TechValidate Research on Patient Identification Wristbands

These pages present data that TechValidate has sourced via direct research with verified customers and users of Patient Identification Wristbands. TechValidate stands behind the authenticity of all published data. Learn more »

690 Data Points Collected

2 Published TechFacts

4 Published Charts

Selected Research Highlights

Patient ID Wristbands Customer Research

Patient ID Wristband Print Durability Tops the List of Importance, According to Clinicians.

For each feature below, please rate how important it is for a patient ID wristband to have.

Extremely important Very important Important Somewhat important Not important

Print durability
Tamper evident closure
Strength of material
Anti-microbial property

Patient ID Wristbands Customer Statistic

100% of surveyed clinicians agree that having a wristband with a more durable print would help lower their number of patient safety incidents.


Patient ID Wristbands Customer Statistic

88% of surveyed clinicians consider the print durability of barcode and text to be the most important feature of a patient ID wristband.


Patient ID Wristbands Customer Research

What is the single, most important feature of a patient ID wristband?

Print durability of barcode and text: 88%
Tamper evident closure: 4%
Strength of material composition: 1%
Anti-microbial property: 1%
Softness: 3%
Other: 3%

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About Patient Identification Wristbands

PDC Healthcare provides identification solutions for the safe and efficient management of patients.

Patient Identification Wristbands Website   PDC Website