TechValidate Research on Prevalent

These pages present data that TechValidate has sourced via direct research with verified customers and users of Prevalent. TechValidate stands behind the authenticity of all published data. Learn more »

157 Customers Surveyed

1,130 Data Points Collected

96 Published TechFacts

16 Published Charts

50 Published Case Studies

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Selected Research Highlights

Prevalent Customer Testimonial

My account team has been very helpful and involved in making sure our organization is as successful as possible regarding third party management.

Other, Medium Enterprise Legal Company

Prevalent Case Study



This case study of a non-profit is based on an October 2019 survey of Prevalent customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled organization asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“Security risk management for subcontractors has improved significantly; Prevalent has reduced manual analysis & improved visibility.”


The business challenges that led the profiled organization to evaluate and ultimately select Prevalent:

  • Top drivers for purchasing their Prevalent third-party risk management solution:
    • Compliance – reporting against specific regulatory or industry framework requirements
    • Stronger cybersecurity, to ensure that third parties do not introduce cyber risks that could negatively impact the business
    • Reduce operational burden (the process of assessing and evaluating vendors took too much time and resources)
    • Greater risk-based intelligence
  • Challenges that deploying Prevalent or solved for their organization:
    • A lack of automation in collecting and analyzing vendor surveys
    • A limited ability to continuously monitor vendors
    • A lack of insights to make risk-based decisions
    • An inability to share completed assessment content and supporting evidence to more quickly identify risks and vulnerabilities
    • Having no centralization of TPRM functions
  • Vendor evaluated before choosing Prevalent:
    • AdaptiveGRC

Use Case

  • Regulations or industry frameworks they must regularly report against:
  • Looking to grow the number of vendors they assess in the next 12 months by 0-10%.


The surveyed organization achieved the following results with Prevalent:

  • The following Prevalent capabilities in terms of how differentiated they are compared to the competition:
    • In-solution communication with suppliers on remediating risks: differentiated
    • Scan third-party networks and apply business intelligence to provide and “outside-in” weighted score of risks: differentiated
  • How long it took to complete an assessment:
    • Before deploying Prevalent: more than a month
    • After deploying Prevalent: 2-3 weeks
  • Saved more than 1 week per assessment on average by utilizing the Prevalent Platform.

Prevalent Customer Testimonial

Has enabled us to streamline our risk management processes and focus more on key risks; less resource-intensive for the business.

Jamie Tulacz, Risk Manager, XPS Pensions Consulting Limited

Prevalent Case Study

Large Enterprise Automotive & Transport Company


This case study of a large enterprise automotive & transport company is based on an October 2019 survey of Prevalent customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“Helps enable quicker conversation between us and the vendor. Helps quantify the risk.”


The business challenges that led the profiled company to evaluate and ultimately select Prevalent:

  • Challenges that deploying Prevalent or 3GRC solved for their organization:
    • A lack of automation in collecting and analyzing vendor surveys
    • A limited ability to continuously monitor vendors
    • A lack of insights to make risk-based decisions
    • A lack of guidance in addressing industry standards or third-party regulatory compliance requirements for cyber risk, InfoSec, or data privacy
    • An inability to share completed assessment content and supporting evidence to more quickly identify risks and vulnerabilities
    • Having no centralization of TPRM functions
    • An inconsistent methodology for vendor risk management

Use Case

  • Regulations or industry frameworks they must regularly report against:
  • Looking to grow the number of vendors they assess in the next 12 months by 11-25%.


The surveyed company achieved the following results with Prevalent:

  • Top drivers for purchasing their Prevalent third-party risk management solution:
    • Reduce operational burden (the process of assessing and evaluating vendors took too much time and resources)
    • Greater risk-based intelligence

Prevalent Customer Research

By how much are you looking to grow the number of vendors you assess in the next 12 months?

0-10%: 38%
11-25%: 29%
More than 25%+: 25%
We are not planning to grow the number of vendors we are assessing in the next 12 months.: 8%

Prevalent Customer Research

Which regulations or industry frameworks must you regularly report against?

ISO 27001
NIST 800-53

More to Explore

About Prevalent

Prevalent is helping global organizations manage and monitor the security threats and risks associated with third and fourth-party vendors.

  Prevalent Website