TechValidate Research on Prevalent

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Prevalent Customer Testimonial

Prevalent has made assessing vendors infinitely easier than any manual method. Additionally, having a well-developed platform has given credibility to the program.

Aaron Morford, IT Security Administrator, Crown Equipment Corporation

Prevalent Customer Satisfaction Rating

Aaron Morford, an IT Security Administrator at Crown Equipment Corporation, would be very likely to recommend Prevalent for this reason:

Prevalent has a nice UI, is easy to use, and contains all the functions of a TPRM that I need. Additionally, the support team has been fantastic.

Prevalent Customer Review

4/5 Stars

How our organization uses Prevalent:

Vendor Risk Assessment.

Would you recommend Prevalent?

Yes – Compared to the competition, Prevalent has a seamless workflow and intuitive GUI.

Prevalent Customer Review

4.5/5 Stars

How our organization uses Prevalent:

Prevalent is used for the onboarding and tracking of risks

Would you recommend Prevalent?

I have recommended Prevalent to others. The onboarding process and tracking of risk is made easy with Prevalent.

Prevalent Customer Testimonial

Prevalent has allowed for my time to be better allocated in dealing with the actual risks rather than tracking and collection management of information.

Security Manager, Medium Enterprise Financial Services Company

Prevalent Customer Satisfaction Rating

A Security Manager at a medium enterprise financial services company would be likely to recommend Prevalent for this reason:

I have recommended Prevalent to others. I like the ease of use.

Prevalent Customer Testimonial

Formalized using a standard methodology to evaluate risk in hundreds of supplier environments.

Consultant, Fortune 500 Automotive & Transport Company

Prevalent Customer Review

5/5 Stars

How our organization uses Prevalent:

We primarily use Prevalent to assess vendor cybersecurity and compliance risk.

Would you recommend Prevalent?

I absolutely do recommend Prevalent, as it helps streamline our vendor risk management process, and provides us with quick, actionable insights.

Prevalent Customer Testimonial

Prevalent has helped us mature and streamline our vendor risk management.

Security Manager, Medium Enterprise Professional Services Company

Prevalent Customer Satisfaction Rating

A Security Manager at a medium enterprise professional services company would be very likely to recommend Prevalent for this reason:

Great customer support and the platform is easy to navigate.

Prevalent Customer Testimonial

Prevalent reduced our risk exposure by allowing us to be aware of our vendors’ risks and perform mitigation steps.

Senior IT Manager, Small Business Insurance Company

Prevalent Customer Review

5/5 Stars

How our organization uses Prevalent:

We utilize Prevalent’s vendor risk assessment process which is invaluable for us and helps reduce our risk exposure by allowing us to be aware of our vendors risks and perform mitigation steps.

Would you recommend Prevalent?

Yes – Prevalent are of great help and a very supportive team.

Prevalent Customer Testimonial

Prevalent provides an automated approach to issuing, tracking and ensuring completion of questionnaires.

Chief Security Officer, Medium Enterprise Professional Services Company

Prevalent Customer Satisfaction Rating

A Chief Security Officer at a medium enterprise professional services company would be likely to recommend Prevalent for this reason:

Easy process to get started with vendor risk assessments.

Prevalent Customer Testimonial

Less time spent sourcing information manually. Allows multiple stakeholders in our enterprise environment (cyber, legal, finance) to have centralized repository.

Security Officer, Medium Enterprise Financial Services Company

Prevalent Customer Review

4.5/5 Stars

How our organization uses Prevalent:

Review the cyber, legal, and finance information needed to complete due diligence and onboarding.

Would you recommend Prevalent?

Yes – Using Prevalent saves time.

Prevalent Customer Testimonial

We did not have a cohesive strategy before, but Prevalent has transformed our business outcomes and goals.

Engineer, Medium Enterprise Financial Services Company

Prevalent Customer Satisfaction Rating

An Engineer at a medium enterprise financial services company would be very likely to recommend Prevalent for this reason:

Prevalent has enabled us to easily accomplish our business goals and we have configured the product for easy scale-out in the future.

Prevalent Customer Testimonial

Prevalent has streamlined the vendor questionnaire process.

Tracey Gernon, IT Governance and Cyber Risk Manager, Utmost Limited

Prevalent Customer Satisfaction Rating

Tracey Gernon, an IT Governance and Cyber Risk Manager at Utmost Limited, would be likely to recommend Prevalent for this reason:

Easy to roll out and use.

Prevalent Customer Satisfaction Rating

An IT Specialist at a Global 500 pharmaceuticals company would be very likely to recommend Prevalent for this reason:

I believe Prevalent is a very good tool for supplier assessments.

Prevalent Customer Testimonial

Prevalent allows us to access vendor cybersecurity information from a single source that is reliable.

Chief Information Officer, Medium Enterprise Professional Services Company

Prevalent Customer Satisfaction Rating

Robert Fernandes, a Chief Security Officer at The Investment Center, would be likely to recommend Prevalent for this reason:

Great products.

Prevalent Customer Testimonial

Prevalent has enhanced our process and reduced turnaround times immensely.

Security Manager, S&P 500 Pharmaceuticals Company

Prevalent Customer Testimonial

Prevalent allows us to focus on the “why” when asking vendors to complete a SIG since they focus on the what, how, when, and who.

IT Professional, Large Enterprise Professional Services Company

Prevalent Customer Testimonial

Prevalent has supported our journey to evolve and adapt a monitoring process around a global pandemic.

Compliance Officer, Large Enterprise Automotive & Transport Company

Prevalent Customer Satisfaction Rating

An Engineer at a large enterprise professional services company would be very likely to recommend Prevalent for this reason:

Great platform.

Prevalent Customer Satisfaction Rating

A Risk Manager at a medium enterprise financial services company would be very likely to recommend Prevalent for this reason:

Excellent service and efficient system.

Prevalent Customer Testimonial

Transformed how we did vendor assessments from Ad Hoc to a more formalized process.

Security Manager, Large Enterprise Professional Services Company

Prevalent Customer Satisfaction Rating

A Security Manager at a large enterprise professional services company would be very likely to recommend Prevalent for this reason:

Easy to use platform, very robust. Great support.

More Research on Prevalent