reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactoring has become a much easier task.”

“Open-source commitment. Strong language support.”


What are the top reasons you chose Sonar?

  • To minimize application maintenance time and costs
  • For the organizational code quality and a security initiative

Use Case

Which capabilities of SonarQube are most useful for your organization?

  • Comprehensive security reports

Confirmed that running SonarQube sometimes helps them to find and fix issues in their code without leaving their development workflow.

Confirmed that their plan to prioritize Clean Code in their organizational goals is already in progress.

Confirmed that they sometimes practice Clean as You Code with recommended Quality Gates on new code.


They strongly agree that Sonar enables organizations to achieve their Clean Code goals predictably and systematically.

They agree that Sonar is above the competition as the best solution for Clean Code.

How they rated the following Sonar capabilities compared to the competition:

  • Speed of analysis: better
  • Detecting issues (bugs, vulnerabilities, hotspots, etc.): better
  • Contextual guidance in the development workflow: significantly better
  • Support for languages, frameworks, and infrastructure technologies: best in class
  • Administration of code quality standards using quality gates: significantly better

Confirmed that after purchasing Sonar, they saw a return on their investment within 4 – 6 months.

Confirmed that since implementing Sonar into their development workflow, they have saved 1 – 5 hours per week or more on average, addressing bad code.

When implementing Clean as You Code at your organization, what is the greatest impact it’s had?

  • The ability to standardize code quality expectations across the organization
  • The reinforcement of coding best practices

Sonar Customer Testimonial

Sonar improved the quality of our code and enforced best practices across the team.

Leandro Ferreira, C-suite (CIO/CTO/CISO), BITPAGG

More to Explore

About Sonar

Sonar’s industry-leading solution enables developers and development teams to write clean code and remediate existing code organically, so they can focus on the work they love and maximize the value they generate for businesses. Its open-source and commercial solutions – SonarLint, SonarCloud, and SonarQube – support 30 programming languages, frameworks, and infrastructure technology. Trusted by more than 350,000 organizations globally, Sonar is considered integral to delivering better software.

Sonar Website   Sonarsource Website